Monday, September 3, 2012

How to clean baby spit-up from a couch

1. Fill a small bowl with hot water and a good squirt of Palmolive dish soap. Mix it up so that you have soapy hot water.
2. Identify the stains on your couch. Start with the biggest and most obvious baby spit-up stains. Getting those out of the way will dramatically improve the overall appearance of your couch.
3. Dip your old toothbrush in the soapy water and then dab the stain. Continue to do this until your stain is good and wet. Then start scrubbing with your toothbrush.
4. After you've scrubbed the spot and it looks like most of the spit up is gone, take your dish towel and dry the spot - this will also help pick up any loose debris from the area.
5. Repeat on all of your spit-up stains.

Commercial Cleaning

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