Thursday, June 30, 2011

An Easy Mud Cleaning Method

Unfortunately, it is unavoidable to prevent mud stains. Most of you have pets, others - kids and you know that both of them don't think what will happen if they come in your house with dirty paws/shoes. Cleaning mud stains is one of the easiest cleaning �disasters� you might encounter at your home.

Here are the cleaning tips:

Never clean fresh mud stain! You should not break this �cleaning law�. If you do that, you will cause much more trouble. The only thing you would do is to spread the stain and allow it to penetrate deep into your carpet. And immediately in your mind comes the question �What should I do?�.

First, wait for a while so that the mud can dry. After that take a spoon and very gentle scrape as much as you can. Be careful and do not push the stain in the carpet, because it is not completely dry.

Now leave the spot to get perfectly dry. Cleaners Melbourne recommend the easiest way to clean it: take a vacuum cleaner and vacuuming the rug and most of the mud will come out very easily.
If the stain is too though and it does not detach from the rug, you might use a brush to remove it. For other carpet cleaning Melbourne tips, you might ask some professional cleaning services.

Vodka Home Cleaning

    At the beginning it has to be mentioned that many would prefer to drink the vodka whether it is Absolut, Jewel of Russia or even the cheapest one. Cleaning is best done with a cheap one, which is to prefer instead of a headache. This unusual cleaning agent has qualities that surpass these of the cleaning products. Vodka can work on many surfaces as well as on many stains.

   Grass or ink stains on clothes could easily be removed by blotting them with a cloth soaked with vodka. In addition, those maddening remnants of price stickers are easily scraped off when poured over with vodka. Cigarette odour on furniture and clothes could be killed by misting vodka over them. However, cleaning your office with vodka could have bad results. For whatever cleaning in your office consider hiring Office Cleaning London.

   Vodka could be especially helpful when cleaning a bathroom. The alcohol guarantees a sparkling result. Spray mold, mildew wherever present and leave it for ten minutes. After that rinse the area clean with water.

   Vodka could be used for cleaning some types of jewellery, but not all. One that contains crystalline gemstones could be threatened successfully with alcohol. For dirty gemstones rub them with a vodka-soaked cloth. Rinse off the jewellery with a water-soaked cloth. Finally wipe it with a dry, soft one. Very dirty crystalline jewellery could be soaked into a glass of vodka. After 5 minutes, rinse it in clean water, and again wipe it with a soft cloth.

   Odours on clothes could be removed with vodka. A mixture of one part vodka to five parts water could be sprayed onto the clothes. However, this could make a bad impression on your employers, or friends.

   In conclusion, vodka has many appliances. Glass, clothes, jewellery, drinking. Remember not to use it in your office, where the best solution is to hire Office Cleaning London.  

Friday, June 24, 2011

It Is Time for Wall Cleaning

Cleaning the walls of your property is definitely not the most pleasant thing, which you have to deal with during your season cleaning. However, wall cleaning is important because this way you will improve the look of your entire home. Therefore, you have no other option, but to try managing your wall cleaning procedure, in the best possible way.

On one hand, if you have no idea from where to start with the cleaning and you really do not know what to do, you better ask for an advice some of the professional cleaners London. These specialists know what exactly you need to do in order to make your walls clean again. On the other hand, you can make a little online research about different wall cleaning tips and tricks, published by people who have problems like yours. This way, you will be able to exchange useful information, which to use for the cleaning. Here, some tips that you can also consider, before the beginning of your wall cleaning.

  1. It is not necessary to spend a fortune to clean your painted walls. Here, one inexpensive and a little bit old-fashioned recipe, which is as effective as some of the special cleaners from the store. Make a solution of 1 cup clear ammonia, � cup white vinegar, 4 litres warm water and � cup baking soda. Then, apply to the wall with a sponge and rinse well with water. Because of the ammonia contained in the cleaner, you have to wear gloves.

  2. Use toothpaste to scrub the scuff marks from your painted walls. However, we are not talking about the normal toothpaste which you can buy from every supermarket or pharmacy, but the kind your grandmother kept in her medicine cabinet. For the job, you will need an old, soft toothbrush, too. The marks will disappear, right at the moment, and even professional London cleaners will be impressed by the results.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Green Cleaning the Baby's Room

   Young,developing bodies can be especially vulnerable to chemical exposure. Keeping a child's room free of harmful substances achieves one of the main principal goals of green cleaning : to create a healthy environment for future generations.

   You have to make a habit of using plant-based and other non-toxic products in your cleaning practice not only for the nursery. Of course, children are associated with spills and stains. You may wish to clean their room more often, and pay special attention to surfaces small hands and mouths come into contact with.

   The soft flooring in a baby's room is a worthy investment. Carpets, however, require special treatment, which once again should be children and environmentally friendly. Consult carpet cleaning services for green solution assistance, or just hire professionals with the arrangement of doing their job by not using chemical based cleaners. Of course, vinegar is a solution but it cannot guarantee quality results. However, there are a number of non-toxic carpet cleaning products on the market.

