Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cleaning the Floor is Really Important

How would you answer the question why do you clean the floor? Surely most of the people will point out as a reason the fact that they cannot let guests in their house if the floor is dirty. Some of you might answer that they clean the floor because of health issues. But there is another reason that will make you consider dealing with this task more often.

The reason is the fact that a dirty floor can be the reason for accidents. According to some researches most of the slip incidents occur because of contaminated floors and we can easily avoid that if we clean it regularly and effectively. So, it appears that floor cleaning is more important than we used to think. And it is not enough to only sweep the floor once a week because this is not going to reduce build ups. You need to remove the dirt as efficiently as you remove the dust because it can become the reason for accumulations on the floor, which later lead to accidents.

It is also important to be careful when using a wet cleaning process. Water makes every floor slippery and it many cases this turns out to be very dangerous. According to the floor cleaning professionals, the best way to handle this task is using brooms and vacuum cleaning machines and as small amount of water as possible.

The mopping process should be done with only damp mop and no excess water. This way you are going to prevent many accidents which can happen is the floor is too wet.

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