Saturday, December 15, 2012

Carpet Steam Cleaning Tips

Carpets are a great source of comfort in one�s home, but still they get many different stains. It could be either from juice, pets, mud or the worst scenario � wine. All those stains are hard to remove from the carpet and you could either use professional carpet cleaning services or try steam cleaning. The steam cleaning could be very efficient if applied appropriately. We have prepares some simple tips to help you maintain your carpets perfectly.

First of all you need to choose the appropriate equipment for steam cleaning. The machine should be able to remove most of the water so that the carpet could dry easily. The cheap machines are usually not powerful enough and they can break down easily. So if you are considering making this investment � choose a machine that will be worth the money you are going to spend.
After you have the appropriate equipment you should know that it is recommendable to vacuum the carpets before applying steam cleaning. When you have vacuumed the thoroughly the surfaces you can start streaming the carpet. Start slowly with a small radius and easily extend the cleaning area. If you go too fast the cleaning chemicals will not have enough time to attack all the stains and dirt on the carpet.
You should also consider the weather and the air humidity when you start steam cleaning the carpets. Try to do this when the weather outside is warm and it is not very humid. Otherwise the moisture that will stay in the fibre of the carpets could cause bad smells and also allergies.
When you choose the cleaning chemical try to find a solution that contains pH less than 10. The carpet will dry faster and it will not affect the fibres. If the carpet is not much damaged by stains and spills you could also try some �green� products that will not hurt the environment and sill not cause you any allergies. The chemicals are only recommendable only if the stains are coloured or hard to remove.
The last tip that is essential for steam carpet cleaning is to remove all the furniture from the carpet. The furniture will protect parts of the carpets and you will not be able to steam the whole area. This means that some parts of the carpets will still remain dirty and if you decide to rearrange your home you will have to clean the carpet again or contact company for carpet cleaning in Highbury, London.

Friday, November 23, 2012

How to Clean an Electric Wheelchair


An electric wheelchair can prove to be an extremely useful tool for people with disabilities. Such wheelchairs can be quite expensive, though. This is one more reason to clean them regularly and keep them in a good shape. This will help with the pesky debris and residue, which can lead to the wheelchair's breakage in the long run.

A thing you can do on a daily basis is to use a damp cleaning cloth with warm water and wipe the whole wheelchair exterior. Yes, you can skip a day or two, but it's best to do it daily to avoid any dust or dirt stacking up and becoming harder to remove. If such extra build-up is present, about three drops of dish detergent would be an amazing addition to the warm water. This mild cleaner will make sure to clean the surface without harming the parts of the wheelchair.

As cleaning services once shared, it is also very important to wipe the chair afterwards to prevent the water from getting into the electronic components, that keep the wheelchair moving. About once per two months you should think about applying some wax. Usually, any car wax would be good for the job. Applying it with a cleaning rag will make future cleaning a lot easier, as well as protecting the wheelchair from any scratches that might occur.

As a last step, spray some lubricant on the ball bearings, axles and wheels, about once per year. Usually a loud screeching will tell you, that it's time to do it. Keep it clean and functional, it's the least you can do to prolong the life of your wheelchair!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Is Your Carpet Cleaning Provider Ripping You Off?

Carpets have been the floor cover of choice for most London households. In the past people were cleaning their carpets themselves and there were only a few companies which specialized in this activity. However in recent years the situation have immensely changed as more and more people decided to
open a cleaning company.
The niche is now densely packed with all sorts of companies but the service they are providing is not the same. The severe competition caused profit margins to decline and now some managers try to cut corners with their service or use questionable marketing strategies. So how do we escape these traps when hiring carpet cleaners and do we have any other alternatives?

So What Are The Tricks That These Companies Use to cheat you?

As you may know London has been attracting lots of emigrants many of which don't have work permit but they still need money to survive. Some managers of carpet cleaning companies decided to use this opportunity and hire these people for pennies. Usually illegal workers have no idea what they are doing, as they have never been trained properly to execute carpet cleaning procedures. Often these people are barely speaking english and communicating with them is nightmare. Naturally the effect is "flawed service" or even damaged carpets and rugs. In this case low prices mean , low quality and I guarantee that you would be happier paying a little bit more for a premium service.

Beware of Hidden Fees

Another nasty trick that some cleaning providers use is charging you hidden fees for things that they did not mentioned initially. There are cases of charging 5-6 pounds for every stair or for every little stain they removed or spot they treated with scotchguard. This is how the "affordable prices" turned in to something else. What I hate about this strategy is that these companies usually offer significantly lower prices to lure you in and then surprise you with the bill at the end. If it ever happened to you spread the name of the company trough all info channels that you can and signal the authorities for bad business practices. Remember what they say "I'm not rich enough to afford cheap things". If you are going to compare prices, take a look at the larger and older brands that won't pursue such a cheap strategies.

Marketing Tricks

Such tricks are used in all businesses around the world, sometimes they are based around a quality product that comes with all kinds of useless extras costing a fortune. These businesses just try to extract the maximum of their product and this is completely legitimate, however be skeptical about anything "free" they offer.  The same goes for carpet cleaning firms that operate in London, the so called "free estimate" is just a way to lure the clients to call them. Real estimate is performed before the carpet cleaning treatments  as soon as the cleaners set foot in to your home. Then and only then they can accurately judge your current situation with all unique details linked to it. These estimates performed over the phone are not accurate at all, for me this service is empty of value for the client.

