Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to Remove Easily Tile Flooring

What is the type of flooring in your house? Do you walk on soft carpet or you prefer having tile flooring? I like both of them but the first one is definitely better in the cold winter days. So, if you decide that you want carpet instead of tiles, then you need to remove them and it is a hard task. Well, not that hard and not impossible for you at all. Just read the following.

Step one of the tiles removing process is to book a rubbish removals to get the junk in the end. You don't want to deal with all that trash in the end by yourself, right? Plan in advance everything and call them to make sure they will be available that day. Then start the removing.

Step two is to start breaking the tiles. For this purpose, you can use a towel, which to put around the place where you work. Thus you can protect yourself from flying particles. After all you need to break them using a hammer and it is heavy enough to make a tile scatter all over the room.

Step three: remove the pieces of the broken tile. You can rent power scraper and thus remove the adhesive as well. If there is too much tiles glue and it needs stronger removing products, then you remove only the tiles and deal with the adhesive later. However, the power scraper would do the job according to me but you need to be careful using this machine if you don't have any experience with it.

When you are ready with that, there comes the time for step four. Sweep the dust and check the floor for any bumps. Let the rubbish clearance company do their job removing the old tiles. Now you can put your new flooring and enjoy cosy and warm room.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How to Clean a Microwave Oven in 5 Minutes

At the end of tenancy people always forget to clean something. It is usually a kitchen appliance, such as a microwave oven. But when one has dozens of chores to accomplish, it is normal to forget one or two of them. The thing is, though, that not every landlord thinks so and the microwave oven shouldn't be forgotten by all means.

The end of tenancy cleaning is not an easy job, and requires a lot of time and efforts. And a microwave cannot be cleaned for a few minutes, not if you're using the usual methods which require a lot rubbing and scrubbing. Move Out Cleaning London is offering a very easy and fast way to clean this kitchen appliance in not more than five minutes.

Squeeze a lemon in a cup and fill it up with water. Put the cup into the microwave and set the timer on two to four minutes, depending on how powerful your appliance is. The water must start boiling and coming out of the cup. The heat from the oven, the steam and hot lemon/water solution will loosen all stains and dirt, and all you'll have to do afterwards is to wipe them with a damp cloth. Your appliance will become as clean as new. This method will also remove any bad odours from your microwave.

So, if you are moving out, do not miss to clean the microwave oven because of the lack of time, but follow the advice of Move Out Cleaning London and make it shiny again. You don't have to use any chemical-based detergents for this purpose, which will save you a lot of money and will help you stay away from health problems.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Choosing a House is Important

Many people live on rent. Many people have encountered rental problems. And sometimes there comes a time when you get an invoice that you have to move out. You can't predict when the invoice comes and certainly you can't be prepared.

Moving out is always a long process. People always wonder what to do first, to pack or to do end of tenancy cleaning TW2. There are many things that require your attention. But really before you start packing there is a thing that must be done.

When faced with moving first you are going to need a new place. Choosing a new house is a difficult decision there are many things that you should consider when moving into a new place. Your choice has to be carefully made because you can get swindled out of your deposit money.

Usually the new place should be somewhere close to work because most people don't want to walk that much to work. And the rent must definitely be closer to the one you paid before. You have to carefully inspect the house in the beginning, to see if something is broken and in light of future end of tenancy cleaning TW2. You have to leave the house after all the same way you found it.

Finally when you choose the house in which you will live in you can handle rest of the stuff like packing, cleaning and moving. Like choosing the house, prioritise and plan your actions carefully. Knowing what you are doing you can save time and money, not to mention stress.

Friday, November 25, 2011

How to Remove Stains from Sofa

If you tell me you don't have a sofa in your house, I won't believe you because I have never seen a house without upholstery. So, as everything else in your home, the sofa also needs cleaning and it should be regular. What makes us nervous when it comes to this part of the cleaning process, is the fact that there are countless stains to deal with. But here is the decision.

One of the most important things to do when upholstery cleaning, is to act immediately. The sooner you treat the stain, the easier it comes out. Wine which is really hard to deal with can be very stubborn. Treat the spill immediately using a rag soaked in alcohol, then blot with another one but with cleaning detergent and repeat until the cloth is clean.

Some of the most often stains are those made of food, especially if you have children who adore eating on the couch. Some professionals recommend using bleach but it is not really useful and in some cases it can be harmful as well. So, if you don't want to take so harsh upholstery cleaning actions, you can use a clean cloth and stain removing detergent to blot with.

There is no need to get panic if there is a blood spot on the sofa. The procedure is the same as the one with the wine. Use white spirit to blot and remember that you should never apply hot water on a blood stain as it is going to settle it.  

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Three Methods to Get Rid of Old Furniture

Buying new house usually means that you need to buy new furniture as well. Which correspondingly leads to the question what are you going to do with the old one. That's why we decided to share with you the three main options you have, to get rid of the old pieces of furniture. Here they are.

