Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How to Remove Hair Gel from Carpet

Home cleaning, as you know, is something that you have to do on a regular basis in order to maintain clean and healthy environment at home. Persistence lays n the foundation of that process, but of course as you might guess sometimes that isn't simply enough. In cases when you need help for deep cleaning of the entire place let's say, professional cleaning services are something almost mandatory if you want to be sure that everything is perfectly taken care of. Carpet cleaning, spring cleaning,
end of lease cleaning Melbourne has on offer, could be of use when it comes to some serious cleaning.

One particular issue, you might have toc deal with, is hair gel on some of your upholstery pieces. And here is what you need to do. First of all, you need to remove the excessive gel. Next sprinkle something to absorb the rest of the gel, baking soda or cornstarch will do perfect job. Let it stay like that for not more than 10 minutes and pick up with the vacuum cleaner. After that sponge the spot with clean cloth dipped in dry-cleaning solvent before that. Keep blotting until the stain is completely gone. If that doesn't remove the stain you could try a solution from 1 tablespoon hand-washing detergent, a tablespoon white vinegar and 2 cups of warm water. Sponge and blot up until all the excessive liquid is gone after that - let ti air dry.

Like we said really though tasks should be given to the professionals. Deep cleaning, spring cleaning, end of lease cleaning Melbourne has on offer, are all services often used by the citizens of this major Australian city.

There are professional services, which could help you with easier chores as well, like tasks - part of the weekly cleaning. House cleaning St Kilda has on offer, is one such service that could take a huge load off your shoulders.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Cleaning a Fibreglass Sink

Home cleaning is one of the things many people are experiencing some serious problems with. Therefore many professional cleaning companies are offering one pretty good solution and it's called professional cleaning services. Spring cleaning, carpet cleaning,
end of lease cleaning Melbourne is one fantastic city, where professional help could be found on every corner.

One particular issue, I'm sure you will be able to deal with on your own, is cleaning of your fibreglass sink. The first thing you need to know is that any abrasive cleaning detergents and tools should remain in the closet or where you usually keep them. Any scratches will make the future cleaning more harder.

Instead of that, you could use a sponge or any other soft cloth. You can also use an all-purpose cleaner or alternatively a paste from baking soda and water. Apply on the surface of the sink and let for some period of time before you wipe it off. Really tough soap scum build up could be cleaned with the use of mild abrasive cleaner. For mineral deposits you should use especially designed for that purpose cleanser.

As a last resort you could use acetone for really stubborn marks, don't pour directly onto the stain though, apply it on a cloth instead.

Some things could be really easy, when it comes to cleaning, for others you may need a piece of advice. Using professional cleaners is the third way to clean stuff. Home cleaners Melbourne has got, is one really good way to maintain spotless home.

Monday, February 13, 2012

How to Clean Adhesive Stains

It is a well known fact that when adhesive comes in contact with fabric, it creates a really stubborn stain. After the glue dries, it hardens. As a result a crusty mark forms on the material. Getting rid of suck requires a substance that softens the glue and its grip on threads.

Considering how tricky may me such stain removal cleaners Bowes Park provide the following tips on how to handle adhesive marks removal by yourself:
As a start you have to prepare your cleaning weapons. In this case you will need several clean paper towels, liquid dish soap, cloth, commercial stain remover and liquid laundry detergent. When you have everything on hand, you will be read to start the actual treatment.
To begin take sever clean paper towels and blot at the wet adhesive stain. Never try to wipe the it! That will only smear the glue over more of the fabric.
Pour 1 tsp. of liquid dish soap in a sink of warm water. Submerge a cloth into the soapy solution and squeeze out the excess liquid.
Then again blot at the adhesive spill with the cloth until it is completely saturated. Peel off any glue that softens and extract it from the fabric.
Apply commercial stain remover at the rest of the adhesive traces.
After that put your item in the washing machine and launder with 1 tbsp. liquid laundry detergent. Read the care label of your garment and set the washer on the appropriate temperature.
When the cycle is complete, take the fabric out and carefully inspect its surface for any remaining traces of the adhesive stain. If you didn't notices any marks left place your item in the dryer.
Cleaners Bowes Park wish you great final results!