   A problem way more serious than cleaning the child's room is to have a clean toys for your kid to play with. The first tip is to choose them carefully � look for washable toys, because they are always going to be dropped on the floor and later on your precious one will want to lick them as usual. The second advice is to clean them regularly, several times a month, or when they are visibly dirty.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Thank You to My Visitors :)

I just wanted to Say thank you to all my visitors that stop by and visit my Blog.  I am very excited to see that The number today was at 355!   I'd love to get to know who I'm reaching through my marketing efforts,  please feel free to find me on YouTube, FaceBook or twitter.   Feel free to leave comments as well, I value your input and it will help me serve you and many others more effectively.

Committed to helping you live healthier,
Dawn Strydhorst

Microfiber Cloths and Antibacterial Microfiber Illustration

How to Remove Oil-Based Stains from Carpet

It can be a real challenge to clean your carpet especially if there are some oil-based stains on it. The oil quickly absorbs into the carpet fibers, making an unsightly stain and a greasy feeling carpet. Although, oil-based stains can be a bit of a nightmare, they can be effectively removed from your carpet just by using household products.

Acton cleaners suggest the following method to remove oil-based stains from your carpet:
The things that you will need are bowl, spoon, cornstarch, salt, measuring cup, vacuum cleaner, white vinegar, borax, wide tooth comb and clean cloths.
The steps in removing oil stains are:
  1. Use a spoon to remove as much of the oil as possible. Collect the oil that you have scooped up in a bowl.
  2. Spread cornstarch onto the oil stain and let it sit for around 30 minutes in order to absorb the oil from the carpet.
  3. Use your vacuum cleaner to suck up the cornstarch.
  4. Make a cleaning paste by mixing � cup each of borax, white vinegar and salt in a bowl.
  5. Scrub the paste into the affected area on your carpet and allow it to sit for several hours before vacuuming it.
  6. If there is any paste left, use a moistened clean cloth to blot it.
  7. When the carpet is fully dry, use a wide tooth comb to fluff up the area of the carpet where the oil-based stain was.
If you face difficulties with cleaning your carpet then you can always consider using professional help such as carpet cleaning Acton to restore the beauty of your carpet.

Clean the Carpet with Vinegar and Baking Soda

Carpets make floors warm and cozy, adding an extra pinch of beauty to your home. They come in different size, variety and colours, but since they all are made of fibers, soil and dirt accumulate and penetrate into them constantly.
There are many carpet powders and sprays available on the market with deodorizing features, however, carpets need to be cleaned and disinfected from time to time. Instead of paying high prices for commercial cleaning products, Clapham cleaners suggest you to use vinegar and baking soda when cleaning your carpet.
The thing that you will need are vinegar, baking soda, spray bottle and vacuum cleaner. Now, just follow the steps below:
  1. Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water then pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
  2. Spray your solution over the carpeted area, and let it air dry. White vinegar helps eliminating odours and bacteria.
  3. Sprinkle a light layer of baking soda onto the carpet after the vinegar solution has dried, and allow it to sit for around thirty minutes. The baking soda is a natural cleaning product that cleans, deodorizes and extracts moisture from carpet fibers.
  4. Allow the baking soda to sit on the carpet for 30 minutes and vacuum it up along with any loose dirt.
The baking soda is effective dry cleaning solution that will get your carpet free of dirt and odours. However, sometimes no matter what you do, stains simply don�t want to come out. If you have already tried everything to get your carpet clean but without results, then consider using carpet cleaning Clapham services which can restore the magnificent appearance of your carpet.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Why Microfiber Gives Exceptional Results

Why Microfiber Cloths Provide Exceptional Results:
I understand that it can be hard for you to get used to cleaning with just water and microfiber cloths and feel like you are doing it right.  With all the products available down the cleaning isle we are kind of ingrained that we need something along with a cloth to use when we upkeep our homes.  But it isn't necessary to use these chemical based products to be truly clean - when we use microfiber we need only water.   If you have ever used a microfiber product you know that it cleans more effectively and efficiently.  Why?  here's the answer.
When cleaning with a traditional cotton cloth and cleaner about 2/3 of dirt and germs are spread around. The surface is left damp and once the water has evaporated form the cleaning solution you are left with a residual residue of dirt debris and chemicals to dry on the surface which will attract more dirt and dust. For a surface to be truly clean there cannot be residuals left on the surface.
With a combination of high quality microfiber and the right knitting process microfiber cloths are able to pick up 99.9% of bacteria, dirt and germs off surfaces. The microfiber consists of backward triangular shapes that attract and trap the dirt, dust and bacteria. Used dry the static effect makes for an exceptional duster and damp the fibres effectively clean any washable surface without leaving any residuals behind because only water is used.
Another factor to consider is how the chemicals being used are absorbed into our bodies.  We absorb chemicals by breathing them in or direct contact through our skin while cleaning and after, if it is a surface we touch daily.   I respect that not everyone can give up using conventional cleaners in the home 100%, but I encourage you to evaluate which areas you'd be ok with changing that can provide you with a healthier home environment.   
for your convenience and so you are able to see the effectiveness of microfiber products, I have created a YouTube Channel.    Here I share also about myself and review other products that have had a life changing impact for me and my family.
Dedicated to helping you live healthier,
Dawn Strydhorst
Green Clean Educator and Internet Marketing Advisor