The first and most popular method to remove everything you don't need any more is to sell it. You can either make a garage sale or just call a company which buys used furniture. Just as the junk removals, they send a truck to take everything from your house and you won't need to pay for transportation. Isn't it great?

Surprised or not, you should know that you can trade your old furniture. You won't get any money for that, but you can at least get new furniture for less, which is a good offer. In fact the discount you are going to receive depends on the state of the items you are trading. If they are in good condition, the discount you will receive will be bigger. So, do your best to return the good look of your old furniture.

The third thing you can do is to donate. After all, if you won't sell anything, why not to give a charity to someone who needs furniture. Instead of calling rubbish removals to throw away everything, you can ask them to help bring your items in a donation service. Or you can even find a foundation which is going to remove your old furniture for you without charging.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Best Upholstery Cleaning Recipes

What kind of cleaning supplies do you use to clean the upholstery in your house? Do you buy it from the store or you prefer to use home-made cleaning products? In fact there are many cleaning recipes and most of them will bring the desired results and even more. Here are the best of them.

Sometimes when dealing with upholstery cleaning, you may need a shampoo for fabric. Now you can make one of your own using only water and liquid dish-washing detergent. Pour two cups of water into a bowl, add the liquid soap and mix using mixer until the solution becomes foamy. Use the appropriate amount you need for the cleaning and throw away the rest, because you don't have to store the mixture.

There is a stain on your upholstery? Then you need stain remover such as the following one. Right away as the stain occurred, you can mix 1 tablespoon vinegar but white and half a cup of rubbing alcohol. Use the received cleaning detergent to blot the stain with it. Rinse with clear water in the end.

Sometimes there are no stains to worry about and we just need to schedule regular upholstery cleaning. It happens while cleaning the sofa to notice some small spot on it. What you can do is to mix half a cup baking soda and half a cup corn starch, and when you do that just add water until it becomes a paste. Put small amount of it on the stain and let it dry, then scrape and vacuum.

Monday, November 21, 2011

How to Remove Ink Stains

An ink stain can occur on any surface you could possibly imagine. Tables, carpets, walls, clothes and even computer monitors could be affected by some nasty ink stain. Fortunately, with a bit of effort and a few cleaning tricks, most ink stains can be successfully removed.


  1. Examine the stained area and evaluate the damage. Treating an ink stain immediately is always the best, according to cleaners Romford.
  2. Purchase a good commercial stain remover, such as Amodex, Magic Carpet Cleaner or Dye-Gone, from your local grocery or hardware store. Always apply a commercial cleaner according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  3. If you want to save some money by using a home remedy, try one of these: use acetone to remove ink stains on upholstery that cannot be laundered. The acetone will dissolve and remove the ink. However, before treating the ink stain with acetone, test the upholstery in a hidden spot for discolouration, and etc. To remove ink stains from white fabrics, rub a paste of lemon juice and salt into the affected area. Take the fabric outside and leave it in sun so the paste to dry completely, then wash the garment. To get rid of ink on coloured fabrics, soak the garment in milk overnight and then launder it as usual.
  4. Remove ink on walls and tables with whitening toothpaste. Squeeze a small amount of toothpaste on soft cloth and rub it into the ink stain. Wipe with paper towels and repeat until the stain is gone.
  5. Act with caution when removing ink stains on computer screens. Use baby wipes or spray cleaner that doesn't contain ammonia, as recommended by cleaners Roehampton. A cotton ball dampened with acetone could also do the work.

Protect Your Carpet from Wear and Tear

There are so many articles and reviews explaining to us how to clean the carpet or how to deal with different types of stains on it. But sometimes we need to deal with something different than stains and cleaning and this is the wear and tear, which is not that hard as it sounds, if you only know how to prevent them. This short guide is for you.

Well, after all we know that the stains are some of the main reason for the wear and tear, and it is really important to get rid of them right away. If you are not able to deal with them using commercial cleaners, you can take advantage of the affordable carpet cleaning prices offered these days.

The sunlight is another enemy of the good-looking carpet and you should do your best to protect it. There are several ways to do it and the easiest one is to put blinds in the room where you have installed the carpet. You can make the sun-fading more invisible if you choose a rug in white or may be another light colour.

Another thing that can easily lead to wear and tear is the furniture which can crush the fabric. In this case calling the professionals and asking for the carpet cleaning prices won't help. In order to avoid that you can put glides or something else under it, to protect the carpet from heavy objects. The other way is to rotate the furniture and this is also helpful when there is a lot of traffic. If the carpet receives more traffic from one side, you can rotate it periodically to make it even.  

Friday, November 18, 2011

How to Easily Get Rid of Ants

This problem is something different than cleaning but it is not less important. It concerns everybody who has to deal with ants and they are hard to get rid of believe me. That's why you can check these useful, according to us, tips on how to easily do it.

