Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to Remove Easily Tile Flooring

What is the type of flooring in your house? Do you walk on soft carpet or you prefer having tile flooring? I like both of them but the first one is definitely better in the cold winter days. So, if you decide that you want carpet instead of tiles, then you need to remove them and it is a hard task. Well, not that hard and not impossible for you at all. Just read the following.

Step one of the tiles removing process is to book a rubbish removals to get the junk in the end. You don't want to deal with all that trash in the end by yourself, right? Plan in advance everything and call them to make sure they will be available that day. Then start the removing.

Step two is to start breaking the tiles. For this purpose, you can use a towel, which to put around the place where you work. Thus you can protect yourself from flying particles. After all you need to break them using a hammer and it is heavy enough to make a tile scatter all over the room.

Step three: remove the pieces of the broken tile. You can rent power scraper and thus remove the adhesive as well. If there is too much tiles glue and it needs stronger removing products, then you remove only the tiles and deal with the adhesive later. However, the power scraper would do the job according to me but you need to be careful using this machine if you don't have any experience with it.

When you are ready with that, there comes the time for step four. Sweep the dust and check the floor for any bumps. Let the rubbish clearance company do their job removing the old tiles. Now you can put your new flooring and enjoy cosy and warm room.

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