Monday, November 21, 2011

Protect Your Carpet from Wear and Tear

There are so many articles and reviews explaining to us how to clean the carpet or how to deal with different types of stains on it. But sometimes we need to deal with something different than stains and cleaning and this is the wear and tear, which is not that hard as it sounds, if you only know how to prevent them. This short guide is for you.

Well, after all we know that the stains are some of the main reason for the wear and tear, and it is really important to get rid of them right away. If you are not able to deal with them using commercial cleaners, you can take advantage of the affordable carpet cleaning prices offered these days.

The sunlight is another enemy of the good-looking carpet and you should do your best to protect it. There are several ways to do it and the easiest one is to put blinds in the room where you have installed the carpet. You can make the sun-fading more invisible if you choose a rug in white or may be another light colour.

Another thing that can easily lead to wear and tear is the furniture which can crush the fabric. In this case calling the professionals and asking for the carpet cleaning prices won't help. In order to avoid that you can put glides or something else under it, to protect the carpet from heavy objects. The other way is to rotate the furniture and this is also helpful when there is a lot of traffic. If the carpet receives more traffic from one side, you can rotate it periodically to make it even.  

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