Did you try to make the ants in your home leave using chalk? If you didn't, it is time to do it because many domestic cleaners London recommend it. How does it help? There is calcium carbonate in the chalk and it is what makes ants keep away of it. Take a piece of chalk and grind it to powder, then scatter it there where the ants appear more often. Be careful not to use it in the kitchen. It helps best to protect your flowers in the garden.

In case there are ants in the kitchen where you store food, you can use flour. Scatter it along the shelves where you see ants crossing, and on places where the ants enter the house. You will be surprised how they will stay away of the flour line.

There is one more way to get rid of ants and it is using lemons. You can use that in every room of your home which is great because it is not good idea to use chemical in the kitchen. Many domestic cleaners London say that the smell of the lemon juice is what makes ants to run away. Take a lemon and cut it on half. Take each piece and squeeze lemon juice on the places where ants use to get into the house and your problem is solved.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

How to Remove Yellow Stains from White Shirt

Perspiration, bleach and remnants of an old stain may not have much in common but all of them may leave a nasty yellow stain on your white shirt. Leaving the stain to sit on the shirt is not an option, but do you know how to treat it properly without ruining the fabric? These steps will help you to remove those unpleasant yellow stains from your white shirt using a few simple natural remedies that will return the original bright white colour of your shirt.


  1. Soak the shirt in a bucket of undiluted white vinegar for an hour. Make sure that all stained areas are completely submerged in vinegar. The vinegar will help loosening the yellow stains and sometimes will remove them entirely.
  2. Place a towel on a flat surface in sun and lay the vinegar-soaked white shirt over the cloth with the stains face up, as suggested by cleaners Rise Park. Wait for the shirt to dry while the vinegar and sunlight work together to remove the yellow stains.
  3. Spray cool water over the site of the stains, and cover any remaining yellow spots with baking soda. Use an old toothbrush to rub the baking soda into the shirt and leave like this for few minutes.
  4. Add a heavy duty laundry detergent into your washing machine and launder the white shirt as following the care label instructions. It is advisable to leave the shirt to air dry after washing instead of using the dryer, as the heat may set any yellow stains that have persisted.

Cleaners Rise Park advise to avoid using too much bleach when washing white clothes, as bleach can leave yellow stains, too.

How to Prepare for Moving Process

Every moving process is a tough task and it takes very long time to deal with it. That's why you need to prepare about it in advance in order not to be surprised by different situations in the end. The best way to be prepared about the moving process is to plan everything several months earlier. As this is a long term period, we will share with you the things you need to do for the last one.

So, one month before the moving itself, you have to call a rubbish removals company to book them as they might decline your booking if you call them too late. You need to decide the moving date in advance and tell them the details. You should know that booking a company for the weekends or the bank holidays will be charged extra. Some of these companies offer a moving insurance as well.

When you are moving, you will most probably need cleaning company to prepare your new home for your coming and to help you leave the old one in the order it has to be. If you don't think your house needs professionals, you can deal with the cleaning by yourself. The things, which you need to pay attention to are the walls, the carpets and cupboards as well.

The last month is the time when you have to pack everything. Leave the things you don't need for the removal clearance service and find empty boxes for the rest of your belongings. Do not feel sorry for the useless items you throw away. After all you don't want your new home to be full of clutter, right?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How to Remove Oil Stains from Clothing

No matter of the type of oil, whether it is automotive, cooking or cosmetics, when it gets on your clothing the result is one � unattractive, stubborn stain. Oil stains become harder to remove with the time you are waiting before treating them. So, if you want to prevent the oil from permanently settling into your article of clothing, tackle the stain as soon as you notice it. Here are a few simple tips that will help with the removing of oil stains from clothing.


  1. Lay the stained garment on a flat surface and cover the problematic area with cornstarch. Let the cornstarch sit on the stain for about an hour to absorb the excess oil form the fabric,as advised by cleaners Regents park, then gently remove the cornstarch using a soft brush.
  2. If the garment is not dry clean only, soak it in a bucket filled with the hottest water that the stained clothing can be washed in and a small amount of dish-washing soap, such as Dawn. Let the fabric soak for 5 minutes, then start squeezing the clothing with both hands while it is still under the water to make sure that the garment is thoroughly saturated with the soapy water. Hold the article under running water to rinse out most of the soap.
  3. Finally, pre-treat the spot with a proper product like Shout or Oxyboost and launder the clothing as usual with a few clean,old towels.

Note: If the garment is very expensive do not risk removing the oil stain on your own, but best take it to a professional dry cleaner.
If you cannot remove the oil stain with the above method, consider consulting cleaners Richmond for other suitable methods.

Easy Steps to Remove Coffee Stains from Carpet

So, you have nice and good looking carpet in your living room and one day one of your nightmares became true. You poured a cup of coffee on the beautiful carpet and ruined it. Let's not panic but read the following article to find out how to deal with the stain and handle the situation.

