Friday, November 18, 2011

How to Easily Get Rid of Ants

This problem is something different than cleaning but it is not less important. It concerns everybody who has to deal with ants and they are hard to get rid of believe me. That's why you can check these useful, according to us, tips on how to easily do it.

Did you try to make the ants in your home leave using chalk? If you didn't, it is time to do it because many domestic cleaners London recommend it. How does it help? There is calcium carbonate in the chalk and it is what makes ants keep away of it. Take a piece of chalk and grind it to powder, then scatter it there where the ants appear more often. Be careful not to use it in the kitchen. It helps best to protect your flowers in the garden.

In case there are ants in the kitchen where you store food, you can use flour. Scatter it along the shelves where you see ants crossing, and on places where the ants enter the house. You will be surprised how they will stay away of the flour line.

There is one more way to get rid of ants and it is using lemons. You can use that in every room of your home which is great because it is not good idea to use chemical in the kitchen. Many domestic cleaners London say that the smell of the lemon juice is what makes ants to run away. Take a lemon and cut it on half. Take each piece and squeeze lemon juice on the places where ants use to get into the house and your problem is solved.

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