To protect yourself from such abuse, you would have to make a little research and find a carpet cleaning provider that looks solid or  a certain company that is recommended to you. Check out if those providers are certified by the National Carpet Cleaners Association (NCCA). Most companies directly advertise themselves as certified by NCCA if this is not the case just move to the next one. When searching for a carpet cleaning provider just write "carpet cleaning *district area* " so the results show only companies providing carpet cleaning services in your location. Ranking high for these words does not always mean they offer solid service, so look at the list and see if you recognize any names.

If something looks too good to be true stay away, you could be stepping in to a trap.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Laundry Tips and Suggestions

Tips for laudering shared shared by experts in domestic cleaning
There are many ways that can help you improve the way you do the laundry and get the dirty clothes even cleaner after each washing without wearing of the fabrics in any way. Utilizing few laundry tips and suggestions can do wonders for your laundry, save you money, help you deal with stubborn stains and so on. 

Use Natural Products and Ingredients

Such household products as the vinegar, baking soda and salt can be quite useful when doing the laundry. For example few people are aware of this but if they add salt to the washing cycle they can prevent the colours of the different clothes from bleeding or running. Vinegar on the other hand can replace the expensive fabric softener and prevent the static cling. As for the baking soda it can be used to absorb any bad smells or mask the smell of strong cleaning products used in the washing such bleach. 

Dealing with Stains

Stains are very common problem for garments and clothes. In order to get the stains out successfully of any garment you should first pre-treat the fabric and then put the clothing in the laundry machine. It's recommended that you clean the stain while it's still fresh although this is not always possible. Removing dried is a bit tricky but still manageable. Soak the stained garment in solution of hot water and strong detergent or alternatively treat the stain with a little lemon juice.

Restore the White Colour to the Whites

Another problem which most of us faced. No matter how well you take care of certain white clothing sooner or later it starts to lose its whiteness and turns yellowish or even grey. Restoring the former glory of your favourite white dress is easily done if you follow few simple laundry tips shared by experts in domestic cleaning from London. Soak the garment in bucket full of hot water and few drops of liquid dish soap, then rinse it under running water, after that soak the garment again in a solution of warm water and 2 tablespoons of vinegar, eventually rinse the clothing and let it dry. 

There are many tips and suggestions that you can use to improve the way you do laundry or washing your clothes. These tips and suggestions can provide a lot of new washing methods and techniques to use when doing the laundry.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Move Out Guide for Move Out Freshers

If you are moving out for the very first time, I would call you a �move out fresher�. In this article, I will share with you a short move out guide for move out freshers. I really hope that it will help you to make the process much easier and to save some time and energy by knowing a few small details and tricks in advance.

Moving out can be really easy, if you know what you are doing. However, it's very important to hire a professional company that provide move out cleaning services Melbourne for the final cleaning, because only that way, you will be able to get your rental deposit back.

1.Start by determining your budget. That's important to know, because you should make sure that you have enough month budget to cover all the expenses such as utilities, rent, etc.

2.Don't move without a starting budget and some savings. Expect the unexpected.

3.Ensure a consist income. Don't act too fast, because without a steady job, it will be very hard to live.

4.Get a room-mate. If you have a responsible and considerate friend, I advise you to ask him. Maybe he wants to move out as well, who knows?

5.Learn to cook some yammi meals. This is important for your budget and your health. You can't eat in fast food restaurants only.

6.Next tip � learn how to clean. If you need some tips, the move out cleaning services Melbourne specialists may be able to help. Call them and they will help with plenty of quotes and easy cleaning tricks.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Home Gym � Keep Firm Without Leaving the House

By far modern gyms are equipped with most types of exercise machines one can think of. Whether you want to tone up, want to become a bodybuilder or just want to go punch some bags and let off some steam, a well equipped gym will accommodate your needs.
Gyms though, are not everyone's cup of tea. Some people don't feel comfortable with all the god-like bodies walking around, not all people look like that and the site could be a bit intimidating at times, after all some people cannot look that way due to a medical condition or some other reason out of their control.

Another issue with gyms is their cost, although gym management is constantly coming up with new rates, new access cards, new VIP prices, cheaper sessions, cheaper personal trainers and what not just to grab the money off your hand, the fact remains � gyms costs a certain amount of money per week or month so some people prefer to spend the money elsewhere or simply don't have enough to attend a good gym. All this points to one thing � working out and exercising in the comfort of your own home. Now, don't be put off by this and think that only Rocky Balboa works out at home. Many extremely fit, splendid looking individuals with healthy bodies and minds have never set foot in a gym. Having access to the right literature, instructions and some rudimentary fitness equipment like couple of pairs of dumbbells can go a long way, in combination with a healthy lifestyle and a serious attitude toward exercising, of course. 

To make a small gym at home you will need sufficient space, like a garage or a basement, you may have to do some alterations like installing a proper flooring suitable for the job � vinyl flooring installation for instance is one of the best options. Plank vinyl flooring is cheap, easy to fit and install, extremely durable and hard wearing and best of all it's perfect for working out as it provides heaps of grip and a certain level of softness.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Buyers' Guide to Hardwood Flooring

The purchase and installation of hardwood floors throughout the house or certain rooms of the house is a costly affair and has to be undertaken only by qualified specialists and certified technicians as you want to avoid damage or sub-quality installation of the floor. 

What you can do instead is make a decision on what will be the  most suitable type of wood to be used for your floor. In case you are a newbie to wood floors installation specialist stores will be able to provide you with quality, sensible information concerning types of wood, installation methods, maintenance requirements and lots more. Many of the new types of hardwood flooring have specially grooved edges on either side which click together with the next board, similar to the way parquet is clicked together to give complete floor coverage. In general, floorboards are two centimeters thick and the click grooves are five millimeters deep, respectively the edges, known as tongues protrude five millimeters on the other side of the board for snug fit. 