Your first action should be to take a clean cloth and blot the coffee before it got too deep into the fibres. Try to remove as much of the coffee as you can and keep blotting until there is nothing on the cloth. If you do that right away, the stain won't have time to settle and you won't have to check the carpet cleaning prices on the market.

When you are done with the blotting, you can take a glass of water and pour some on the spot. Remember it should be cold, because the warm water is going to make the stain settle and the amount of water must be small. Take another clean cloth and blot again. Do that again until there is nothing on the cloth except clean water.

The last and final step is to use a stain remover product and treat the place. Before applying it on the fabric, you'd better read the instructions and test the product on a hidden area. If it damages the fabric, even taking advantage of the affordable carpet cleaning prices won't help you. That's why we strongly recommend that you should apply it first on a place that nobody is going to see. Be careful not to use too much of the product because the excess stain remover is going to attract more dirt after that.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sofa Cleaning Step by Step

Have you asked yourself how to clean the sofa in the living room? Do not panic, because it is not harder than carpet cleaning. And if you can handle the carpet by yourself, then you will definitely deal with the sofa without a problem. All you have to do is to do it step by step and here is how.

Step number one is to prepare the sofa for the upcoming upholstery cleaning. How to do that? You have to vacuum it first. This way you will remove the dust and debris that collect on the sofa. If you have small children, then you most probably need to vacuum even more often as there are a lot of crumbs and food spills. Pets are another problem as they leave a lot of hair and it is even harder to clean.

Before you start cleaning, there are several more things to do such as to wipe the dust from the wooden parts of the sofa. Use damp cloth to do that and remember that a sofa which warranty is in effect shouldn't be cleaned with cleaning solutions but you have to read the instructions first.

Let's consider everything else done. Now we have to start the cleaning process and we should determine what type of fabric the sofa was made of. When you do that, it is time use the upholstery cleaning products you have already bought. You are going to need a shampoo for the fabric you plan to clean. Do not forget to apply it on a hidden place first in order to find out if it is going to damage it. When you are sure there is no danger, you can start cleaning the fabric and the cushions, too.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Dos and Don'ts of the Floor Cleaning

Cleaning the carpet and the floor are important issues you have to do more regularly. Most people consider carpet cleaning as one of the hardest to do tasks and they prefer to have hard flooring in their home in order to make the cleaning chores easier and affordable. Here is short list of do's and don'ts about it.

Very important rule to remember when floor cleaning is that you don't have to use vinegar on hard flooring because it will cause the dulling of the finish. Not only that but it won't do the job you expected to. The reason is that the vinegar is low pH cleaner, so DON'T use it.

Not only the low pH cleaners can damage your floor but the high pH cleaners, too. That's why the next DON'T do tip is about using harsh soaps. They are good enough to remove the dirt from your floor but you will have to say good bye of the finish.

Another thing which is in the list with DON'Ts is the usage of wax cleaners and oil soaps. They cannot be removed and are going to leave build up on your floor which is going to make you renew the surface coat sooner than you expect.

Let's not disappoint you and give you several DO's you can follow. When dealing with the hard floor cleaning, you can use non-toxic solutions mixed with warm water. They are not going to damage the finish and the result will be amazing. In case there are some marks that cannot be removed, you can try with baking soda and a damp cloth.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cleaning the House Using Green Products

Cleaning is the most unpleasant chore for most people. Some people don't like cleaning so much that they neglect and postpone their chores always. Sometimes work builds up and you have to spend whole day cleaning. And you know there is nothing better to do on weekends but to clean.

Usually people buy all sorts of detergents that they use to clean the house. But not many people ask themselves if the cleaners are health friendly and are they toxic. People keep many detergents under the sink and spend a lot of money on them. Most of them though are not very friendly to your body. Have you ever wondered why most of the detergents require putting gloves on? Some detergents damage the skin, others emit a hazardous smell that cause bad effects on your body. Most of the end of tenancy cleaning SW11 companies use some very heavy detergents that clean effectively but can cause serious problems. Nevertheless you spend money to damage your body.

There are alternative ways for cleaning. Many end of tenancy cleaning SW11 tips advise on using a health friendly detergents which are not always cheaper. However there are ways to clean your house by using normal house hold items. Here is a short list of items that you can use to clean your house:
1. Lemons are great cleaning products and resolve most greasy stains, especially from tiles and metal surfaces
2. Baking soda can be used to clean upholstery, carpets and almost everything. It is a powerful natural cleaning detergent.
3. Toothpaste dissolve dirt especially from metallic devises.
4. Vinegar is a helpful detergent that can help you resolve tough stains and also is very useful when you are trying to get rid of nasty smells.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

How to Clean the Exterior of Your House

Living in a house has more benefits than living in an apartment. However there are also some disadvantages that come with the living in a house and one of them is the cleaning of the property. It is really hard to keep a whole house clean. It takes lots of time and efforts. Moreover, you need to maintain not only the interior of the house but its exterior, as well.

