Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ten Rules You Never Follow III

In the last post about the ten rules that people never follow, we will discuss the last four tips you have to use more often. As we already said, following these principles is something that is going to make your cleaning process more easier.

My cleaning services always have told me that when I doubt about the result from my new cleaning supply, I should better test it first on a hidden area. That's what you have to do, when you want to try a new cleaning technique. First apply it on a place where no one is going to see it and then on the object you want to clean.

When you have to clean an item that could be easily destroyed, you have to pay attention not to deluge it. Such things could be computers, scanners, framed picture and etc. Do not spray any kind of cleaning products directly on them, but use soft cloths, otherwise you can damage them irreparably.

Rule number nine is about something you've heard a lot. We still try to convince you to read the manufacturer's instructions before cleaning any kind of furniture. This way you will avoid countless problems and damages, of course. Always read the labels on clothes, coaches and other pieces of furniture.

The last principle, you have to keep, is to protect yourself. Even the cleaning services, when they come to take care about your house, they stay focused and work very carefully with all these dangerous cleaning products.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Ten Rules You Never Follow II

As we already said, every housewife hates cleaning and wants to make it faster and more convenient process. But in order to do it, you should follow a few cleaning rules, which we consider useless, but they are much more helpful in fact. Let's see the second part of our topic.

The fourth important rule that might make your cleaning easier says that you should start with the less harmful cleaning products. This means, it is better to try cleaning even the most tough stains with a detergent not that strong to ruin your furniture and upholstery. All cleaning services will recommend you to try this before using something harsh.

Another rule is to be patient or in other words, to leave the time to do part of your job. For an example, you can apply the cleaning product on the spot and leave it for a few hours for better results. This is going to save you some efforts.

Remember that the fast and efficient cleaning could be done, if you take your supplies with you. You are not going to run from one room to another in order to take the window cleaner because you will have everything at one place. Your cleaning services will tell you how useful is to follow these rules.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

How to clean aluminum window frames

Having clean windows with the beautiful sun shining through will brighten up your day. But then you notice the aluminum frames and see just how gray and weathered they have become. It can make the sunshine turn a little gray.
Step 1; Start off by cleaning down the aluminum window frames by washing them with a mild detergent and water. A mixture of � a cup of sudsy ammonia to 1 litre of water. This works very well.
You can use already mixed solvent cleaners also. Never use abrasives as they can scratch the aluminum surface.
Step 2; Rinse off the solution thoroughly. Remove all traces of cleaner by rinsing the frames well with water.
Step 3; Dry the aluminum window frames thoroughly by using soft cloths or rags. Rub gently, but firmly in circular motions to remove any remaining dust as well as any soap residue.
Step 4; Paint the window frames if you wish to do so. Badly weathered frames that are beyond hope of cleaning can be brought back to life by cleaning with soap and water. After drying they can be painted with exterior metal paint in the color of your choice. You will have a totally new look with the paint.
Dave�s Tip: You can put a coat of lacquer on aluminum window frames to protect them from weathering.

How to clean old brick walls

Though they add character to any home, brick walls become dusty and dirty over time. Clean your brick walls regularly to maintain their appearance whether you have old brick walls are inside or outside of your home.
Step1; To start dust off the brick using a soft brush or vacuum cleaner hose attachment this will remove loose dust and dirt from the brick walls on the inside of your home. For exterior brick walls rinse off with plain water from the garden hose.
Step 2; Fill up a bucket with 3 litre of warm water; add � a cup of clear dish washing liquid and � a cup of table salt to the water. Mix up the ingredients by stirring. Fill a separate bucket up with 3 litre of plain warm water (cold water from hose if you are cleaning exterior brick).
Step 3; Dip an old rag in the bucket of soapy water then ring out the rag well. Scrub the bricks with the rag. Rinse rag often while cleaning. Using an old brush, dip into the bucket of soapy water to clean the mortar between the bricks. Start cleaning at the top working your way down to the bottom.
Step 4; Dip the rag into the bucket of plain water to rinse brick walls. Rinse and wring out the rag often to avoid reapplying dirt and soap to the walls. Rinse exterior brick walls with water from the garden house, rinse starting from the top working your way to the bottom. Doing this on a regular basis will preserve the beauty of the brick.