Microfiber Cloths and How Antibacterial Microfiber Works

Microfiber cloths are becoming a more popular cleaning alternative to traditional chemicals cleaning methods. We are learning more and more how household cleaners can create a highly toxic environment in the home - indoor air pollution is often considerably higher, with chemicals from personal care products and cleaners responsible for the majority of it. In this article I'll share with you the benefits to cleaning with microfiber and how antibacterial microfiber cloths work.
Microfiber Quality:
The majority of microfiber products for consumer cleaning are generally constructed from split conjugated fibers of polyester and polyamide. The ultrafine fibres in microfiber cloths are measured by Dtex or denier. The thinner the fibres the higher quality the microfiber, therefore the better cleaning and absorbing ability a cloth will have. Dtex is the mass in grams per 10,000 meters, for fiber to be considered microfiber it has to be 1 Dtex or less, which would be the equivalent of being about 1/10th the size of a human hair. The highest quality of microfiber cloths I am aware of is 0.13 Dtex which is about 1/100th the size of a human hair and are also antibacterial.
Why Microfiber Gives Exceptional Results:
When cleaning with a traditional cotton cloth and cleaner about 2/3 of dirt and germs are spread around. The surface is left damp and once the water has evaporated form the cleaning solution you are left with a residual residue of dirt debris and chemicals to dry on the surface which will attract more dirt and dust. For a surface to be truly clean there cannot be residuals left on the surface.
With a combination of high quality microfiber and the right knitting process microfiber cloths are able to pick up 99.9% of bacteria, dirt and germs off surfaces. The microfiber consists of backward triangular shapes that attract and trap the dirt, dust and bacteria. Used dry the static effect makes for an exceptional duster and damp the fibres effectively clean any washable surface without leaving any residuals behind because only water is used.
Antibacterial Microfiber:
Silver has been used for ages for it's antimicrobial properties. Silver works by preventing cells from forming chemicals bonds, in turn inactivating the bacteria, yeast and viruses. In antibacterial microfiber there is a silver based agent embedded inside the tiny microfibers. Antibacterial microfiber cloths pick up and trap 99.9% of dirt, bacteria, germs and viruses then within 24 hours the bacteria and germs are dramatically reduced within the cloth. Instead of using a toxic chemical solution to try and kill viruses and bacteria on the surfaces in our home, with antibacterial microfiber cloths we are removing them and the growth of germs is inhibited inside the cloth. To my knowledge, these breakthrough Antibacterial microfiber cloths are unique to Norwex Enviro Products and patent protected.
We can now have the convenience of quick effective cleaning with microfiber that will consistently provide exceptional results and remove bacteria and viruses in our home without having the consequences associated with using harmful household chemicals. WOW!
Believe in better for you and your family.
Dawn Strydhorst is dedicated to helping you achieve a better quality of life by educating you on healthier alternatives for your daily life, specializing in home maintenance.
For cost effective, lasting solutions that provide exceptional results that can dramatically reduce chemicals in your home and daily routine visit my Green-Clean-Tips Blog. Thank You for Taking the time to read my article today, I hope it's given you insight to the convenience and reliability that antibacterial microfiber products hold for you.

Article Source:

How to Clean Your Toilet?

Despite the efforts you make to keep your toilet clean and sanitized, if stains persist it will never really look clean. This appearance can leave an overall unclean feeling to your entire bathroom. Toilet stains are usually the result of hard water that adheres to the inside of your toilet bowl. In order to facilitate you �Earls court cleaners� provide several simple ways to eliminate toilet stains:

The things you will need to prepare are can of Coca-Cola, toilet brush, rubber gloves, pumice stone, baking soda, Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Denture, tablets and bleach.

To begin, pour a can of Coca-Cola in the toilet bowl and leave it overnight. Don't use diet Coke because it doesn't have the same effect so make sure it's regular Coca-Cola. In the next day the toilet should require very little scrubbing for the stain to disappear.

Put on your rubber gloves and submerge a dampened pumice stone in baking soda. Gently start scrubbing the stains from the toilet. The baking soda provides extra abrasiveness and may not be necessary. You can try using just the pumice stone by itself first and add the baking soda for particularly stubborn areas. Don't scrub too hard! Otherwise the pumice stone may accidentally scratch the porcelain.

Moisten a clean cloth with Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and scrub away the stains. Always wear rubber gloves to avoid getting germs on your skin.

Put a few denture tablets into the toilet bowl and let them to soak for about thirty minutes to loosen the stains. Scrub the toilet using the toilet brush afterwards.

As a final effort pour a cup of bleach in the toilet bowl and let it to sit overnight. In the morning scrub the toilet with a toilet brush in order to remove all the stains.

Good luck!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Clean Hard Stains on Pots and Pans

Being a housewife is not so easy as you probably think and if you were one, then you will probably agree with me. However, there are some duties in which even a perfect housewife can sometimes fail. For an example, not every housewife is good in cooking. Moreover, have you ever happened you to go back home, after work, and see a large smoke coming from the kitchen, instead of a tasty stake and a glass of wine, waiting for you on the table?! It is terrible, right?