If you made a decision to clean the exterior of your house because you want to prepare it for the upcoming winter season, London cleaners will share with you some of their great tips to accomplish your cleaning mission. And here are the instructions of the professionals: 

1. It would be good to wash your house twice a year. You should estimate the climate conditions in your area and the amount of dirt collected by the rain. Before cleaning the exterior of your house you should hire or purchase a power washer that uses a garden hose to spray high-pressure water. You need to start from the top of the building and work your way down in order to avoid dirty water to affect the already cleaned areas.

2. You have to prepare a solution of 2-3 litres of water and 1 tablespoon of trisodium phosphate. Use the mixture to clean wood, rock, siding and different painted surfaces. Get rid of the mildew with bleach and a sponge. Clean stubborn spots with a solution of 2 cups water and � cup muriatic acid.

3. To remove rust on window screens, London cleaning professionals advise to use a cloth dampened with kerosene. At the end, make your wood surfaces clean with oxalic acid and a brush. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Save the Colour of Your Carpet

There are several problems you have to deal with if you have a carpet in your home. The cleaning and the stain removing are some of the most common ones. But there is one more which few people manage to deal with and this is the problem with the colour of the carpet and how to save it. So, we decided to dedicate this post to the finding of a solution.

If your carpet changed its colour the first thing you have to do is to clean it. Sometimes the carpet changes its colour because it is too dirty and its original look is hidden under the dirt. So, you can either take advantage of some of the affordable carpet cleaning prices or you can handle the process by yourself.

The cleaning might not solve the problem sometimes and in this case, there's nothing you can do because the carpet may loose its colour depending on several other things. Of course, you can prevent that if you follow several tips. Here they are.

Rule number one to follow is: deal with the spills immediately. Do not let them sit on the carpet for too long. They will damage its colour, or if they can't, then the cleaning process after that will.

Rule number two: do not let your family members and guests walk over the carpet with shoes. This way a lot of dust is going to stuck into the fibres and it is also capable of ruining the colours.

Rule number three: Always read the labels of the cleaning products you use. Many of them can cause unrepairable damage of the carpet. When you are not sure which solution to buy, you'd better call professionals. The carpet cleaning prices you may pay are lower than buying new carpet.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Keep in Touch, Become a Fan on FB!

Thank you for stopping by Green Clean Tips.
I recently created a fan page to be able to share more and interact and answer any questions you may have more easily.  I am also new with Vemma a company that provides a premium liquid supplement,  given the same common goal, to provide healthier lives and improve the quality of live for people, I have combined them on the same page.  I look forward to seeing you on FB!


How to Identify Carpet Fibers Type

Here are some tips that may help you identify different types of carpet fibers. This will help you in cleaning the carpet, because different fibers have different approaches.

Most carpets can be cleaned relatively the same way, but in some cases, when you have severe stains and you must get more aggressive in cleaning, it is a good idea to know what are you dealing with.
For instance, if you have 100% polypropylene or Olefin carpet fibers you may use chlorine bleach but you cannot use hot iron or carpet protectors. With wool, on the other hand, you are very limited to what chemicals to use.
The simplest way, to help you with your carpet cleaning, is burning. Here are the tips:

Melts and shrinks from an approaching flame and ignites quickly. It burns with a bright, sputtering flame and a lot of smoke. If you let it burn it melts and drips, has an acrid odor and results a hard black bead.
Cotton, for example, burns and the ash crumbles � so do the protein based wool and silk.
It is pretty much like polyester.
4.Cotton or Linen:
Ignite readily with an approaching flame and scorch. They burn with a yellow flame. If you remove the flame it burns with a red afterglow upon extinguishing. Leaves gray, charcoal ash.
Melts and shrinks from the flame. While burning melts and smokes a lot. Out of flame burns slowly and tends to extinguish. Burned nylon smells much like celery. The residue is a hard, black or brown, shiny bead.
Melts, shrinks in and out of flame. Continues to burn even out of flame. Looks like candle wax and leaves a tough, tan bead.
Wool, for example, burns well and the ash crumbles. Much like cellulosic fibers like cotton.
Scorches and ignites from an approaching flame, in the flame � burns with a blue flame. Out of flame extinguishes itself but with a red afterglow. Smells like burning paper and leaves a gray charcoal, light ash.
Curls away from the flame. Burns slowly. Some silk glows red. Usually self-extinguishing but may burn very slowly. Smells like singed hair. Leaves black, shiny beads that are easily crushed.
Chars and curls away from the flame. Burns rather slowly and unevenly. Self-extinguishes. Smells like burned hair. Has irregular black ash. Ashes crumble like all protein based fibers.

