Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hotel Rooms Carpet Cleaning Tips

Carpets are widely used in hotels and motels. However because of the many people that visit the rooms and the different hygienic habits, hotel owners need to take extra care for the carpets in the guest rooms. As an owner you cannot afford any stains on the carpets as the guests will expect clean rooms and if they believe the rooms are not clean enough you may lose your customers. 
Carpet cleaning in hotels and motels is more difficult and tricky than the carpet cleaning at home. If you need to clean the carpets at your house, in most of the cases you will know the source that created the stains. It is totally different in hotels, as many of the guests will enter the rooms with their shoes and you may need to clean the stains after a longer period of time. We have prepared for you some tips to help you keep the carpets clean and fresh and attract more customers.

How to Clean Hotel Room Carpets

To ensure the carpets stay in good condition, you need to clean them every day during the stay of the guests in the room. However this could be a problem because some guests could decline daily cleaning of the rooms. This is not a problem for short visits, but if the guest stays longer, you may ask them to clean the room at least every few days. Vacuum the carpets thoroughly every day when the rooms are occupied and the guests allow daily cleaning. If the room was not used for a longer period, we would also recommend vacuuming the carpets to remove the dust before the visitors arrive.

You may find it useful to invest some money and buy steam cleaners to help you maintain well the carpets in the hotels rooms. If you notice some stains on the carpet, use the steam cleaner and appropriate cleaning solutions to immediately remove the stains and clean the carpet.

As the hotel carpet pick up a lot of odours, you may buy cleaning solutions that also deodorise the carpets. Use special commercial products that neutralise the unpleasant odours and products that will leave a nice fragrance.

As the daily vacuuming and removing of stains will not be enough to keep the carpets clean and fresh, you will also need professional carpet cleaning services to help you maintain the carpets in great condition.

Friday, February 8, 2013

How to Clean and Maintain Leather

Having a something made from leather is great, in my opinion every woman must have a set of leather clothes jacket, boots, bag, gloves, pants and some accessories. The same applies for men, of there is something expensive you have let it be leather, because unlike other clothes and furniture it will last. Oh I almost forgot, buy a leather sofa, you wont regret it. But let me get this straight, I'm talking about real high quality leather, which you wouldn't want to buy because of the price.

Why Real Leather?

This is the real thing, and it's worth every pence, because if you know how to treat leather it will most certainly outlast you. I once lead a friend of mine to a leather shop, she wanted to buy a wallet for her husband. We looked around and she wanted to go, because the prices were too high, but I talked her out of it and she finally decided to buy something. I still remember the look on her face when the salesman told her the guarantee was a hundred years.
It is true and this is the reason why people who understand, purchase leather stuff. But it is not just to buy the first leather sofa you come across, there are so many different types of leather you won't believe. And the treatment is no the same, for example you can' clean suede with a saddle soap or you can't wet split leather, because you'll damage it. There are many examples and before you decide to buy anything made from leather do some research.

If you want the high quality prepare to invest a significant amount, and make sure to ask what kind of cleaners and conditioners you should use. If you're not convinced ask a friend who understands a thing or two about leather. If you want to be absolutely sure contact a cleaning company which deals with leather. Just in case I'll give you some basic guidance on what to look for and what to avoid. There are also some homemade recipes which work splendidly, I'll tell you about them too.

How to Choose a Leather Cleaner?

I don't recommend you look for a cleaning solution in the supermarket, go to a specialized leather shop, there you will find qualified staff and receive valuable information. Do not purchase universal cleaner, look for the type of furniture or clothes you have. Look carefully at the label and avoid volatile organic compounds. Before you start any cleaning procedure at home it is a good idea to open the windows to let the fresh air in and wipe dust with a damp cloth, to ease the cleaning process.

Other important thins is to test the cleaner on an inconspicuous area first. If you're dealing with a sofa, remember to clean the backside of the pillows too. And don't forget the conditioning, leather is a breathing material that can be dried by the sun, so every year you should apply a conditioner. If you see stain try rubbing some toothpaste it works for me. If you don't want to risk your investment contact professional cleaning company offering leather maintenance.