Friday, December 2, 2011

Golden Home Cleaning Tips for You

If you search for cleaning tips and tricks on the web, you will find out that there are countless articles and pieces of advice, some of them useful and some of them not that much. So, you probably ask yourself whether it would be better to find a short guide with several of the most important and helpful hints. And we decided to do it and to share with you the golden home cleaning tips for you.

I cannot call the following a rule because it is more like an advice which says it is better to bring all your cleaning supplies with you. Put everything you need for the upholstery cleaning for example in a bucket and take with you when going from one room to another. Thus you will avoid running all the time.

The next one is in fact a golden rule and it concerns the fact that you need to test everything before applying it on a fabric. Well, it doesn't mean to test or old carpet shampoo every time when you start cleaning. But if you want to test new product on your sofa, test it on a hidden area.

Everything is easier if done on time. This means that when you notice a spill or dirt on the carpet, it is better to act immediately and remove it as soon as possible. The chance to remove the ugly wine spot from the fabric is much bigger when the spill is fresh. The more you wait, the harder it becomes.

Last but not less important is the following tip: always start with the cleaning tasks which don't require wet techniques and products. For example, when upholstery cleaning, you had better vacuum and wipe dry first, then apply the cleaning products which need to be rinsed. This is recommended because this way there won't be any dust in the room to spread in the air.  

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