Saturday, May 19, 2012

How to Clean Up Your Rattan Rocking Chair

Keeping it clean at home is very responsible task and it's something, that you can't just put aside that easily. The home should be cleaned on a regular basis, otherwise you are risking your place to turn into something pretty similar to a junkyard, where all kind of bacteria parades. And sometimes this whole cleaning could be quite exhausting and tiring. Therefore many professional cleaning companies have started to provide various services intended to help the people with various domestic chores.

Windows cleaning, floor cleaning, power jet cleaning, vacate cleaning Melbournehas plenty of things to provide to the citizens of the city and the adjacent areas as well.

One of the things that you can clean up really easily is the rattan furniture and more specifically - the rattan rocking chair of your grandmother. For that you will need couple of simple things: liquid soap, warm water, small container or a bucket, toothbrush and a couple of clean towels. Besides that you also might need lacquer and paint brush.

First create the solution, simply fill the bucket with warm water and add 2 tablespoons of liquid soap. Stir all that intensively until you see suds on top of the water. Use one of the clean towels to pick up the suds and apply that on the rattan. You don't need to use too much water - that doesn't guarantee anything. Too much water could cause some serious damage even. The more tricky spots, that you can't reach with the towel you can treat with the toothbrush.

For more stubborn stains you can use more water and scrubbing, besides that you might have to renovate the lacquer. Use the paint brush and read carefully the instructions, written on the label of the lacquer's package/box.

You can also use professional services that cleaning in Fitzroy has got.

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