Thursday, December 1, 2011

Strange Floor Cleaning Products

Some people prefer to experiment with different cleaning products and this is a good technique because this way, you may discover a lot of supplies you didn't suppose that work. Well, now we are going to save you some efforts telling you more about the strange cleaning products you can use for the flooring.

One of the strangest floor cleaning products is ammonia. You can use it for more than one recipes because of its cleaning features. What it works best for is to remove old wax layers. In this case you need a cup of ammonia and water. Apply on the flooring and wait for several minutes. Then use a sponge to scrub and remove the wax. Ammonia works also great on bathroom tiles as it is capable of removing any mildew.

The lighter fluid is another strange cleaning product that can be used for the floor. If there are marks left by your black heels, you will be able to easily remove them with lighter fluid. All you need is a paper towel soaked in it. Another way to remove marks made by shoes is with pencil eraser but in case the marks are not that a lot.

Have you heard of floor cleaning with tea? Now it is time to try it but use tea that has been recently brewed. You cannot remove any stubborn spots but it works great for dirt and dust removal. After you boil the water with the tea bags and you let it cool. Use a cloth to soak in the tea and use the damp cloth to wipe the floor with it.  

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