Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How to Clean a Microwave Oven in 5 Minutes

At the end of tenancy people always forget to clean something. It is usually a kitchen appliance, such as a microwave oven. But when one has dozens of chores to accomplish, it is normal to forget one or two of them. The thing is, though, that not every landlord thinks so and the microwave oven shouldn't be forgotten by all means.

The end of tenancy cleaning is not an easy job, and requires a lot of time and efforts. And a microwave cannot be cleaned for a few minutes, not if you're using the usual methods which require a lot rubbing and scrubbing. Move Out Cleaning London is offering a very easy and fast way to clean this kitchen appliance in not more than five minutes.

Squeeze a lemon in a cup and fill it up with water. Put the cup into the microwave and set the timer on two to four minutes, depending on how powerful your appliance is. The water must start boiling and coming out of the cup. The heat from the oven, the steam and hot lemon/water solution will loosen all stains and dirt, and all you'll have to do afterwards is to wipe them with a damp cloth. Your appliance will become as clean as new. This method will also remove any bad odours from your microwave.

So, if you are moving out, do not miss to clean the microwave oven because of the lack of time, but follow the advice of Move Out Cleaning London and make it shiny again. You don't have to use any chemical-based detergents for this purpose, which will save you a lot of money and will help you stay away from health problems.

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