After a proper installation of the floorboards there should be no nail heads showing, there is some nailing required besides the click-on method. What you need to see or rather not see are the nail heads. There are special techniques which allow for the nail heads to be concealed within the board. Make sure your technicians are doing it properly and there are no nails or other construction traces showing on any of the boards. Again, if you are new to wood flooring London based specialists will be able to organize  the installation of the floor properly so ask them when you purchase the floorboards � don't attempt to do it on your own, not because you won't manage, but in case you don't � the mess will be colossal. 

Another thing to consider is Janka, this isn't a lady from Eastern Europe but an average hardness rating given to different wood species thus determining their suitability for the flooring task. A Janka rating of about five is soft wood, whereas ratings of about fourteen is tough stuff.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Laminate Floors which are Ideal for the Bathroom

Although many experts are against placing laminate floor surfaces in the bathroom there are some that approve this bold decision.

There are four types of laminate floors that can be installed in the bathroom:
�        The oak laminate flooring is the most popular opttion for bathrooms. The oak laminated floors are considered to add a luxurious and classy touch to the premise. In fact oak laminate is so popular that most famous spas are going with this decorative solution. 

�        Interior designers prefer to place pine laminate floorings into the bathrooms because pine laminate floorings are clean and bright and thus they easily create the impression of being in a much spacious and larger premise.

�        If you wish to add a more sophisticated touch to your bathroom then you should get the Tuscan stone laminate. The Tuscan stone laminate mimics the pattern of Tuscan stone which will give an expensive and warmer feeling to your bathroom. 

�        Travertine laminate floorings imitate the appearance of travertine stone. Travertine stone is a light colored clean stone that is ideal for bathroom, but sadly very expensive. Therefore the travertine laminate flooring is an ideal alternative for all of you that wish to have a good looking bathroom without spending a fortune on it.

Once you have bought the laminate flooring you can either install it yourself or hire a building company to do it for you. If you don�t have any experience with laminate floors, then the best thing to do is to contact a building company. When it comes to laminate flooring installation has plenty of firms that you can hire at very cost effective prices. To find the coordinates of these building firms you can read the yellow pages or type laminate flooring London on your computer�s internet search engine such as Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Modern People Cleaning Tips

When it comes to modern people many think of successful, well looking and healthy people who work for several hours a day and for the rest of the time go for shopping and drive expensive cars.

Unfortunately, the reality is completely different. Most people work for most of their days and in the rest of the time they sleep and relax. This means that the real modern people do not have enough time for cleaning, something which most of us know very well from personal experience.

 So, what are the alternatives in front of the modern person? 

1. Spending some time on cleaning after coming home. This is good way to do so if you want to have something cleaned with more attention and do not want to let other people in your home. In this case this is a good alternative. This will save you money too.

 2. However, if you want everything just perfect and you do not want to spend time on cleaning, hire professional cleaning services company. They offer maid services, which means that the cleaning staff will come to your place, clean everything and leave before you to come home.
This way you will not have to stay in the place while the cleaning is in progress and will have the place as clean as possible. Here the one thing that you will have to care about is the price of the service.

So, next time when you want to have your place just well looking but you see that you do not have the time for that, try to remember these simple tips here.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Choose the Right Cleaning Company

Local carpet cleaning services are on the rise these days. There has been a surge in the number of providers servicing particular area. They provide a healthy competition in the industry, helping to push down prices and increase free additional services for their customers. Local companies boast great reputation among local communities. Moreover, they have fast response times and can deliver services much quicker than other not local companies.

 On the other hand, hiring a larger company has its benefits, as well. They can offer you better prices, superior cleaning equipment and products, and expert know � how. Larger company will surely be better prepared to deal with any type of emergency that a local provider can cover. At the end of the day, it all depends on your individual preferences and cleaning requirements.

Carpet Cleaning Fulham SW6

No matter, if you want to hire a local company or a household name from the industry, you basically have to check for the same things in both cases. Just the information channels will be different. If you want to check your local carpet cleaning Fulham providers for references, certification, or quality of service, you can try and find a friend or family member, who has already used their services. On the other hand, when looking for larger company, you have to depend on testimonials posted on their website.

Carpet Cleaning Hampstead NW3

Checking their prices is most of the times done by the phone. Both local carpet cleaning Hampstead companies and larger ones offer free quotes over the phone. Many even send out a team of cleaners to access the area on the spot and to give a price estimate. When you have chosen your provider, be sure that you are home when they arrive. Accompany them while they inspect the area and give your suggestions or state any concerns. Thus the cleaners will know what your expectations are, and whether they can live up to them.

Friday, September 28, 2012

How to Take Revenge on Your Landlord

If you're living on rent, and your landlord is mean and rude to you, then why don't you take revenge on him/her when your tenancy period is over? There are lots of interesting tricks which you can use against him. And don't worry about your security deposit because you'll be long gone with your money when your host realises what you've done.

When I'm saying to take revenge on your mean and greedy landlord, I don't mean to beat him, or to destroy his property. This won't be in your favour at all, and you might even go to jail. The revenge I'm talking about is quite smart and won't cost you anything. Here is a trick, which I learned during my career as an end of tenancy cleaning London specialist:

You need a shrimp, fish, or some other sea inhabitant. Clean the whole place, if you want you can hire a professional to freshen it up. It has to be absolutely spotless � no stains, no dirt, nothing suspicious. Hide the fish/shrimp in some kitchen cabinet or somewhere else, so that it can't be seen. You must leave the surprise right before you meet your host to receive your security deposit. He will check the place, you will move out, but the surprise will remain there until his next visit. It will start staling and smelling bad, and the whole place will be filled up with a terrible stench. Your landlord will have to use the services of move out cleaners London and will be charged as guilty for that.

