Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Microfiber Cloths and How Antibacterial Microfiber Works

Microfiber cloths are becoming a more popular cleaning alternative to traditional chemicals cleaning methods. We are learning more and more how household cleaners can create a highly toxic environment in the home - indoor air pollution is often considerably higher, with chemicals from personal care products and cleaners responsible for the majority of it. In this article I'll share with you the benefits to cleaning with microfiber and how antibacterial microfiber cloths work.
Microfiber Quality:
The majority of microfiber products for consumer cleaning are generally constructed from split conjugated fibers of polyester and polyamide. The ultrafine fibres in microfiber cloths are measured by Dtex or denier. The thinner the fibres the higher quality the microfiber, therefore the better cleaning and absorbing ability a cloth will have. Dtex is the mass in grams per 10,000 meters, for fiber to be considered microfiber it has to be 1 Dtex or less, which would be the equivalent of being about 1/10th the size of a human hair. The highest quality of microfiber cloths I am aware of is 0.13 Dtex which is about 1/100th the size of a human hair and are also antibacterial.
Why Microfiber Gives Exceptional Results:
When cleaning with a traditional cotton cloth and cleaner about 2/3 of dirt and germs are spread around. The surface is left damp and once the water has evaporated form the cleaning solution you are left with a residual residue of dirt debris and chemicals to dry on the surface which will attract more dirt and dust. For a surface to be truly clean there cannot be residuals left on the surface.
With a combination of high quality microfiber and the right knitting process microfiber cloths are able to pick up 99.9% of bacteria, dirt and germs off surfaces. The microfiber consists of backward triangular shapes that attract and trap the dirt, dust and bacteria. Used dry the static effect makes for an exceptional duster and damp the fibres effectively clean any washable surface without leaving any residuals behind because only water is used.
Antibacterial Microfiber:
Silver has been used for ages for it's antimicrobial properties. Silver works by preventing cells from forming chemicals bonds, in turn inactivating the bacteria, yeast and viruses. In antibacterial microfiber there is a silver based agent embedded inside the tiny microfibers. Antibacterial microfiber cloths pick up and trap 99.9% of dirt, bacteria, germs and viruses then within 24 hours the bacteria and germs are dramatically reduced within the cloth. Instead of using a toxic chemical solution to try and kill viruses and bacteria on the surfaces in our home, with antibacterial microfiber cloths we are removing them and the growth of germs is inhibited inside the cloth. To my knowledge, these breakthrough Antibacterial microfiber cloths are unique to Norwex Enviro Products and patent protected.
We can now have the convenience of quick effective cleaning with microfiber that will consistently provide exceptional results and remove bacteria and viruses in our home without having the consequences associated with using harmful household chemicals. WOW!
Believe in better for you and your family.
Dawn Strydhorst is dedicated to helping you achieve a better quality of life by educating you on healthier alternatives for your daily life, specializing in home maintenance.
For cost effective, lasting solutions that provide exceptional results that can dramatically reduce chemicals in your home and daily routine visit my Green-Clean-Tips Blog. Thank You for Taking the time to read my article today, I hope it's given you insight to the convenience and reliability that antibacterial microfiber products hold for you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6344384


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