Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How to Remove Tannin Stains from Cups

Coffee and tea leave some of the most stubborn and hard to remove stains. The stains caused by coffee and tea are called tannin stains. Although most people dread tannin stains that occur on fabrics, the stains caused by coffee or tea that occur on other materials are just as bad. A perfect example of hard to remove tannin stains are the spots that tea and coffee leave behind at the bottom of the cups.
Still, the fact that tannin stains are hard to remove even from porcelain doesn't mean that it is impossible to remove such stain, you simply have to learn which methods to use and how to use them when having to remove tannin stains from cups.

Many people struggle to remove coffee or tea stains from cups, but the cleaning of such stains is quite easy actually once you learn how to do it properly. There is one very effective household remedy that removes tannin stains very easily. To create this remedy yourself you would require the following products: salt, baking soda, vinegar and water. Also keep a pair of soft cotton cloths nearby, you will need them.

Using these products you should create a special paste and apply it on the stained cup. First mix baking soda and water and then add equal parts of vinegar and salt to create the cleaning paste. One tablespoon of each product should be enough to create thick enough cleaning paste. Before you apply the paste on the stained cup rinse the cup with water and remove as much of the stain as possible. Now you may apply the paste using a soft cloth. The experts from cleaners Clapton recommend to let the paste sit for several minutes and then scrub the paste of the cup.

If you are finding it difficult to remove tannin stains from cups, then your solution isn't the expensive commercial products that you will find on the shelves in the supermarkets but a homemade cleaning paste created from salt, vinegar, baking soda and water for which even professionals like cleaners Charlton guarantee it works.

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