Thursday, December 15, 2011

Winter Cleaning Tips for Your Home

We want the winter to be over as soon as possible but despite this fact the winter is just coming and there are several more months to pass. So, instead of sitting in front of the TV and waiting for the end of the season, you can do something to improve your place using the following winter cleaning tips for your house.

I don't know why but I have the feeling that the cold winter days make us stay more often in the kitchen which means that it definitely needs some cleaning. If you want to handle everything by yourself and not to call domestic cleaners London, then you can star with the cleaning of the ceiling. We rarely open the windows during the cold days, so the ceiling in the kitchen becomes more dirty because of all the steam from the cooking process. Another thing to clean in the kitchen is the furnace. Make sure you clean it every month.

Important part of the winter cleaning is the floor and especially if there is a carpet. They have to be cleaned more when you let people come into the house with their shoes. There is know collected on the them which melts and leave stains on the floor. We recommended that you should ask everybody to leave their shoes outside. So do the domestic cleaners London who know how hard it is to clean salt water stains from the fabric.

And finally make sure you dust and clean the windows regularly. As we don't open them so often in the winter because of the cold weather, there is even more dust accumulating in the house. Having a fireplace makes the things worse, that's why you can wipe the windows with water and vinegar or just a regular window cleaner.

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