Thursday, June 2, 2011

WOWzers Spring is BUSY

Here we are June 1st already - well technically June 2nd, but since I haven't gone to sleep yet I still think it's the 1st!  I can't believe how time is getting away on me, I'm sure you can relate.  With children it never ceases to amaze me how fast the time goes by in a day- although when your going through a sleepless night with a grumpy baby it doesn't seem to go fast enough lol  But I can't complain too much about that, my 2nd has been an amazing sleeper despite cutting teeth, plus I don't want to jinx it,  ;)  just kidding.

We are a part of the family farm and have some land in seed this year and that is done, garden is in, flowers are planted (just finished today actually) so now I hope to get back on track.  Spring is such a busy time.  But enjoyable too.  Seeing the fruits of our labor and reaping the harvest in the fall and enjoying the flowers throughout the summer is worth all this craziness. Now it is time to get in scheduled again.  I plan on getting back on track and staying committed to sharing more with you about the products that have had a life changing impact for me.  My next set of articles and videos will be focused on the microfiber: quality, how it works, how it is antibacterial, best way to use the different cloths, how to take care of your microfiber products and how using the breakthrough microfiber products can have lasting solutions for your life.

I look forward to providing you with effective green solutions! Believe in Better!

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