Thursday, December 15, 2011

Another Avenue to helping people live healthier.

You'll have to forgive me for my lack of posting lately,  I have been slightly distracted and it has turned into a new adventure for me!  Just another bend in the road on the way to helping people live healthier!

I have always had an interest in health and wellness, which is shown by my choice in Norwex,  I love what norwex has to offer for improving quality of life by dramatically reducing chemicals in our home.   Now I can help people meet and exceed the nutritional needs of individuals with a highly bioavilable (body-ready) antioxidant rich supplement that is an liquid formula that is PhD formulated and clinically studied.

Antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, play an important role in our over all health and well being - and slowing the aging process.   But trying to take all them from different sources can add up $$$, and without being ionic our body has a hard time absorbing the nutrients.  If you are at all a health conscious person, take supplements already or want to and don't like swallowing capsules,  I'd really like you to take a close look at my new blog and learn more about a premium liquid supplement that in each 2 oz daily dose gives over 90 nutrients, vitamins and plant sourced minerals and high antioxidant content containing Green Tea, Aloe, and mangosteen (which is on Dr. Oz's list of top 5 superfoods to be eating NOW) This nutrient formula is also found in their healthy energy drink and thirst powder for rehydration after work outs or the flu!

My task was specific: develop an ultra-premium nutrition program that is the most powerful liquid antioxidant available. To ensure the highest quality, I oversee and control all aspects of the manufacturing plant.
The result, I believe, is the perfect prescription for your optimal health.
� Yibing Wang, M.D., Ph.D.
Vemma Director of Product
Development and Research

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Here is a short 20 min recorded audio call that you can listen to
for the details on product testing and efficacy.


Please contact me if you have any questions at all or would like more information.  You can comment below, become a fan on fb and post there or visit my website, and my contact info is on the left hand side.

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