Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How to clean a flat screen TV

1.       Turn off and disconnect your TV before you clean it. This will more clearly show the dirt and smudge and is safer.
2.       Choose either lukewarm water or a cleaning solution to clean your TV. Commercial cleaning kits that include both a cloth and cleaning solution are available. These cleaning solutions are specially formulated to clean flat screen TVs and monitors safely and are specifically labelled safe for "laptop screen" or "LCD screen." If you wish to use a solution, ensure it is marked thusly.
3.       Dampen a soft cloth (preferably chamois, micro fibre or 100 per cent cotton) with either the lukewarm water or cleaning solution. Just a gentle wiping of the screen is enough. Rubbing, scrubbing and hard pressure can damage the screen.
4.       Dust your TV and its screen regularly to avoid a build-up of dust and damage.

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