Dave�s Tip: Don�t clean walls in direct sunlight if possible as any residue dries very quickly. 

House Cleaning Melbourne

Ten Rules You Never Follow

There is no way to get rid of the cleaning, but there is a way to handle it more quickly and efficiently. Of course, if you want to do that, you should follow a few rules, which I am sure you have never done before.

The first main rule you need to follow is to clean as soon as possible. This is something you most probably know, but I bet nobody remembers to apply. But after all, it is true and all cleaning services warmly recommend you to try to clean the stains and the spills immediately. Imagine how easily a tomato spot will come out of you dress if you deal with it right away but not waiting until the next morning.

Always clean from top to bottom is the second rule that you also hear very often. It means to clean the entire house starting from the last floor and working down to the first one, and it also means to clean every room, starting from the ceiling and cleaning towards the floor. I assure you that this method is going to save you time and efforts.

The third rule says to clean the house using the dry methods first and then the wet ones. Start the cleaning process with vacuming and dusting and then continue with mopping and polishing using sprays and hard floor solutions. The reason why you have to do that is to remove the dust in advance to avoid turning it into dirt. Your cleaning services will tell you these are the golden rules, you should follow while cleaning your home.

Friday, May 27, 2011

How Not to Clean the Carpet

I am sure that, if you search the web now, you are going to find countless tips and advices about how to clean your carpet. But you are not going to find anything to tell you how not to clean it in order to avoid ruining it.

There is one thing you should do, so you can be sure that your carpet is going to be clean again and it is to hire professional cleaning services. However, if you decide to do it by yourself, there are a few things you don't have to do.

  1. First, do not leave any stains to get dry on your carpet. If you do that, you won't be able to remove it not only later, but probably ever.
  2. Do not put anything warm on the stain such as iron. Applying heat on a stain can cause more damage.
  3. Do not leave the spills to get deeper into the carpet because they won't come out later.
  4. Do not apply cold water on a stain or spill. The warm water is the only thing you should use when you have to remove a spot.
  5. And last but not least, do not try to clean your carpet with some dangerous supplies. In case, you are not sure what exactly to use, it is better to call professional cleaning services to take care about your rug.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Few Tips on How to Find Reliable Cleaners

It is easy for everyone to decide if they need professional cleaning or not. But when it comes to the service they have to hire, the decision is harder. And the reason is the great amount of cleaning services which offer different types of cleaning and they all promise efficient results. So, which cleaning provider we should choose?

The first thing you are going to notice is the price they will offer us. This is may be one of the things, that will affect on us the most. That's why you should check the different prices offered by the different cleaning services but remember, that it doesn't definitely mean that the most expensive one is the best.

When you choose several providers offering normal prices, you have to check whether they are experienced enough to hire them to take care about your property. Make sure that they have established their reputation before you let them in your house. There are services, which change their name in order to avoid their bad reputation, so be careful.

One very important issue is whether the provider has license and insurance. This is how you are going to protect your property and you can have peace of mind while the cleaners are in your home. It is important to choose the most appropriate cleaning services if you want to see the result you wished.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Some Useful Cleaning Tools

When we talk about cleaning, the biggest part of the things we discuss are the cleaning products. But don't you think we miss something important? The truth is we rarely mention the tools we need in order to handle the cleaning. That's why you can read about them in this post.

People usually use the tools that their cleaning services use. Not that it is wrong, just sometimes there are more useful cleaning instruments such as the toothbrush. You can buy one to use it when you have to scrub the mould between the tiles in the bathroom. You will see how many other small spaces could be cleaned using a toothbrush and even your jewellery. 

Sponges. These are also some of the most useful tools. They are made of cellulose wood fibres and you can use them for all types of cleaning from the carpet and the hard flooring to the bathtub and the shower.

Brush. These are the most popular cleaning tools, used by both housewives and cleaning services. A brush can works in many ways. You can find them in different sizes and shapes and there are even brushes that you can use to clean the toilet.