You can find various other ways to take revenge on your landlord on the Internet, but I advise that you don't trust them all. Some of the ideas there, as to paint everything in the rented property in black, might send you in jail, and you probably don't want that.  

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Best Airline Snacks

The recent economic hardship that has engulfed much of the developed world has also taken its toll on the airline industry.
Not only that airfares have gone up do to sky high fuel prices and increased insurance and maintenance costs but the passenger menu has also been the subject of some serious cuts. If one thought the shrinking of seats so that more passengers can be crammed on board was bad enough, then what can one say about the diminishing amount of food being served on flights these days, water has always been scarce on long flights so leave it out of the matter for now. The overall trend is that the current state of air travel is nowhere near the golden age of flying, not even what it was fifteen years ago but much worse and unappealing.

To be served a decent meal on an airplane was a regular thing back in the day, and one didn�t have to be business class passenger to get some normal food. Nowadays food and snacks also appear to have fallen on hard times, their small amount or their total lack on some flights can leave people with a really bad impression of the airline in general. Luckily, some industries are still firmly on the ground and are keeping up the good work, once you return home you can put this to the test and call for some domestic cleaners in Bexley is serviced seven days a week so your home can be cleaned right after you touch-down at your own convenience. 

Local companies offer a wide range of quality house cleaners Havering residents have taken full advantage of quality and affordable service range. If you are looking to spot an airline which still cares for its passengers and tries to do its best by them, you will have to do some serious looking but in general British Airways show some good manners and serve plenty of snacks on all their flights. Jetblue also seem to be on the right track along with Singapore Airlines. Air France has good breakfast as well.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How Often Should You Get Professional Carpet Cleaning?

Can you imagine your living room without the warm and cosy carpet you placed in the middle? It looks very different and this feeling of warmness and home is missing. Would you take the risk to lose your carpet only because you haven't cleaned it often enough so to preserve it? We bet you wouldn't and probably the very thought of this makes you ask yourself the question how often to get professional carpet cleaning.

Before we answer your question, we need to know several important facts about your house and residents. The state of your carpet depends on many factors such as the traffic it receives, whether you have cat or dog, or even baby in the house, etc. Once you have in mind those little details, you will be able to give yourself the answer of the question.

Pets and Small Children in the House

In case you have small children or pets, you need to take care of the carpets more often. The same refers to smokers living there. The carpet cleaning is obligatory at least twice a year because the pets' hair and smoke can get deeper in the fabrics the time passes by. The longer you wait, the harder it is. They are not only ruining the fabric but may cause serious health problems such as asthma or allergy. So how often to get professional carpet cleaning in order to avoid this? The answer is at least once every six months.

Living on Your Own

Carpet cleaning can occur rarely in this case. Again it is important to think of the traffic your carpets receive as you may live on your own but invite guests (and throw parties as well) every day. Steam cleaning once a year is more than enough to remove all of the dirt that get stuck in the fibres. And how often to get professional carpet cleaning if you call your friends quite often? Not more than twice a year and only if you call them that often as three or four times a week.

It is important not to forget that the professional cleaning is something different than the regular carpet cleaning you have to do by yourself on a regular basis. No matter how hard your cleaners try, they won't be able to remove all the dust your carpet has collected for six months. So, vacuum the rug regularly and everything will be fine.

Monday, September 17, 2012

How to Deal With Difficult Tenants

If you have ever let a property, you have probably had to deal with difficult tenants at least once in your life. It is very unpleasant to have job with stupid and bad-mannered people, but sometimes one doesn't have any other choice.

Here are some tips on how to deal with difficult tenants:
  • If your renter doesn't want to clean your property in the end of his/her tenancy period, or to hire a move out cleaning London specialist to do it, keep his/her rental deposit. You have the right to do that, and he/she has signed for that in your rental contract.
  • If your tenant refuses to move out before his/her deadline, call the police. The law is always on the side of the property owner in such situations.
  • If your occupant makes too much noise, and gives you trouble with your neighbours, ask him/her to stop. And if he/she doesn't, ask him/her to move out.
  • Make surprise visits to the property, if you don't trust your renter. This way he/she won't know when you're going there, and will always behave.

If you want to avoid the situation with the difficult tenant, then don't hire random people. Always make an interview with all of the potential candidates, so to get an idea of their personalities and characters. Don't let your place to anyone too tempered, or to anyone who has bad manners. Such people will cause you trouble.

It doesn't matter what renter you will find, always take a rental deposit in the beginning of his/her tenancy. This way you won't have to pay for the services of end of tenancy cleaners London or for any reparations with your money.

Good luck finding the perfect tenant.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How to Clean Exploded Eggs in the Microwave

If you have never tried to boil or cook an egg in the microwave here are some tips to prevent you from having to clean up the mess afterwards, since they tend to explode if you stick a whole egg inside the oven.

The reason for the exploding part is fairly obvious, for those who have passed the fifth grade, but still � the microwaves heat things from inside out. More importantly, they heat faster things that have more water molecules. The egg shell has few to none water in it, but the insides � the yolk, has quite a lot. This will cause the inside to heat up rapidly, expand and explode, cracking the shell. You will have a huge mess in the microwave, an the smell will be even worse.

Cooking eggs in the oven is possible, but you have to know a few rules. Alas you will have some serious oven cleaning to do on your hands. Never put a whole egg in the oven is the basic one, and I have just explained above the �why� part. Now, when preparing omelettes and scrambled eggs in the microwave � yes, it is possible � you have to break the yolks surface, before you begin cooking. If you don't it will still explode, causing devastation all around it. Cooking eggs in the microwave is done on the highest possible temperature setting, for a little less than 2 minutes, depending on the condition you want them in.