Cleaning pots and pans can be really tough, especially if burning meals is a specialty of yours. However, do not worry, you are definitely not alone. For instance, there are many cleaners London who have the same problems like yours. Therefore, you have to learn how to handle the cleaning of your pots and pons effectively and I have some really great tips which you can use for the job.

1. If the colour of your favourite aluminium pot is disappearing then you will need to do the following procedure. Put 2 tablespoons of lemon juice in a litre of water and boil for about 15 minutes.

2. For iron pots or pans you will need two teaspoons of soda bicarbonate in a litre of water. Then boil for about 10 min.

3. For food stains sprinkle a little bit of baking soda on a sponge and then start rubbing the food from the surface. However, if there are any stains which you cannot handle, you better call someone of the professional London cleaners and ask them for an advice, instead of taking the risk of damaging your pots or pans.

Clean Spilled Wax

Candles are a beautiful solution for the interior making your home a romantic place, enhancing the mood of the rooms. Unfortunately, these beautiful ambient lightnings leave melted wax stains on the tablecloth or carpet which could be very difficult for cleaning. So, if you are keen on this kind of lightning you should lean how to clean the stains they leave. Here are some techniques given by Chiswick Cleaners.

Try to remove as much of the wax as it is possible manually. Using an ice cube will make the wax breakable and you can try to dislodge the stain with a dull knife or a credit card. Then vacuum the pieces.
If the surface is non-flammable you may consider using a hairdryer to melt the remaining wax. Then wipe up the melted wax with a soft cloth. Remember that this technique is effective on hard surfaces such as tables. On soft surfaces like fabrics you can consider using an iron. Use the same technique.
If the stain is smaller you can use a heated table spoon to remove it. Put a piece of wet paper over the stain and rub with the spoon. The wax will be melted and easily removed.
You can use a multi-surface cleaner if the candle is coloured and the stain is on a hard surface. Treat the fabrics with the appropriate stain removals and wash if it is possible.
If you are one of the people that does not know how to handle with such a stain, then you can always rely on the many carpet cleaning Chiswick companies. They will remove the stain with no risks of any damages on your favourite floor covering because the pros have the equipment and knowledge needed for such a job. You can also ask them for tips on how to maintain the carpets in order to keep them clean as longer as it is possible.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Cleaning Tips For the Home

We all have to be grateful that we have homes where to come back after the hard day at work. For this reason, we have to estimate the importance of keeping our homes clean and in a good condition. Therefore, if we want to make our living places more comfortable and to create one pleasant and hospitable home environment, we have to maintain our homes clean and tidy.

There are different professional cleaners London who help their clients to keep their places fresh and healthy. On the other hand, there are many home owners who gather different cleaning tips and tricks, from various types of sources, in order to handle the regular cleaning processes of their homes, by themselves. Therefore, if you are one of these people you can check the following cleaning tips and use them in your everyday cleaning routine.

  1. Clean the oven. - How often do you use your oven? If you use it frequently then choose a day when you will not need it and clean it, thoroughly. The only thing you need to do is to spray the oven with a special oven cleaner. Then, leave it to stay over the night and wipe the oven on the next day.

  2. Here is a suggestion how to clean your microwave easily. So, take a cup, full of water and put it in the microwave, on high level, for a couple of minutes. The steam coming from the water will loosen all the food stains. Then, you just have to wipe it away and �voil��, you will be ready with the job.

For other such quick and easy cleaning tips, you can call your London cleaners which definitely could give you some great advises about how to maintain your home in the best possible way.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Learn About Basic Cleaning Methods

When the weather warms up we all start to consider and plan all the things we wanted to do during the winter, but the cold didn't let us.

Things like holidays and vacations are most often mentioned. However, there is a number of people who waited for the summer to start a renovation work in their home.
This work is followed by lots of stains and dirt which you will have to deal with. The easiest way to do it is to call a carpet cleaning London company. They will clean the whole place in no time and at the end will have newly looking and clean home. There is however one thing that you should know before calling the professionals and this is the cleaning methods. They determine the cleaning procedure of each part of the house.
Cleaning methods:

The most popular and widely used method is the �steam cleaning�. It uses a machine which sprays the carpet with the cleaning solution and after that it vacuums it along with the dirt and the soil which Is on the carpet.

Another famous method is the shampoo cleaning. When this method is used, the carpet is sprayed with a cleaning solution which has to be agitated after it is applied. The foam absorbs the dirt and dries. Then it becomes brittle and can be removed with a vacuum cleaner.

The next cleaning method is the bonnet cleaning. During this type of cleaning, on the carpet is applied a cleaning detergent which is absorbed after that by a cotton or synthetic pads. These pieces of fibre are mounted to a floor machine which rotates them and makes the transfer of the dirt easier and more efficient. After the procedure the carpet needs 1 to 2 hours to dry.

The last method of cleaning is known as dry cleaning. It uses a semi dry cleaning powder which is sprinkled on the carpet and then allowed to dry. The dirt is transferred to the powder which is then vacuumed.