When you want to handle the cleaning by yourself, you can find these useful tools in the store and you can be sure that you will do a great job.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

gDipaers Review- A hybrid Diaper - My experiences using gDiapers

Which are the Best Carpet Cleaning Methods?

The most part of the cleaning has always been the carpet cleaning and you need to be careful when you deal with it because there is a slight chance to ruin your rug. That's why when it comes to this, we recommend you to call the professionals. But before that, you have to decide which method of carpet cleaning you prefer. Let's see which one is the best.

The most popular ways offered by all cleaning services are steam and dry carpet cleaning. The first method is usually recommended by most people because of the usage of less chemicals. But it has its disadvantages as well. When your carpet was cleaned this way, you should be careful if it is dry enough to put it back on the floor. In case there is some residue in it, the chance for mould growth is very big.

On the other hand is the dry carpet cleaning. Using this method, you can be sure that there won't be any mould on the carpet because the cleaners don't use water at all. This way of cleaning requires only chemicals and moisture in order to make your carpet like a new again. Actually this is its disadvantage.

It is up to you to decide which type of carpet cleaning is going to work better for you. No body can give you the right answer, but you can ask your cleaning services to explain you both pros and cons.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How to Clean the Living Room Thoroughly

There is a little controversy, if the kitchen or the living room is harder to clean. In fact both of them get very dirty because of the traffic they receive as they are the most frequently used rooms in the house. Here are a few tips on how to clean the living room the right way.

Even your cleaning services will tell you that you should dust first. Remember the rule that you have to clean the highest areas first, because this way any small particles will fall on the ground where you will remove them with the vacuum machine.

After your living room is dust free, you can start cleaning any kind of glass. Again do that before you sweep or mop, because of the particles you are going to move off. Then polish your wood furniture and try to do that at least once a week. The polishing helps your furniture to stay free of dust for longer.

When you are done with all that, it is turn of the vacuum machine. But before you vacuum, it is recommended to sweep and you can mop with a floor cleaning detergent after that. This is going to make your living room smell better. And do not forget to hire professional cleaning services every two or three months.

Friday, May 13, 2011

My Story, The Norwex Mission - And Why I'm Passionate about being a part of it

In the world today we are learning more and more about how common ways of doing daily tasks have effected our earth which is our home and our homes in which we live.  I'm not going to tell you that I am the most green person on the planet, because I know that I'm not.  I still grab a huggies diaper to throw in the diaper bag on my way out the door for convenience, despite knowing the consequences disposables have in the landfills.   But I am still confident that I am making a difference in the changes that I have made, even if it's using cloth diapers half of the diapering lifetime of my children and getting them toilet trained as quickly as I could.

Being Green is a choice, but that doesn't mean you have to adopt everyone else's ideas of being more environmentally conscious.  It's about making changes that are important to you in your life because you want to and they fit with your lifestyle and routine.  Perhaps you want to be greener for the earth we live on or be less toxic for you and your family on a daily basis, or maybe being green isn't high on your priority list but you found a product that works more efficiently and it just happens to be greener too.  Sometimes it happens you seek out other solutions because you have to.  As an example, you may have been more driven to seek out alternatives with less chemicals due to allergies and along the way thought "I'd like to make more changes like this in my life." 

That last scenario is very similar to my story.  I worked as a stylist for 6 years, two full time one part time in the city.  It worked out the same for the last three years with my position in the town where my husband and I settled.  As a hairstylist, you are exposed to numerous chemicals on a daily basis.  Along with doing chemical services, and consistently having wet hands shampooing clients, plus necessary washings in between, my hands soon took a toll.  I experienced symptoms early in my career but taking a break by working part time in year three kept it under control for the time being.  My sensitivities and cracking skin was that much more irritated when I did my home cleaning.  Well at that point I would give anything a try to avoid the constant stinging on my hands from having open cracks that would be painful with warm water running over my skin.  Through family I was introduced to products that allowed me to virtually eliminate the need to use chemicals to clean...  I tried them and I loved them and they worked better than traditional cleaning methods.  I had found products that worked for me and I made a choice of what I exposed myself to at home until I could change my career.