If, however, you have already done a mistake, and have a gutted egg inside your oven, here is what oven cleaners Kidlington advise you to do. Take a damp sponge with a few drop of dish soap on it, and a bowl of warm water, and wipe the egg remains off the microwave walls, ceiling, floor and the door. You should remove the rotating plate from inside and put it in the dishwasher while you do so, or you can wash it by hand afterwards. Once the remains are gone, put the dish back in and fill a heat proofed cup with about 10-15 ml of white vinegar. Put the microwave on a medium setting and heat the vinegar for a few minutes, making it boil. The evaporating vinegar will deodorize the microwave and remove most, if not all of the odours from the vault.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

How to remove stains from velvet upholstery

1. Try to remove as much liquid from the upholstery as possible. If the spill is on a cushion or other removable piece, shake to remove excess.
2. Gently soak up any additional liquid from the surface of the fabric, using a dry absorbent cloth. Be very careful not to add too much pressure, as you might push the moisture further into the velvet.
3. Mix a small amount of warm water and a few drops of dish washing detergent in a bowl. Cover the bowl and shake the mixture to create suds. Using a soft cloth, apply the suds to the stain, taking great care not to over wet the fabric. Continue to dab the stain lightly until stain is lifted. If this process doesn't remove the stain, use a dry cleaning solvent.
4. Follow the directions on the dry cleaning solvent packaging for mixing instructions. Apply a small amount of solution on a cloth and dab into the stain in the same manner as the suds mixture.
5. Allow fabric air dry. If you wish to speed up the drying process, use a hair dryer. Set the hair dryer on low heat and hold about five inches from the fabric. Keep the dryer moving so you do not damage the fabric.
6. Use a steamer if the velvet has lost lustre during the cleaning process. Move the steamer nozzle across velvet at a moderate pace going with the nap.
7. After the velvet is completely dry, brush it in the direction of the nap, using a soft bristled hair brush or velvet brush.

House Cleaning

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

How to remove coffee stains from a microfibre couch

1. Blot up the coffee with a clean, dry cloth.
2. Wet a cloth with warm water. Wring it out to remove excess moisture.
3. Squirt a few drops of liquid dish soap onto the cloth.
4. Scrub the coffee stain with the soapy cloth. You may have to rinse the cloth and reapply soap during this process.
5. Rinse soap from the area with a clean, damp cloth.
6. Blot the affected area dry with a clean, dry cloth. If you don't dry the couch, the water may leave a mark on the microfibre.

Cleaning Services Melbourne

Monday, September 3, 2012

How to clean baby spit-up from a couch

1. Fill a small bowl with hot water and a good squirt of Palmolive dish soap. Mix it up so that you have soapy hot water.
2. Identify the stains on your couch. Start with the biggest and most obvious baby spit-up stains. Getting those out of the way will dramatically improve the overall appearance of your couch.
3. Dip your old toothbrush in the soapy water and then dab the stain. Continue to do this until your stain is good and wet. Then start scrubbing with your toothbrush.
4. After you've scrubbed the spot and it looks like most of the spit up is gone, take your dish towel and dry the spot - this will also help pick up any loose debris from the area.
5. Repeat on all of your spit-up stains.

Commercial Cleaning

Thursday, August 30, 2012

How to clean nylon curtains

1. Wash your nylon curtains in your washing machine with the machine set on the gentle cycle, using a gentle, colour-safe detergent that won't fade the colours of your nylon draperies. Use cool water unless your nylon curtains are badly soiled. If your nylon curtains are in need of a deeper cleaning, use warm water. Avoid hot water, which is hard on the fabric.

2. Dry your nylon curtains on the tumble dry setting of your dryer with low heat. Avoid high heat, which may fade the colours and wrinkle the fabric. Add a fabric softener sheet to minimize wrinkles.

3. Remove the nylon curtains from the dryer while the fabric is slightly damp. Re-hang the curtains and allow them to finish drying.

Commercial Cleaning

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How to remove Vaseline stains from a couch

1. Remove the excess petroleum jelly from the couch. Either blot the spot with a white cloth or scrape it off with a butter knife. Take care not to spread the stain further.
2. Sprinkle corn Flour, talc or baby powder over the stained area. Pour just enough so that the stain is covered. Allow it to sit for about 15 minutes. The powder will absorb the grease, making the stain lighter and leaving less to remove.
3. Vacuum the powder or remove it with a small broom or straight edge.
4. Apply a dry-cleaning solvent to a white cloth. Blot the stain with the solvent-soaked cloth -- don't use a circular motion as it may cause the stain to soak deeper into the fabric. Continue to apply the solvent to the stain until the spot disappears. You may have to repeat this process several times until the stain is removed.

House Cleaning

Monday, August 27, 2012

How to remove ink stains from a leather couch

1. Blot excessive ink with a paper towel.
2. Dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol.
3. Rub the stain with the cotton swab until the stain disappears.
4. Pour a small amount of water over the alcohol residue.
5. Dry the water by blotting it with a paper towel.