This information is used by professional carpet cleaning companies. Now you can use it too.

Monday, November 7, 2011

How to Remove Lipstick Stains

Lipstick is an oil-based product that can leave a nasty stain on clothing, carpeting, or furniture. The only way to remove lipstick stains is by using solvent-based removers, as the water-based cleaners will only spread and set the stain into the fabric. If you don't have any solvent available at the moment of staining, you can use a few household items to clean up the lipstick stain from your clothing.


  1. Blot vegetable or mineral oil onto the stained surface and let the oil soak into the lipstick stain for about 15 minutes.
  2. Use a terry cloth or an absorbent paper towel to soak up the excess oil by dabbing at the affected area.
  3. Mix one part ammonia and one part of lukewarm water in a plastic bowl.
  4. Dip a sponge into the mixture and wring out the excess moisture.
  5. Sponge the stained area of your garment with the ammonia solution, and then rinse thoroughly with cool water.
  6. Blot up the ammonia solution from the clothing using a clean white rag.
  7. Sponge any remaining lipstick stain with isopropyl alcohol.
  8. Pre-treat the stained area with a laundry detergent, then wash it in hot water.

Note: If the stained clothing is dry clean only, it is advisable to take it to professional cleaners instead of treating the lipstick stain on your own, as any improper treatment can set the stain permanently in the fabric, according to cleaners Battersea.
If the above cleaning method doesn't remove the lipstick stain, you can call cleaners Battersea for more cleaning tips. These professionals would be glad to share their experience in stain removing with you.

How to Sweep a Floor

If you need to sweep your floor, you first have to take the proper tools to make your job easier. Here are some tips on techniques how to sweep fast and easy the floor of your house.

First of all, you will need to choose between different types of brooms the one that is appropriate for the task you're going to deal with. Cleaners W1 advise that getting a good broom is one of the most important things for having your work done, it's worth it. For example, if you need to do the sweeping faster, take a broom with a broad end, it covers more ground at one time. If your job is an outdoor one and the area is large, choose a push broom. At the other hand, for a large indoor floor, try a dust mop, it cleans very large area with just a single pass. But don't forget that, whatever type of broom you choose, its length, weight and balance have to be exactly for you.

When you start cleaning, first clear the area from the obstacles on it such as a rug or furnishings, and forbid other family members to foot on it.

When sweeping, use overlapping strokes from the edges to the centre of the room. Don't miss the corners, because there is dust that has to be reached and cleaned.

When working the room, collect the debris into a pile. Cleaners W1 said that this action is important for the cleaning from one direction to another.

When you finish with the entire room, collect the piles with a dustpan and the broom. After that, dispose the dustpan in the trash.

How to Reduce the Dust in Your Home

No matter how often you clean and dust, there is still a thin layer of small particles everywhere in your house. Some of the commercial polishers don't help at all when it comes to dust removal. So, you have to take the things in your hands and handle the situation by yourself.

In order to reduce the dust in your house to a minimum, you have to deal with its sources first and you have to make sure you removed even the one under your bed. These tips, we are going to share with you, are recommended by some of the best domestic cleaners London. As a beginning, you need to remember that there is no need to polish every week. You can do it twice a year and use a clean cloth and vinegar during the rest of the time as it is preferable to do it at least once every week.

It is not less important to vacuum regularly. The dust that collects on the carpet or the hard flooring can be easily spread across the room. Try to vacuum under the furniture every week because most of the dust goes there and you don't see it. There is one more place where dust collects and you don't see it and this is the mattress. In order to avoid this, you can beat it on regular basis to make sure it is clean and dust free.

If you keep close to those cleaning tips our domestic cleaners London shared, you will have one more pleasant home to live in. Because believe it or not, dust can be awful and sometimes it leads to allergies we prefer to avoid.

Housewives vs Househusbands

It is no news that women are becoming more and more manly from day to day. We are looking not only at CEOs, top managers, and chief accountants but also heavy duty jobs like welders, electricians and builders � you may find women at each of these positions and strangely, it is not some rare exception but a pretty normal thing. Seems like women are slowly loosing their femininity and becoming more like men. This is not so curious though. The interesting part is that men are seem to feel pretty comfortable with that.

Many surveys show that more and more men are becoming so called �househusbands� - they tend to stay at home, not having a job sometimes, and letting their wife's to become the source of income to the household. I'm not talking about sharing chores, the usual junk removals or taking out the trash routine, but rather switching their social roles competely � women go to work, all day long, and their husbands stay at home, cleaning, taking children to and from school, cooking and more. And they like it. Alot. Some of the questioned men are admitting that they prefer it this way � no more father not being home all day long, not paying enough attention to his child.

