Thursday, November 25, 2010

How to clean leather

Here are some tips on how to clean leather. First you need to identify which type of leather is to be cleaned. There are two types of leather you may find in your household. One is unfinished leather such as work boots and saddles and the other is finished leather such as furniture, luggage and clothing. Finished leather has had a protective layer applied to it so it requires less care.  

Cleaning leather can be a risky process, especially if you are not sure how to do it. Always test a small part of the leather you are cleaning before beginning the full process.

To clean finished leather:
1.       Use a small amount of moisturizing soap on a damp cloth and bring it to a lather before applying to the leather. An example of a moisturizing soap is Dove.
2.       Bring the damp cloth to the leather trying to keep as much water off the leather as possible.
3.       Using a fresh, damp cloth, wipe away the lather. Never rinse the leather in water.
4.       Finish by polishing the leather with a dry towel. Also, where possible, treat the leather using a leather conditioner after it is completely dry.

To clean unfinished leather:
1.       With a damp cloth, rub saddle soap directly into the leather working the soap into a light lather.
2.       Wipe away the lather with a clean, fresh cloth.
3.       Allow to air dry
4.       Lightly spread a leather preservative, such as mink oil, on the leather to finish and give a polished look.

Dave�s Tip:
Before cleaning, whether it be finished or unfinished leather, it is important to test in an inconspicuous place.  If water marks appear sometimes the only solution is to wipe a damp cloth over the entire item.

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