Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Welcome to Green Cleaning Tips!!!

Welcome to my Green Cleaning Tips & Spring Cleaning Tips Blog!!!

I am so excited to be able to share with you the house cleaning tips and techniques that I have used the last few years that have helped me save time and money and even better have reduced toxins in my home.  

I first sought out daily healthier alternatives because as a hairdresser I developed contact dermatitis and needed to at least make changes in my home until I could make changes in my career.  I found Norwex Enviro Products along the way and joined in their company mission to live healthier and share how one can have a better quality of life by dramatically reducing chemicals in personal care and cleaning products.   

Indoor air pollution is often 400% more than outdoor due to the amount of chemicals used in our daily home.  Personal care and cleaning products are responsible for the majority of the high toxic levels we are exposed to on a daily basis in the home.  I am pleased and excited to be able to share with you green cleaning products that can dramatically reduce the amount of chemicals you are exposed to on a daily basis.

Thank you for stopping by and letting me share with you the products that have helped me live a better quality of life. My hope is that you will find my Green-Clean-Tips blog valuable in finding healthier cleaning and organic personal care solutions.

I wish you Happy Healthy Cleaning

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