Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Remove the Persistent Coffee Stains from Your Cups

"When we drink coffee at home or in the office we often forget to clean the cups afterwards. The stains remain on the cup walls and get more and more difficult to remove. Even if you use a dishwasher, the spots will stay uncleaned and you will need a special method to get rid of them. One of the solutions, which we share with you in this article, is baking soda.

London cleaning experts recommend using it. It will make your old cups and mugs shine like new ones. It is a cheap and natural products that does not contain any chemicals and toxins. It has neutralising effect both on bases and acids and that is why it eliminates smells, not just covers them up.

When you decide to use baking soda, first put gloves on as it may be rough on your hands. Put a teaspoon of soda and the same amount of water in the cup you want to clean. The mixture will be squashy but will not dissolve entirely. Then all you need is to scrub the cup with a non-abrasive cup until the stains are gone and rinse with water. If the stains are too persistent you should put a teaspoon of soda in the cup, fill it up with hot water and add another teaspoon of soda. Leave it for several hours and your cup will be ready to clean.

This is a simple action that you can do whenever you forget your cups uncleaned and stains are on but professional cleaning London companies advise you to wash them immediately after use. Thus you will save both time and efforts and will not need to use any special techniques."

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