Commercial Cleaning

Thursday, August 23, 2012

How to remove pet urine stains from a couch cushion

1. Remove the soiled cushion from the couch immediately so the urine can't spread to other sections. Take the cover off of the couch cushion. Many covers unzip for easy removal; others may require you to unravel a seam and resew the cover on again once everything is clean.
2. Blot as much liquid as possible from the cover. Depending on the cover material, you may be able to launder it at home. However, if the cover is a delicate fabric or labelled "dry clean only," bring it to a professional cleaner and let them know what kind of stain it is; do not attempt to clean it yourself.
3. To wash the cover, test a small inconspicuous section of the fabric with the enzymatic cleaner to make sure it doesn't affect the colour or fabric. Soak the cover in full-strength cleaner for 10 to 15 minutes, then hang it to dry indoors, keeping it out of direct sunlight.
4. Place the uncovered cushion on a clean towel or rag, then use another towel to blot away excess liquid. Saturate the part of the cushion that was stained, using a spray bottle of enzymatic cleaner. In order for the cleaner to work, it must penetrate the entire urine-soaked area. You may want to do this step in a bathtub.
5. Allow the cushion to dry completely; rotating it regularly so air reaches all sides. Depending on what the cushion is made of, this could take up to two or three weeks; foam cushions should dry more quickly, but a cushion made of cotton batting will take a long time. Do not use a fan or heater to speed the drying of your cushion, because an enzymatic cleaner won't thoroughly work unless it's allowed to dry at its natural rate.
6. Put the cleaned cover back on the cushion and put your couch back together.

House Cleaning Melbourne

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How to remove crayon from a fabric couch

1. Scrape away as much crayon as possible. Use a butter knife to gently scrape up the crayon. Scraping is only necessary if the crayon has melted onto the couch fabric or is ground into the fabric in large chunks. If the crayon is just in the form of marks, you will not be able to scrape any off.
2. Moisten a paper towel with ammonia or dry cleaning solvent. Either product will work well, so use whatever you have on hand.
3. Dab the moistened paper towel over the crayon stain. Avoid rubbing over the stain the crayon will spread further. Dab the couch fabric several times with the paper towel. Blot the couch fabric with a dry paper towel.
4. Continue this process, switching from blotting with the moistened paper towel to blotting with the dry paper towel, until no more colour from the crayon is transferred from the couch to the paper towel.
5. Fill a small bowl with 1 cup lukewarm water. Add 1 tsp. of bleach-free dish soap to the water.
6. Dip a sponge into the bowl, and wring it out lightly. Dab the couch fabric with the sponge and soapy water. This will remove any traces of the cleaning solution, as well as any crayon residue.
7. Rinse the couch fabric with a rag and plain water. Blot the couch fabric with a dry rag to remove excess moisture. Allow the couch fabric to air dry the rest of the way, then inspect for any traces of the crayon.
8. Apply a lubricating spray such as WD-40 to the couch fabric if the crayon mark remains. Apply a small amount of the spray, and allow it to sit on the stain for about five minutes.
9. Scrub the crayon stain with a stiff scrub brush to loosen the crayon from the fabric. Clean the cushion with the sponge and soapy water, rinse with a rag and plain water and blot excess water from the fabric with a dry rag. Allow the couch fabric to air dry.

House cleaning

Sunday, August 19, 2012

How to remove tomato stains from your couch

1. Pick any tomato pieces off the couch and scrape as much of the stain off as you can with the back of a butter knife or other dull object.
2. Combine 2 cups of water and a tablespoon of liquid dishwashing detergent. You can also use a mixture of equal parts water and white vinegar.
3. Apply the solution to your stain and blot it with a clean cloth.
4. Repeat the process until the stain is gone.

Cleaning Services Melbourne

Monday, August 13, 2012

How to clean sheer curtains

1. Fill your washing machine with lukewarm water. (Even if you only have a few curtains, use a full washer as it will help to keep the curtains from twisting and wrinkling). As the washer is filling, add a water conditioner.

2. Once the washing machine is full, press the curtains down into the water. Never fill the washer more than half full with curtains.

3. Put the washing machine on pre-soak and let the curtains soak for five minutes. After five minutes, put the washer on a gentle rinse cycle.

4. After rinsing, with the curtains still in the washer, fill the washer to full once again with lukewarm water.

5. Mix detergent into water. If you use powdered detergent, mix it in a bowl to dissolve the clumps before adding it to the washer with the curtains.

6. Put on a gentle wash cycle for three to five minutes. Continually check on the curtains during the wash cycle to be sure curtains are not twisting around the agitator.

7. When the wash cycle has completed, put the curtains on a gentle rinse cycle with cool water. Once the washing machine has filled, add fabric softener, stirring it through the water.

8. When curtains have had their final spin, place them in the dryer on "air dry." Add three to four small hand towels to help absorb the moisture. Hang up as soon as they are dry, to ensure they will not wrinkle.

Professional cleaners

Sunday, July 15, 2012

How to clean marks off walls

Things you will need

Baking soda
Small bowl

Instructions for painted walls

  1. Mix 1/4 cup of water and 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a small bowl to make a paste
  2. Wring out a clean, wet cloth or sponge
  3. Dab the cloth or sponge into some baking soda mixture and rub it on the mark.  Do this in a circular motion
  4. Rinse the wall with another well-wrung rag or sponge

Dave's Tip

Try using an eraser for scuff marks made by shoes or other objects

    Cleaning Services Melbourne

    How to clean a Fireplace Window Glass

    Read your owner's manual to make sure your cleaning procedures don't invalidate the warranty. This is rarely a problem with recent fireplaces, but older models have a number of restrictions.

    Things you will need

    Razor blade or painting scraper

    Ammonia - based cleaner

    Disposable towels or rags


    1.     Remove the sooty buildup with a razor blade or paint scraper. You can skip this step if there is only minimal black debris on the windows.

    2.     Spray the windows with an ammonia-based cleaner. You can make your own with a mixture of equal parts ammonia and water.

    3.      Using clean towels, start wiping the windows in a circular motion. You won't be able to remove all of the buildup with a single wash. Spray and wipe at least three times.