In the fifth year of hairdressing, after finally deciding I should see a Dr. he confirmed that I had developed contact dermatitis and he had me sent to have allergy testing done.  I discovered I was allergic to glyceryl monothioglycolate (acid perm solution) and captan (a fungicide - I believe in Barbacide, a common disinfecting solution for salons)  I wasn't ready to quit work yet, so again I cut back to part time.  I clumped my 3 days of work in a week together hoping to give my hands some healing time in between.  I was okay with omitting perms as it wasn't a high percentage of the services I performed anyway and I was careful when handling barbacide.  After working part time for almost a year I found out we were expecting, I worked a few more months and quit in the second trimester of my pregnancy.  I still do enjoy doing hair out of my home on occasion, and I expect my hands to be a little sore few days after, but I am ok with that.  I am glad to be able to choose when I take customers and not have to fully depend upon it for income.  I feel I have more control of the amount of chemicals I am exposed to.  

Here are some pictures below of my hands before I cut back my hours at the salon.

January 2008 I was done at the salon and I had found part time work at the school as a T.A.  It was nice and flexible, but it wasn't enough to keep busy and help contribute financially, as I wanted to wait closer to being due before I applied for maternity leave.   So I decided to join in sharing with others the innovative, cost effective, time saving products that revolutionized the way I cleaned.  

Growing up cleaning at home I used bleach in the dish water, Mr. Clean on the floor, vim on the countertops, comet in the bathroom and pledge dusting.  It never once crossed my mind what I was actually using, or any possible affects from using such a variety of chemicals - I just did it because that's how my mother taught me.  Not that she didn't teach me to clean throughly, she did that part well.  I am very particular when I maintain my home, but since I've had opportunities to educate her on what a true clean really is. 

I am very thankful to have made changes when i did.  The fact that I had found products that had a life changing impact for myself was great but I was also confident I was going to be providing a better quality of life for my children.   It's nice to know that they won't get into the stash of chemical cleaners under the bathroom sink - because there isn't one, or that there's no chemical cleaner reside on the floor for them to absorb as they crawl around on it.  But If I had known about better alternatives before i had been pregnant,  I would've been using them just the same.  Sometimes we tend to overlook ourselves, we seem to be a little more cautious of what we eat, use, and do when we are pregnant or have babies, but what about for your own health and benefits before that precious little one arrives?
We will never be able to 100% free from chemicals in our world 100% of the time, they are a part of our world in which we live and sometimes unavoidable - although I do believe that harmful chemicals are in a lot more products than necessary and sometimes we are unaware of them because not all products are required to have complete ingredient labels on them.  I must say, I do like knowing that I have control over the majority of factors where a large percentage of toxins are generated from in the home on a daily basis. By performing some research you can come to your own personal conclusions of what are good changes for you to make.  You have the right to know what chemical toxins you are exposing yourself to on a daily basis.
Enjoy being green in a way that works for you!  I know I do!


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Three of the Easiest Cleaning Tips

When it comes to the cleaning part, we all start thinking about thorough cleaning, which is really hard. But there are actually some very easy tips to follow, which can help you make your house more tidy.

Here is how to clean your house in three easy steps, without calling cleaning services. First, you have to make a schedule when you plan to clean. We strongly recommend you to do that during the weekend, when you have more spare time. You can also schedule a day for each room. Saturday is for the bathroom and the kitchen and Sunday is for the rest of your house.

The second thing to remember is to organize your cleaning. You can buy everything that is necessary in advance in order not to run to the store later. Put each cleaning product near the place you are going to clean. Leave the tile cleaner in the bathroom and the vacuum machine in the bedroom, for an example.

Tip number three is to try using some mini techniques. The cleaning will be much easier if you make your bed in the morning or if you dust your desk while working. Another important thing to remember is to deal with the stains as they happen. Every one of the professional cleaning services will recommend you this.

How to Clean Cloth Diapers

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tips On Cleaning A laminate floor: Anti-Bacterial Microfiber Mop

Involve the Children with the Cleaning

When you have children, the cleaning becomes even harder and I will tell you why. Because your kids most probably don't see the difference and it doesn't matter to them if the house is tidy or not. But there is a way to get them involved with the cleaning and it is with games. For that purpose, you can use some of the funniest cleaning games you know.