These carpet cleaning methods are very effective and most commonly used. You have the opportunity to choose between them when you consider cleaning your carpet according to your wishes and your furnish specifications.

3 Handy Domestic Cleaning Tips

Domestic cleaning is one of the most important things that each of us has to deal with in his/her everyday life. However, the regular maintenance of our homes is probably one of the most important things which we do not have to ever ignore.Therefore, we have to be well informed about different cleaning tips and tricks which we can use in order to create one pleasant and healthy home environment.

Probably, you do not know that many of the professional cleaners London often give their clients advises about how they can handle their everyday cleaning tasks easier. For such reasons, here are 3 really convenient and handy home cleaning tips which you can use to keep your domestic environment in a good and clean condition.

1. Well, it is really important to check your home, once in a while, for any damages or problems and if you find one you have to fix it, right at the moment. Fixing problems can improve the cleaning process of your home. For instance, you can remove all your cleaning detergents in some more convenient place where you will reach them easier.

2. It is good to have a paper filling system. This way, you will be able to remove the clutter, caused by different pay bills, advertising letters and other useless documents and papers.
3. One really useful trick is to keep the laundry basket in the rooms which are used the most by your family. Another advise, also recommended by London cleaners is to gather all children toys and put them in a laundry basket where they will be easy to reach, without being scattered all over the place.

How to Have a Clean Bedroom

The bedroom is the place where everyone spends big part of the day and actually it is the most important one. We have to sleep in nice and clean place, and that's why we can take care about this room in order to make it pleasant place to spend the night and not only.

One of the most important things is to change the linens very often, which means at least once a week. This is not something your cleaning services are going to do. You have to remember to vacuum the mattress when you do that, otherwise you take the risk of dust mites. When it is too hot, you should better change the sheets more often.

Vacuum the floor, but before your start doing that, you have to move the furniture. The smaller items could be taken out of the room and the heavier, you can just move a bit. Do that in order to remove the cobwebs and the dust that gathers behind and under them.

Things which you don't need any more, you can throw away. If you want to, you can do that before the vacuuming. Do not keep anything, that is useless and if it is not ruined, you can donate it. This concerns any types of items and even your clothes.

Clean the windows. You may not notice but they gather a lot of dust, too. The blinds can be vacuumed and for the windows you can use vinegar and water. Pour this solution into a spray bottle and apply it on the window, then wipe with a newspaper. I assure that there won't be any spots and even your cleaning services will be surprised.

How to Clean With Motivation

   Cleaning is a task most of the people take as obligatory. Why is that? Because it is time consuming, and often requires dealing with dust, dirt and even health threatening cleaners. However, there are some people that have found a way to enjoy cleaning. A few examples would be mentioned below.

   Marry, aged 36, married with 2 children, living in London,  shared with us a tip on how to enjoy carpet cleaning. She is does it 2 or 3 times a week and but she wouldn't tell it is overdoing. She likes listening to music while doing it for about half an hour a day. �Sometimes it seems too funny because it feels like I am dancing with the vacuum cleaner and singing I WANT TO BREAK FREE�. However it is not that easy doing the decluttering. In this case Marry involves her children. �The kids love this cleaning game as much as they like messing around�. Her advice is that, once the kids learn to take responsibility for the mess they have done, they learn to keep order. So she says �We organise a simple game - who will collect all the toys in the basket and more clothes in the wardrobe.� The second one seems especially useful, but in most of the cases it is not only the kids, but it is up to their parents to educate them. 

   Marry says she sometimes even leaves the carpet cleaning to the little professionals. �They especially like dish washing, the only problem is that they make the whole floor wet afterwards.�
   In conclusion, motivation could be easily achieved. The post-cleaning satisfaction is one of the main reasons why people are doing it. Once done, the good vision of the house is due to the hard work of the housekeepers, something that they should be proud of. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

4 Tips To Maintain a Cleaner And Safer Home

Today, many cleaning products are offered on the market for a period of time and after then another cleaners replace them. There is a wide variety of agents, provided on the market and some can help you in cleaning surfaces, and others just can do nothing more, but to make the stained area worse. For this reason it is highly advisable to be careful when buying cleaning products. Read all the instructions or ask the consultant in the market, responsible to the shelves with cleaning detergents.

To make sure that you can clean your home with no risk that the cleaning products could be harmful for you and your family, you can always use natural solutions. You find them everywhere on the market. But of course as buying chemicals, you must be familiar with the natural products and what they are suitable for. That way, you will make sure that the cleaning will be the most effective and safest for your home, as if you hire professional cleaning services.

Nobody likes to live in a house, where the mess is all around, including dirt and stains, that are not only an eyesore, but also a threat to the family members, pets (if there are any). But can a cleaning product prevent you and your family from diseases, that may come from the dirt? Actually not all cleaning products are safe to apply on the surfaces, especially those, containing chemicals. Those might clean the house effectively, but it is very risky for your health. So that is why you should go for those natural, non- toxic cleaning products, said to be safe and effective enough to leave your house clean and fresh.