It makes me wonder what will happen to the men in, say 150 years ? Will they still be nececery or just some sort of a luxury ? What about 300 years ? Men on call, entertainment, heavy duty and rubbish removals ? The women have proven themselves time and time again that they can be much stronger than man in almost any comparesment. This is stronger implimented in the western culture but as long as the globalization goes, it slowly spreads to asia as well. Time will tell where this will end.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

How to remove pet vomit from upholstery

1. Scoop up any solid matter from the upholstery. Use an old spoon to carefully scoop the vomit from upholstery, taking care not to further spread the vomit. Spray on a small amount of water if the solid particles need to be loosened to remove.
2. Sprinkle a generous coating of baking soda onto the vomit stain. Allow the area to dry completely for a few hours.
3. Vacuum the baking soda from the upholstery. Use the soft brush hose attachment to vacuum up the baking soda. The baking soda will have absorbed a large amount of the vomit stain.
4. Sprinkle another coating of baking soda onto the affected area. This will help to absorb any remaining vomit from the upholstery. Let it dry for a few hours then vacuum up the baking soda.
5. Pour some club soda onto the vomit. It is important to thoroughly cover the stain without completely soaking the upholstery.
6. Blot the stained upholstery with a thick stack of paper towels. Continue blotting, switching to clean portions of the paper towels frequently, until no more vomit is lifting from the upholstery.
7. Rinse the area with a rag and plain water. Dry with a clean rag to soak up excess moisture.

Upholstery Dry Cleaning Melbourne

Easy Everyday House Cleaning Routines

Can you imagine how easier your cleaning would be, if you deal with small parts of the cleaning process every day? You probably can't if you haven't even tried to do it. But once you make your own everyday cleaning schedule, you will see the pros of the regular handling of small tasks. Here is a short list we made for you.

Everyone knows how awful it is to leave the so-called dirty tasks for the end of the week. And then you have two options: to either spend the whole day dealing with cleaning or to call domestic cleaners London to help you. So, keeping close to the following tips is going to save you time and money. On everyday basis you have to:

Make the bed � That's the first thing you should do in the morning, after you get up. Otherwise the bedroom is going to look like a mess all day long.

Wash the dishes � If you have a big family, then you may need to load the washing machine everyday. But if you are a family of two, then you can wash them by hand but do it everyday.

Do the laundry � This is also a task to deal with every day. I suppose you don't want to spend a day dealing with several loads.

In order to reduce the clutter, you have to pick up the unnecessary things that were scattered around the house at least once a day. If you have children, then it needs to be done more often, but after all the kids can always help you. Even your domestic cleaners London will be surprised how successfully your kids can handle the clutter.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Dangerous Chemicals You'd Better Avoid Using

When we clean any part of our beautiful house, all we care about is to make it shiny and clean and we use harsh and dangerous chemicals. But do you think about the risk you take? It is high time to consider your family members' healthy living and start using more eco-frindly products. Probably when we tell you more about the dangerous chemicals you have to avoid, you will think about it.

If you prefer green cleaning instead of the regular one, you can ask your domestic cleaners London in advance about the techniques they use. You can ask them to use products which contain less harmful ingredients. You probably don't know but the air fresheners are really dangerous. Few people realize that they are very toxic and can lead to headache and dizziness, and even nose bleeds. So, you'd better make your own air fresheners using essential oils.

Talking about dangerous chemicals you can avoid, there is no chance to skip mentioning the bleach as it ranks as one of the most toxic cleaning chemicals. The sodium hypochlorite it contains is capable of causing skin burns and it irritates the eyes and the respiratory track.

I am not going to surprise you, if I tell you that the drain cleaners are also hazardous because they have sodium hydroxide and trichloromethane. They are both capable of irritating your nose and eyes, not to mention that the last one is very dangerous for the nervous system. So, next time when you have to unclog the drain, you'd better ask your domestic cleaners London how to make your cleaning greener.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

How to Organize Your Garage

Do you have enough time to organize your home? And what about the garage � is there any clutter in it? People usually pay more attention to the areas that receive more traffic such as the hallway and the living room. But it doesn't mean that you should skip cleaning and organizing the other rooms and the garage.

Decluttering this place is almost the same as decluttering every other part of the house. What is different is the fact that you may need professional rubbish removals because the garage is the place where we store a lot of things and most of them hard to remove. First you have to decide what you are going to throw away and what you want to keep. Then try to store the things you need in proper way.

The best way to reduce the clutter in your garage is installing cabinets where you can store instruments and other things of this type. The garage is usually a small room and using off-the-ground cabinets is more convenient because it leaves more free space for you. If you put labels on every box or drawer, you are going to make it one idea more comfortable and instead of shovelling around, you will be able to find whatever you need.

It is good to recycle, so you can put recycling bins in front of the entrance and inside the garage. If you deal with the garbage on regular basis, then it won't be necessary to handle the rubbish clearance at once.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How to Clean Antique Furniture

If you have good antique furniture in your house and you want to keep them for long time in their best possible condition, you have to follow some steps to keep them clean all the time. Thus your furniture will be well cared for and clean.

