Thursday, February 9, 2012

How to Make Your Home-made Carpet Shampoo

Carpet shampoos are one of the most expensive cleaning detergents available on the market today. Moreover, most of them contain different chemicals and toxins that can cause allergies and other health problems. So, how would you feel if I tell you that there is a chance to avoid using commercial carpet shampoos, replacing them with your own home-made carpet shampoo.

There are many different ways to clean a carpet. However, the most effective carpet cleaning methods use carpet cleaning shampoos. Making your home-made carpet shampoo is a great time investment. And by time I am not talking that you will need hours to prepare the mixture, just a few minutes. By preparing your own home-made carpet shampoo you have the chance not only to preserve your domestic environment from germs and bacteria but to protect the health of your family members and your own as well. So read on to learn one easy and useful home-made carpet cleaning recipe, given to us by some of the best carpet cleaning London professionals. 

1. The materials that you will need are: some mild detergent, warm water and white vinegar.

2. So, make the carpet cleaning shampoo by mixing 2 cups of warm water, 2 tablespoons of white vinegar and � cup of some mild detergent. Pour the solution into some suitable vessel, such as a plastic bottle or a small kitchen bowl. If you've chosen the first option, mix the ingredients well by shaking the bottle. For the second option use a spoon to mix the ingredients. 

3. To finish the process, our cleaners in London advise to keep stirring until you see white foam to form. To speed up the process use an eggbeater. Once the white foam pop up on the surface, your home-made carpet shampoo is ready to use!

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