The following tips can help you to maintain a safe and clean household:

  1. Clean up clutter when it appears. Don't delay this task for another day. If you leave the work for the last moment, it will be definitely a hard and long time cleaning, when they get into the roots of your tools, equipments and everywhere.
  2. Time is needed for everything, even for cleaning process. Start from the place, that is the easiest to clean. It is said that the more you reschedule your cleaning, the more spots, dirt and clutter you will deal with.
  3. Clean a little each day and teach your children to clean their rooms. This will be useful enough to train them and they do the cleaning services that your home needs, as it becomes their habit.
  4. Go Green. Use only natural cleaning products, which are becoming the best alternative to chemical-based products.

In all cases to guarantee yourself you can always hire cleaning services, and release from dealing with all the tedious cleaning. Make sure that the services you will use, include cleaning with green cleaning products.

Nowadays many cleaning London companies are redirecting their policy to provide cleaning services with non-toxic cleaning agents, which increase the number of people becoming regular clients.

Easy Housecleaning Tips

Cleaning a house is not the most pleasant assignment which we have to do in our everyday routine. However, we have no other choice but to maintain our homes clean and tidy. Therefore, instead of complaining, you better look for a way how to make the process easier.

For an example, there are many cleaners London who give their clients different domestic cleaning tips and tricks. Using these advises, many of the home owners in London maintain their places more quickly and effectively. Therefore, if you are also in searching for some housecleaning tips, you can use these ones:
  1. To organise your home quickly, without wasting much time, you have to make a home cleaning schedule. This way, you could separate your domestic cleaning assignments by days and will know what you have to clean on the next day. Moreover, having a cleaning schedule can be very convenient for you, because you do not need to do the whole job at once.

  2. Look for a trouble spots. You have to research each room whether there are any trouble spots in it. Then, you have to find a way how to clean them up.

  3. If you want to improve the level of cleanliness of your home you have to use special cleaning tools and solutions. This way, you will do yourself a big favour, believe me.

  4. Last but not least, hiring a professional help cannot ever be something wrong, especially if your home needs a deep and complex cleaning. Therefore, if you feel exhausted, just call someone of the London cleaners and ask them to come into your home and clean it, for you.   

Can You Keep up With the Tempo

Carpets are used by families all over the world. Some say that the more north you go the more carpets are used, because they are not only pretty but keep warmer then timber or tile floors.
Some carpets are fixed to the floor and others are pined to the walls as a decoration.

Carpets are beautiful and can make any house cosier, but keeping them clean can be difficult. Of course, we all have vacuum cleaners and we can use them as often as we want, but what if we spill something or just want to disinfect? How can we keep our rugs clean?

Here is what we could do:
Carpet cleaning should be performed as often as possible. This will prevent from any bacteria and dirt accumulation. Once you get used to the regular cleaning it will be very easy task for you. I guarantee, you will notice a big difference because this kind of cleaning protects the colours and also the structure of the fibres of your carpet. This means that it will look better for a longer period of time.
However, sometimes we can�t manage to keep up the tempo and dirt starts to build up. When such thing happens we can call a carpet cleaning London company. They perform all kinds of cleaning like dry cleaning and steam cleaning (which according to my opinion is very effective).
So try to keep your home clean, but do not worry if you can not always be perfect, because you can use a professional anytime .

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

5 Techniques to Clean the House Quickly

Is there a woman, who hasn't been dreaming about an efficient and fast way to clean the house? I doubt there is. That's why in this post I will do my best to reveal you the a few secrets and tips on how to clean your home in a short period of time.

Here are five ways to handle the cleaning very quickly and to be satisfied at the same time. When you don't have the time to call your cleaning services, you can try this. Use a timer in order to make it faster. When you know you have limited time to vacuum the carpet, you will do the job in minutes.

Ask for help your family or friends. If you can organize them as a team, they will help you to cut the time for cleaning in half. For an example, you can make a deal with them and promise them a prise in exchange for their help.

Play some music in order to make the cleaning more fun. Let's be honest and admit that dusting and vacuuming is boring. So, you can make it less tough, if you play your favourite songs to give you some energy.

Gather your cleaning tools in one place. It is going to make the cleaning process easier and more effective because you are not going to run back and fort to collect your sponges, brushes and so on.

The last but not less important thing to remember is to clean your home in an organized way. Make a plan where to start from and clean the rooms one by one. This is one of the main principles of the professional cleaning services.

The Importance Of Making a Cleaning Schedule

Most of the people would neglect cleaning tasks during the week and leave all of them for the weekend. And all of a sudden, the weekend comes and you find yourself in the middle of a dirty home which looks more like a battlefield than like a cosy place to relax.