First of all, you need to remove the old wax from the surface of the furniture. Any good cleaner won't be able to penetrate a surface like that. For that purpose, you will need a paint thinner kept in a well-ventilated room. Always wear gloves and mask on your face.

Cleaners SW3 advice you to pour just a small amount of that cleaner into a glass bowl. When ready use an extra fine pad of steel wool and rub gently with circular motions on the surface of the furniture. Be careful when rubbing, don't use too much pressure because you can scratch the wood and its surface. When the old wax begin to re-liquify, use a soft cloth to rub it off. If you are sure all the wax is removed, you can continue with cleaning.

Remove gently the residue of the old wax with a mixture of dish-washing liquid and warm water, using a soft cloth from one area to another. When the wax is removed from the entire surface with a damp cloth, you are ready to reapply a new wax. However, you have to leave the furniture to dry before you start to clean the scratches, discolorations and others. Recommended product from Cleaners SW3 to help you with this task is the so called touch-up marker pen for furniture.

After finishing this, you may now reapply the new wax on the furniture surface. It will protect the surface which is now clean and shiny for a long time. You can also use silicone-based products for this aim.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How to remove ice cream stains from fabric upholstery

1. Immediately scrape to remove any excess ice cream.
2. Sponge the area with a dry-cleaning solvent.
3. Apply dry spotter and cover with an absorbent pad moisted with dry spotter. Let it stand as long as any stain is being removed. Change the pad as it picks up the stain and keep the stain and pad moist with dry spotter.
4. Flush with one of the liquid dry-cleaning solvents. If any stain remains, apply a few drops of liquid dishwashing or laundry detergent and a few drops of ammonia to the area.
5. Tamp (the method of bringing a brush down with light strokes on stained durable fabrics and materials) or scrape to loosen the stain. Keep the stain moist with detergent and ammonia solution. Blot occasionally with an absorbent pad.
6. Flush well with water to remove all ammonia and allow to dry.

Cleaning Services Home

How to Get Food Grease Out of Clothes

Spilled food can leave an unattractive grease stain on your clothing. It is advisable to pre-treat grease stains before washing the garment, otherwise, the food grease may set in the fabric permanently. Keep in mind that stains caused by grease become more difficult to remove with the time you are waiting before cleaning them. Also, an old stain may require repeating the cleaning process several times before being completely removed. These tips are meant for food grease, but they can also be used for removing mechanical grease stains.


  1. Soak a cotton cloth into hot water then apply a small amount of dish detergent to the cloth. Rub the stained area with the soaked cotton cloth to remove any surface grease.
  2. Once you have removed the excess grease from the garment, wash the clothing in a hot water using heavy-duty laundry detergent. Cleaners Battersea suggest placing old towels or clothing items along with the stained garment to create friction in the washing machine that will help the grease stain come out easier. Avoid washing new clothes with the stained clothing item, as they may get stained too.
  3. If the grease stain persists, soak the cloth in a bucket full of hot water and 1 tablespoon of dish detergent. Keep the garment into the bucket for one hour then launder it again as described in step 2.
  4. Dry the garment into a dryer on low heat setting once you have removed the grease stain completely but never before as the dryer may set the stain further into the fabric.

The above cleaning method is inapplicable to carpets. If a food grease stain occurs on your carpet, consider hiring professionals, such as carpet cleaning Battersea, to remove the stain, or look for another suitable cleaning method on Internet.

How to Clean Your Flat Screen TV

When you finally gave that large amount of hardly spend money to buy a beautiful flat screen TV, you don't even want to think about damaging or voiding its warranty with doing not proper cleaning. But there is a really good method for cleaning the fingerprints, the grime and the dust on its surface, so you can be pleased with the result at the end. Be careful with the other cleaning products that can cause damage to its flat screen.

Here are the steps for proper cleaning to your TV, given from the professional cleaners SE1 to help you with this task.

  1. Disconnect the power before cleaning each time. This is not only safer but will show the dirt on the screen when its black, much better.
  2. Choose between lukewarm water and a good cleaning solution which is specially prepared to clean flat screen monitors and TVs. These solutions are labelled as �LCD screen� cleaners se1. For your cleaning you have to use exactly one of them;
  3. Take a soft cotton cloth and damp it into the solution and then gently wipe the screen. Don't use pressure or rubbing, they are not necessary and even can damage the screen;
  4. Wipe the dust from your TV regularly. Don't spray on the screen, but directly onto the cloth you're going to clean with. Spay just small amounts from the cleaning solution;
  5. Never try to clean your flat screen TV with chemical cleaning solutions such as alcohol, ammonia, etc. They for surely will damage the screen;
  6. Remember that paper towel and newspaper are not appropriate for the screen because they can scratch it, so don't use them.