Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How to clean the inside of your PC safely

First check your owner's manual to see if the manufacturer has provided any specific cleaning instructions. If they haven�t, follow the instructions below.
1.       Gather the following supplies: a can of compressed air (available from Dick Smith Electronics or Officeworks), a specialised electronics cleaner (such as Endust for electronics) or any household plastic or metal cleaning fluid, a soft brush (such as a paintbrush) and an anti-static rag, plus a dust mask if you're allergic to dust.
2.       Shut down the computer.
3.       Leave the computer plugged into the surge protector (if you have one).
4.       Disconnect all peripherals from the computer.
5.       Remove the computer cover (see your owner's manual for instructions).
6.       Ground yourself to the computer with any professional grounding equipment or by touching a metal part of the chassis.
7.       Spray compressed air on the fan blades, power supply chassis, drive chassis and circuit boards.
8.       Gently brush off dust that the compressed air didn't dislodge.
9.       Brush any remaining dust out from the bottom of the chassis.
10.    Spray your specialised electronics cleaner or another cleaning fluid onto an anti-static rag.
11.    Wipe the inside and outside of the cover thoroughly.
12.    Replace the cover and reconnect the peripherals.

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