Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How to clean spills out of a laptop

1.       Shut down the computer immediately.
2.       Wipe up any liquid and tilt the laptop to the side to drain any liquids.
3.       Disconnect and move any external accessories from the laptop, including the power cord, printer and mouse cables, CD drive, external hard drive, modem and battery, don�t remove internal parts.
4.       Once the external accessories have been disconnected and moved, gently lift the computer and turn it to the side and upside down to drain any liquid. Tilt the computer in a variety of directions to verify that there are no pools of liquid lurking, but be careful not to shake it or handle it roughly.
5.       Repeat with removable accessories.
6.       Use a hair dryer on a cool setting to dry the laptop and its accessories if you can.
7.       Allow the computer and its accessories to dry for 24 hours before you turn it back on (or an hour if it�s urgent).
8.       If the computer does not work properly or does not turn on, take it to a professional.

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