If you do not want to spend all of your free time cleaning, you should dedicate 10 minutes in developing a cleaning routine that will help you organize a cleaning checklist for each day of the week.
Even if you have a very busy day, doing a really small task like wiping the kitchen sink or vacuuming the living room floor will make a significant difference to the cleanliness of your home.
Here are some of the benefits of developing a good cleaning schedule according to end of tenancy cleaning Mayfair professionals:
1. Less stress � if you follow a well-made weekly cleaning schedule, you won't have to worry that some of the spots will be left dirty. For example, even if your oven top looks dirty on Monday, you will know that it is listed in your Wednesday�s cleaning checklist and therefore won�t have to worry about it.
2. No More Frantic Cleaning � Your house will be reasonably clean all the time if you stick to your cleaning schedule.
3. Efficiency � lots of time can be wasted only by trying to decide what to do and where to start cleaning from.
4. Get help � if you make a good cleaning schedule, you could easily assign different tasks to all the family members. Trying to clean the whole house yourself is not only exhausting for yourself, but is also not a good example for your kids. You should try helping them develop good cleaning habits while they are still young.
5. Fight Procrastination � Following a good cleaning schedule is an ideal way to stop postponing cleaning tasks.
These are only some of the benefits of having a good cleaning plan. Mayfair cleaners challenge you to try and see what a huge difference it will make.

Monday, June 6, 2011

How to Care for Oriental Carpet

I don't know many people, who have oriental carpets, but I'll give tips for oriental carpet cleaning, for those of you who have. Nobody wants to throw away his carpet too quick. You have to maintain the carpet quality. I'm certain that the vendor have shared with you some cleaning tips, but I don't think that they are the right ones.

Most of you know, that you have to protect the carpet from wear and tear. When someone walks on a soiled carpet, its lifespan is reduced. Sand and dirt also can harm the rug. It is good to clean it every four or five years. Most important thing is to clean the rug with the proper cleaning solution.

Home made cleaning products you can use are: white vinegar and water. Make a mix of 1 gallon of water and � cup of vinegar. You can use it if you have hard stains. Take a sponge and refresh the rug with cold water. Also you might use a vacuum cleaner or a broom. The fringe cleaning is very easy: just use soap and water. You have to be careful, because you might bleach it.

Cleaners Sydney recommend us, to observe the following rule: Never shake or beat an Oriental carpet to get rid of dust. If you do one of these processes, you will ruin the rug.

If you think, you won't be able to clean the carpet by yourself, do not take the risk to harm it. You can call Sydney cleaning company, they will do their job perfectly.

3 General Cleaning Tips

General cleaning is one of the most time consuming assignments which we have to deal with in our every day lives. However, we cannot do anything to improve the situation except to keep doing our regular cleaning duties in the way we used to. Another thing we could do is to find the most effective way to optimise the procedure and to do that we can use some of the cleaning tips and tricks available in the web, for instance.

Many of the people living in London use professional cleaning help to maintain their homes clean and healthy. Moreover, if some of these people cannot find a way to solve any of their cleaning dilemmas they call someone of the cleaners London to give them the best possible advise. However, if you do not need help to manage your domestic cleaning process, you can just check some of the many tips and tricks, shared in the web, and to pick those which are most suitable for your needs. So, here are three such examples:
  1. To clean your beautiful picture frame, you have to read the following lines. So, the first thing you have to do is to wipe the top of the frame then the sides and the bottom, at the end. Always use a glass cleaner sprayed on an anti static cloth to clean a glass frame. Do not ever spray the cleaner directly to the glass. Otherwise, you risk to damage the picture.

  2. Use the vacuum hose to remove the dust from your favourite stereo speakers.

  3. When you decide to clean different types of electronics you always have to check the manual for instructions about how to take care of the devises and how to clean them, without damaging them. However, if you lost the manual, you can always call your London cleaners who will tell you how exactly you have to proceed.   

Top Three Natural Cleaning Products

The natural cleaning recipes are something everyone should try using. This is the most effective way to protect your children and pets from the dangerous chemical ingredients, which could be found in all cleaning products. If you start making your supplies by yourself, you will be sure that your family's health won't be harmed.

Baking Soda

It is not only safe to use but it is very effective, as well. You can clean the bath tube, the sink, the tiles and the toilet, too. The baking soda is a great odour removal and many cleaning services recommend it for cleaning the fridge or the oven.

White Vinegar

The vinegar is a wonderful ingredient, which we can use for salads. But it is also great cleaning product that can help you remove the mould from the tiles in the bathroom. If you want to make your microwave look like a new one again, you can put a bowl with vinegar and water inside and turn it on for 3 minutes.

Lemon Juice

It works the same way as the vinegar does and sometimes it is even better because the lemons have more pleasant odour than the vinegar. The professional cleaning services recommend using lemon juice instead of vinegar, if you are afraid not to ruin some of your belongings.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Came Across Bob Barefoot Today & then Brazilian Coral Calcium

Bob Barefoot, a scientist, has done research on vitamin D and coral calcium.  Marine Coral calcium contains a calcium magnesium ratio 2:1.  Coral calcium is the form of calcium that is most absorbable by the body.

I'd love to hear your experiences with coral calcium and Vitamin D

Friday, June 3, 2011

How to Clean Your House in 15 Minutes

Although we want to clean our house in a fast and efficient way, we know that it is almost impossible. I say almost because, if you know how to do it and if you have a good strategy, you will be able to do it in fifteen minutes.Of course, you have to remember that this is not going to be the cleaning your cleaning services can provide.