To call cleaning services is always an option but they won't teach your children to clean. The first one I can think of is the �I Spy� game. It's true that you are going to waste some time playing with them, but are going to waste time anyway if you have to clean it by yourself. So, this is the lesser of two evils and the game is very easy to play. You need to stand on the door and say: �I spy with my little eye...� and then the object you see. Then follows a race to pick up the item you spot. After a few rounds you will see the difference between now and then.

The other popular game is called �Second Viewpoint�. You give your children a room to clean and before you return to check the results, they should get second opinion from someone elder. Believe me children will do their best when they know that their older brother or sister will check upon them.

This is the most easiest way to involve the kids with the cleaning. If you know how to make it funny, they will learn how to clean even better than the professional cleaning services.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Important Things to Remember When Moving

Only a person that experienced it, knows how stressful is to move from one place to another. There are many things to consider and many things to do, including packing and cleaning. It depends on your tenancy agreement but in most of the cases the tenant is obliged to hire move out cleaning London service.

When moving out from one place to move into a new home, there are many boxes. First, you have to find so many boxes in order to pack your stuff in them, which is not that easy. You can ask in the local grocery a week earlier for a few empty boxes. I say earlier, because they may need some time to collect the number you need.

Once the packing is done, you should consider hiring a truck to move your possessions. You can hire a moving company or you can just find truck rentals. Do that in advance, so to get cheaper prices. If you call them in the last moment, you will pay more. Also be careful and write on the boxes, if there is something fragile in them. When you pack these things make sure that they are wrapped in soft towels, for an example.

If you follow these steps, you will be able to enjoy your new home without any troubles. Of, course you shouldn't forget that it is important to hire move in cleaning service before you actually relocate.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

How to clean a glass top stove - Here's what I do that's effective and easy

Five Questions to Ask Your Cleaners

Almost everybody knows how hard it is to move and how difficult is to choose the right cleaning company. There are many cleaning services these days and they all offer different type of cleaning. Not only this but they provide different quality and prices. That's why we will try to give you an advice and to tell you the questions you need to ask them.

The first and the most essential thing you should understand is the type of the service, the company provides. When you hire end of tenancy cleaning company, you have to know in advance if they are going to clean the carpet and the upholstery or you need to call another company. Ask them if they clean every single room and what exactly they are going to clean in each of them.

Question number two is about the products they are going to use. In case you want green cleaning, make sure that they will use eco-friendly cleaning supplies but not chemicals.

Ask the cleaning service you plan to hire, how long will the cleaning take them. Except this, you have to know also how much in advance you have to book them in order to have your house cleaned on time.

Question number four is about their insurance and the references they have to provide to you. There is no way to hire a cleaning service which doesn't have any recommendations.

And finally, make sure the price is affordable and reasonable. Most of the end of tenancy cleaning London services offer normal prices and can do the perfect job.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Best Way To Clean Windows - Quick Simple easy Solution for tackling Windows!

Welcome to Green Cleaning Tips!!!

Welcome to my Green Cleaning Tips & Spring Cleaning Tips Blog!!!

I am so excited to be able to share with you the house cleaning tips and techniques that I have used the last few years that have helped me save time and money and even better have reduced toxins in my home.  

I first sought out daily healthier alternatives because as a hairdresser I developed contact dermatitis and needed to at least make changes in my home until I could make changes in my career.  I found Norwex Enviro Products along the way and joined in their company mission to live healthier and share how one can have a better quality of life by dramatically reducing chemicals in personal care and cleaning products.   

Indoor air pollution is often 400% more than outdoor due to the amount of chemicals used in our daily home.  Personal care and cleaning products are responsible for the majority of the high toxic levels we are exposed to on a daily basis in the home.  I am pleased and excited to be able to share with you green cleaning products that can dramatically reduce the amount of chemicals you are exposed to on a daily basis.

Thank you for stopping by and letting me share with you the products that have helped me live a better quality of life. My hope is that you will find my Green-Clean-Tips blog valuable in finding healthier cleaning and organic personal care solutions.

I wish you Happy Healthy Cleaning