Sunday, July 15, 2012

How to clean marks off walls

Things you will need

Baking soda
Small bowl

Instructions for painted walls

  1. Mix 1/4 cup of water and 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a small bowl to make a paste
  2. Wring out a clean, wet cloth or sponge
  3. Dab the cloth or sponge into some baking soda mixture and rub it on the mark.  Do this in a circular motion
  4. Rinse the wall with another well-wrung rag or sponge

Dave's Tip

Try using an eraser for scuff marks made by shoes or other objects

    Cleaning Services Melbourne

    How to clean a Fireplace Window Glass

    Read your owner's manual to make sure your cleaning procedures don't invalidate the warranty. This is rarely a problem with recent fireplaces, but older models have a number of restrictions.

    Things you will need

    Razor blade or painting scraper

    Ammonia - based cleaner

    Disposable towels or rags


    1.     Remove the sooty buildup with a razor blade or paint scraper. You can skip this step if there is only minimal black debris on the windows.

    2.     Spray the windows with an ammonia-based cleaner. You can make your own with a mixture of equal parts ammonia and water.

    3.      Using clean towels, start wiping the windows in a circular motion. You won't be able to remove all of the buildup with a single wash. Spray and wipe at least three times.

    4.      Use wet newspaper with a little bit of ash sprinkled on it if there are spots that won't come off with just the ammonia cleaner. The newspaper and ash will scrape off stubborn particles that ammonia alone will not remove.

    5.     Allow the window to dry completely once all the visible soot has been removed. Spray and wipe down the windows one more time with ammonia and water. This will prevent most of the fogging from ash and sooty remains that aren't visible.

    Tips and Warnings

    Add 1/4 cup vinegar to your cleaning solution if fogging continues after cleaning. Occasionally burn an extremely hot fire to burn off excess soot from the windows. Most soot is material that hasn't completely burned, and so the heat will break down much of what you can see. Extra hot fires also help remove soot buildup from your chimney.

    Make sure you do not clean the glass while it is still hot. Cold liquid on hot glass can cause it to shatter

    Cleaning Services Melbourne

    Thursday, July 12, 2012

    Small Repairs Before Selling A House Usually Pay Off

    Prepare your house, make quick fixes before the first buyers start knocking at the door and you will succeed to sell it fast, for more money.Start with fixing the floor. If the carpet looks too old it is better to change it. Put new carpeting in light colour. It will fill the house with freshness and light. Replace the broken tiles in the hall. If the house has hardwood floors, polish it and make it shiny. Paint the walls and the ceilings. 

    Buyers usually look at the ceilings for signs of a leaky roof, but they won't be happy to see stains from smoke or grease. Newly painted walls in neutral colour are the most cost effective improvement. Get rid of the old wallpapers. You can do it easier by using a wallpaper remover steamer. Do some improvements in the kitchen. Resurface the cabinets. If they are painted, add a fresh coat of paint in light colour. Buyers won't be happy to see leaky faucets or stained sinks. Just replace them.For the bathroom install new floors, fixtures and lights and your will see the positive result.

    Check for broken windows or doors and replace them if there are some. If your home needs a new roof, don't waste your time and do it before the rain spoils your ceilings. You can also reasphalt the driveways. Repaint or fix the fence. Clean properly the garden. The professional cleaners Hornchurch companies can provide for you will trim the bushes, clean the dead branches and fallen leaves and plant new flowers. Fully experienced, armed with the right cleaning materials the cleaners Hornsey companies offer can clean all the house after the repair works.Actually buyers would like to see a home that looks well maintained, with new appliances, modern conveniences, that is ready to live in and they will buy it immediately for the money you will ask.