    4.      Use wet newspaper with a little bit of ash sprinkled on it if there are spots that won't come off with just the ammonia cleaner. The newspaper and ash will scrape off stubborn particles that ammonia alone will not remove.

    5.     Allow the window to dry completely once all the visible soot has been removed. Spray and wipe down the windows one more time with ammonia and water. This will prevent most of the fogging from ash and sooty remains that aren't visible.

    Tips and Warnings

    Add 1/4 cup vinegar to your cleaning solution if fogging continues after cleaning. Occasionally burn an extremely hot fire to burn off excess soot from the windows. Most soot is material that hasn't completely burned, and so the heat will break down much of what you can see. Extra hot fires also help remove soot buildup from your chimney.

    Make sure you do not clean the glass while it is still hot. Cold liquid on hot glass can cause it to shatter

    Cleaning Services Melbourne

    Thursday, July 12, 2012

    Small Repairs Before Selling A House Usually Pay Off

    Prepare your house, make quick fixes before the first buyers start knocking at the door and you will succeed to sell it fast, for more money.Start with fixing the floor. If the carpet looks too old it is better to change it. Put new carpeting in light colour. It will fill the house with freshness and light. Replace the broken tiles in the hall. If the house has hardwood floors, polish it and make it shiny. Paint the walls and the ceilings. 

    Buyers usually look at the ceilings for signs of a leaky roof, but they won't be happy to see stains from smoke or grease. Newly painted walls in neutral colour are the most cost effective improvement. Get rid of the old wallpapers. You can do it easier by using a wallpaper remover steamer. Do some improvements in the kitchen. Resurface the cabinets. If they are painted, add a fresh coat of paint in light colour. Buyers won't be happy to see leaky faucets or stained sinks. Just replace them.For the bathroom install new floors, fixtures and lights and your will see the positive result.

    Check for broken windows or doors and replace them if there are some. If your home needs a new roof, don't waste your time and do it before the rain spoils your ceilings. You can also reasphalt the driveways. Repaint or fix the fence. Clean properly the garden. The professional cleaners Hornchurch companies can provide for you will trim the bushes, clean the dead branches and fallen leaves and plant new flowers. Fully experienced, armed with the right cleaning materials the cleaners Hornsey companies offer can clean all the house after the repair works.Actually buyers would like to see a home that looks well maintained, with new appliances, modern conveniences, that is ready to live in and they will buy it immediately for the money you will ask. 

    Thursday, June 28, 2012

    Versatile Alcove Uses

    Usually alcoves are overlooked when it comes to versatile storage and decoration ideas for the given  room, though they can be made to suit many different purposes, from handy additional storage to pure room decoration. The most common type of alcove is found on either side of the fireplace, those alcoves are usually large enough to fit a free standing book case or a set of handy display shelves for awards or art pieces.

     Shelving in this case, could be constructed of multiple shelves of different size and depth. This will create a functional and artistic design suitable for both storage and display. The particular style of the book case or the shelving should complement the rest of the room for a complete interior design. Another very suitable purpose for fireplace alcoves is storing of firewood, this is handy and will save you numerous walks to the basement or garage for extra firewood during the cold months of the year. Choosing a suitable purpose for the given alcove is important, storage of firewood for instance will inevitably create some mess in the fireplace room, either it being the lounge or the living room. 

    Domestic cleaning isn�t everyone�s cup of tea so if you prefer to occupy yourself with interior decoration and such, get yourself some professional cleaning services Beddington companies offer excellent domestic cleaning at reasonable prices. In case your room remodelling escalates to a full scale renovation, the same companies can offer you after builders or post renovation cleaning services Beddington Corner industry guides will aid you find a good cleaning company. For larger sized alcoves, and where room designs allow, the alcove could be turned into a fully functional study, the niche will fit a computer, a desk and a reading lamp. It is a good idea to use the alcove closer to the window for abundant natural light. For more artistic solutions, the alcove could accommodate a bold and funky wallpaper that emphasizes or highlights the fire place or an entire feature wall including the alcove itself � this look is usually preferred for simplistic room designs.

    Tuesday, June 26, 2012

    Budget Minded Kitchen Updates

    Budget friendly kitchen and home renovations are still possible, even with the economic hardship that�s in full swing right now. There are many simple tasks one can do on their own in order to shave off a few bucks here and there. Starting any renovation or update means out with the old and in with the new, this also extends to cleaning, a clean kitchen is a good kitchen, but if you rather occupy yourself with the renovation call in the cleaners Holloway domestic cleaners are also a budget friendly solution. 

    Saving some money of the end bill also means doing some of the work, have a look at the tasks part of the project, if there is something you can do by all means do it. Fitting of cabinets and other furniture is doable and will not require you to be a rocket engineer. Some benchtops can be fitted easily by a non-professional but others like granite or marble will require the trade knowledge. 

    Flooring is another area where the renovation budget can use with your handyman skills, the fitting of most types of kitchen flooring is rather straightforward and salespeople may also be able to give you some hints on how to do the installation yourself. Painting and wallpaper are easy to do and should be a simple task to do, in comparison to fitting granite counter top for instance. 

    Plumbing is an area where only confident DIYers should have a go, not that you will bring the house down but fitting the taps wrong may have bad consequences and will open more work for the cleaners Holland Park domestic companies also specialize in water removal and other types of post-accident cleaning. Consider reusing appliances instead of buying new ones, sometimes a reconditioning and some cleaning is all it takes. If budget is the name of the game, why not only do a facelift of sorts, try and replace key elements like bench tops, repaint solid wood cabinets, replace handles or change light fixtures, these are all small time changes but they do make quite a pleasant difference.

