Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How to Remove Sweat Stains from Clothes

If you are practising some sport or you just love spending few hours a day in the gym then you probably have problems with sweat stains on your clothes, am I right?! Unfortunately, these kinds of spots are hard to remove, but if you know the right cleaning methods and techniques, you will be able to handle the situation.

To get rid of the annoying sweat stains, our professional cleaners in London will give you a few easy and effective tips to use. And all of them you can read in the next lines. 

1. Soak the garment in a solution of lemon and water for about 15 minutes. This way, you will be able to get rid of annoying sweat stains and will make the garment smell nice, at the same time.

2. The best way to keep your clothes clean and fresh is to wash them by hand. Use a brush to treat the affected areas. The salts and chemicals that sweat contains will make the fabric easy to tear. So, do not be too harsh with the brushing, but just gently clean the area. 

3. If you do not wash your sweaty shirts, London cleaning professionals say that mould and mildew can appear on the fabric, which can harm your skin, causing allergies or rashes. So, it is really important to wash your clothes immediately after your visits in the gym. To kill all the bacteria and germs dry the clothes in sunlight.

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