  • In order to make your house look arranged, first you have to get rid of the clutter. For that reason, you should take a trash bag and walking around your home, to pick up the garbage from everywhere. If you start straight to declutter, you will grab the trash along with the rest of your possessions.
  • After everything unnecessary was removed, you can walk again around your house and pick up the things, which are not at the right place. When your start returning them on their original spots, you can wipe the dust at the same time.
  • Your next step is to sweep and mop the floor. In case your don't have time enough to do both of them, sweeping will be enough to remove the dirt.
  • You can make your cleaning easier, if you do many things simultaneously. For an example, you can put the dirty dishes in the sink, when you remove the clutter or throw away any spoiled food when you pick up the garbage.

This is going to take you fifteen minutes, but remember that it is a strategy for cases of an emergency and sooner or later you have to spare some time to do a thorough cleaning or to call your cleaning services.

Dried Oven Cleaner - How to Remove It

Scrubbing baked-on spills from inside your oven is a tedious task most of are used to. There is a number of cleaning detergents you can use to deal with dried-on spills, but if an oven cleaners is let to dry on the surface of your oven, it can be difficult to remove. If you're afraid of damaging the enamel of your oven and consider calling an oven cleaning London company to come in your home and solve the problem, don't worry, you can do it yourself following these steps:
Step 1 : Put on rubber gloves and face mask. As we all know, most commercial cleaners are toxic.
Step 2 : Spray oven cleaner lightly over the dried one and leave it for 30 minutes.
Step 3 : Use a wet sponge to scrub the dried chemical.
Step 4 : Rinse the sponge out with hot water as often as possible.
Step 5 : Take the sponge and soak it in 2 tablespoons of white vinegar.
Step 6 : Scrub the affected area with the vinegar-soaked sponge to neutralize the chemical.
Step 7 : Wipe the area again with a clean damp sponge.
Step 8 : Take a dry cloth and dry the oven.
At the end you will have a clean and shining oven. It's important  to remember that you should read carefully the instructions on the commercial cleaner before use it. Harsh chemicals can be harmful to the enamel of your oven as well as to your health. In case, you can't remove the dried cleaner, better contact an oven cleaning London company to give you some advices or hire professionals to do the job for you.

Make a Summer Cleaning Check List

It is summer now, the favourite season of millions of people, living all around the world, especially for those who live at north, where sunny days are a deficit. Actually, it does not matter how long is the summer period in your area, because the only important thing here is that the weather is warm and you can enjoy it completely. However, before you begin taking sunbaths, you have to do a few things first, such as to clean your home in order to prepare it for the season. But how to do this easier?

Most of the cleaners London recommend their clients to make cleaning check lists, before every season cleaning. So, what would you say, is not it easier to write down all your summer jobs in advance? This way, you will know what exactly you have to do and also, you can even calculate the time which you need to spare for the job. So, here are my suggestions how to organise your summer cleaning duties.

1. So, the first thing to do is to separate your summer cleaning check list on two columns: indoor and outdoor cleaning. Then write down all your cleaning assignments that have to be done.

2. Start your summer cleaning with the cleaning of your windows. Every season, you should clean the windows, both inside and outside, clean the screens and shutters, too. Do not forget to remove all the dirt and spider webs before using water or some other cleaning solution. Another thing which you also should keep in mind is the possibility of hornet, bee or bird nests which could be situated in the niche above the shutters.

3. Another really important thing which you must include in you summer cleaning list is the cleaning of your barbecue and lawn mower, too. For the barbecue, use white vinegar or a special cleaning detergent to remove all the grease, left from the last summer. If you forgot to clean your lawn mower, you have to do it now, because you will need it during the whole summer. Usually, many of the London cleaners advise their clients to clean their barbecues and lawn mowers, before storage them in the garage, at the end of the summer, but it is not a fatal mistake if you do this before the season.   

Thursday, June 2, 2011

WOWzers Spring is BUSY

Here we are June 1st already - well technically June 2nd, but since I haven't gone to sleep yet I still think it's the 1st!  I can't believe how time is getting away on me, I'm sure you can relate.  With children it never ceases to amaze me how fast the time goes by in a day- although when your going through a sleepless night with a grumpy baby it doesn't seem to go fast enough lol  But I can't complain too much about that, my 2nd has been an amazing sleeper despite cutting teeth, plus I don't want to jinx it,  ;)  just kidding.

We are a part of the family farm and have some land in seed this year and that is done, garden is in, flowers are planted (just finished today actually) so now I hope to get back on track.  Spring is such a busy time.  But enjoyable too.  Seeing the fruits of our labor and reaping the harvest in the fall and enjoying the flowers throughout the summer is worth all this craziness. Now it is time to get in scheduled again.  I plan on getting back on track and staying committed to sharing more with you about the products that have had a life changing impact for me.  My next set of articles and videos will be focused on the microfiber: quality, how it works, how it is antibacterial, best way to use the different cloths, how to take care of your microfiber products and how using the breakthrough microfiber products can have lasting solutions for your life.

I look forward to providing you with effective green solutions! Believe in Better!