    Tuesday, June 19, 2012

    What to Do When You Are Not Fit For Cleaning

    Some people are born to become great writers, others are good at maths and become engineers, so subsequently, those fit for cleaning are future cleaners or household management company owners. It all comes down to your personal skills, so if you can evaluate your cleaning skills and they are insignificant, then you should probably find another sphere to reveal your talent. But you surely live with someone else and they might not digest the idea that they are the only people cleaning. 

    Here is how to show and explain to them why you are not the right person suited for the domestic cleaning job. 

    It is hard to fail every time when you do the dishes � there is always some food residue and even stains appear out of no where. But at least you are not breaking every single plate or glass. Cause no more damage, but explain that you are not the one that will handle the job best. 

    Compliment your roommates on their cleaning efforts. Tell them that you will never do it as well as they do it every time. Compare them with utmost professional cleaners such as in and out cleaners from London. Give them credit even for the smallest cleaning job, like cleaning the table. 

    Find your own thing. Ok, cleaning poses great risks for you and your property, then learn to do something else that is useful to your household, like sewing, cooking, repair. 

    Professionals are the ones to turn to. Everything that is at first- "Eww" and gunky becomes clean as "Pfew". So rely on professional help for top notch results up to the highest standard.

    Thursday, June 14, 2012

    Don't Become a Beauty Victim

    New cosmetic products are coming out on the market by the hour, each one better than the previous one with more bang for your buck. But is it really so? Well the answer is both yes and no. Many products claim to have been improved, to be green and ecological, made of organic ingredients etc. but just because the label says so it doesn�t necessarily mean it is absolutely true. 

    All natural, all organic logos, slogans and banners can be quite misleading at times. Most of these are of course marketing tricks and methods to make you buy the product. Anyone that is in the habit of buying beauty products on regular basis should be very careful or brand, content and purpose of the product as some of these can actually have adverse effects. It is not recommended to purchase cosmetics of dubious origin, regardless of the discount or great package price as these can be fakes or made not in accordance to health and safety regulations for commercial products, a good example would be the importation of goods from a country with laxer health and safety regulations, resulting in lower grade products reaching markets and consumers. It is only logical to use good, safe products when it comes to your body and appearance but it also makes good sense to use proven products and items for use around your home. 

    For instance, it�s time for a spring clean over at your place and you need fast, reliable and also eco-friendly cleaning Glen Huntly domestic cleaning companies use only proven and tested cleaning materials and equipment. They have a strict policy in place for the use of non-toxic, eco-friendly detergents. All their materials and detergents undergo additional in house testing for extra peace of mind, water saving and minimum waste practices are frequently applied by their cleaners Glen Huntly local business guides will help you find a company that has proven green track record and decent rates. Looking out your own health is paramount, either through the use of good cosmetics or good cleaners for your home.

    Wednesday, June 6, 2012

    Easy Steps for Dishwasher Cleaning

    Many people count on their dishwashers too much. It is true that the dishwasher eases the process of washing the dirty dishes, this machine depends on the soap and the water for the best performance. Just like the washing machine, the dishwasher suffers from the hard water. Even more, the dishes can also be damaged by the hard water consequences. 

    The practise of the professionals like cleaners Ealing have proved that the proper maintenance of the dishwasher can be in favour to the machine itself and the dishes. The soap residue and the mineral build-up can be easily avoided. The dishes will look great once more and the dishwasher will function like new. 

    What you need is to follow the following easy steps. First you need to fill the sink with warm water. Adding 2 tablespoons of dish soap and and 1 cup of vinegar means that you might be making your first home-made cleaning product. Put the dishes in the sink so that all of them are under the water level. Leave the dishes soaking for 15-20 minutes and then rinse them all with clear water. For a complete drying process, place the dishes upside down on a soft dry towel or wipe them with the same clean towel. 

     As you have noticed, some of the most effective cleaning products can be made home with the help of experienced advisers like cleaners Earls Court. The methods of green cleaning can be used for almost all cleaning operation in your household.

    Monday, June 4, 2012

    Let the Light In

    A home flooded by natural light is a must for many households, especially now with spring coming upon us. The benefits of natural light welcome indoors are more than obvious, it keeps the place warm and it�s free at the same time, it allows for cleaner air and thriving houseplants, the human body and mind require plenty of sunlight to work and grow properly so it makes sense to let the sunshine in. 

    If you�re making a dash for light as part of your spring cleaning requirements, it could be a good idea to use professional cleaning Flemington domestic companies offer excellent spring cleaning and window cleaning service, customers are very happy with their cleaners Glen Huntly and surrounding areas have taken full advantage of this practical and affordable cleaning service. When you need more light inside, you go open a blind or pull a curtain, sometimes though the windows are obstructed by other things like dirt, grime or window bars. Removing obstructions can only get you so far though, if your home doesn�t have the ideal window layout this doesn�t call for an all out renovation and knocking down half of the house. The solution is as simple as joining the yard or garden with the house by creating a summer room of sorts. An outdoor area furnished accordingly and covered with strong and water resistant tent is an excellent addition to your home. Some versions of the tent cover also come with side wall panels with additional transparent plastic windows. 

    An outdoor sitting area or coffee area is an affordable way to increase your home�s summer capacity. If outdoor areas are not on the menu, lure extra light inside by painting in bright and sparkling colours like yellow orange or lime, white is always an option. Another proven trick for creating some extra light in the room is to use a reflective or shiny floor cover like vinyl or laminated floors. A more drastic option is to remove foliage and shrubbery in front of the window, thus letting extra rays of sun inside for longer period of the day.