How to Clean Up Blood from Bed Linen

Removing of different stains from various surfaces and fabrics may be really tricky sometimes. But if you know a thing or two about the specific type of stain, maybe you will be able to remove it with less effort. Using professional help is also something, you could try in order to clean up not only stains, but rather the entire home place.
Spring cleaning, oven cleaning, carpet cleaning or end of lease cleaning Melbourne has on offer, are only some of the services you could use for your home.

One thing you can take care yourself without the use of help is blood stains and more specifically blood stains on bedroom linen. The first important thing you need to do is to flush the spot really good, but pay attention - use cold water only. Do it as soon as you notice the stain, the longer it stays the harder it will be to remove it after that. After that wash the spot with shampoo, if you are lucky enough the stain will disappear. If your sheet is made from non-cotton fabrics, you can pre-soak it into enzyme cleaner and cold water solution. Let it stay in it for not more than 15 minutes. Rub the blood stained linen on itself and soak � repeat until the stain is gone. For real stubborn stains you could try a mix of hydrogen peroxide and couple of drops of ammonia. After you are done with the stain simply wash the linen as you do usually � in the laundry machine.

Keeping the home place clean isn't always as easy as it might look at first. Sometimes you need to use special detergents or mixtures in order to get the job well done. Professional services are also an option, house cleaning St Kilda has on offer, is one pretty good way to solve a lot of domestic problems.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

How to Make Your Home-made Carpet Shampoo

Carpet shampoos are one of the most expensive cleaning detergents available on the market today. Moreover, most of them contain different chemicals and toxins that can cause allergies and other health problems. So, how would you feel if I tell you that there is a chance to avoid using commercial carpet shampoos, replacing them with your own home-made carpet shampoo.

There are many different ways to clean a carpet. However, the most effective carpet cleaning methods use carpet cleaning shampoos. Making your home-made carpet shampoo is a great time investment. And by time I am not talking that you will need hours to prepare the mixture, just a few minutes. By preparing your own home-made carpet shampoo you have the chance not only to preserve your domestic environment from germs and bacteria but to protect the health of your family members and your own as well. So read on to learn one easy and useful home-made carpet cleaning recipe, given to us by some of the best carpet cleaning London professionals. 

1. The materials that you will need are: some mild detergent, warm water and white vinegar.

2. So, make the carpet cleaning shampoo by mixing 2 cups of warm water, 2 tablespoons of white vinegar and � cup of some mild detergent. Pour the solution into some suitable vessel, such as a plastic bottle or a small kitchen bowl. If you've chosen the first option, mix the ingredients well by shaking the bottle. For the second option use a spoon to mix the ingredients. 

3. To finish the process, our cleaners in London advise to keep stirring until you see white foam to form. To speed up the process use an eggbeater. Once the white foam pop up on the surface, your home-made carpet shampoo is ready to use!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How to Remove Varnish Stains from Hard Surfaces

Cleaning at home is really responsible task and it has to be taken pretty seriously. A lot of people are having troubles with the domestic work and they prefer to let the professional cleaners take care of it instead. Heavy-duty tasks such as spring cleaning, carpet cleaning,
vacate cleaning Melbourne is a place, where all that could be given to professional cleaners. In my opinion professional cleaners should be used for anything you have no idea how to clean rightfully.

One serious matter, that you might have problems with, is varnish and more specifically removing of varnish stains from hard surfaces like vinyl tiles, plexiglas, acrylic plastic, etc. We have to mention, that removing varnish stains off hard surfaces is the better thing � it's a way more painful to remove stains from fabrics for instance. Another thing, you need to know is that varnish could quickly damage these surfaces, therefore you need to act quickly. Use a dull knife or credit card to scrape off the varnish. After that you need to take care of the stain mark. You can use cotton rag dipped in arnyl acetate. But even after all that, the stain may remain on the surface, permanently.

Cleaning is an important and as such it shouldn't be postponed in time. The quick reactions are also important, in the whole process. Bare in mind, that you can always turn to professionals for help. Professional cleaning Footscray has on offer, is one really convenient option everytime when you need help.