Monday, October 31, 2011

Top Tips for Your Upholstery Cleaning

Upholstery cleaning is a household assignment that home owners have to do if they want to live in a clean and healthy home environment. Maintaining your upholstered furniture clean will help to prolong the life of the fabrics and will kill all the bacteria living there.

If you are searching for some guidance to help you with the cleaning of your upholstered furniture I am happy to announce that London cleaning professionals will give you the whole information for the job. Here you will find out how to wash upholstery no matter whether we are talking about your sofa, couch or some other piece of furniture.

  1. The first step is to remove any cushions from your upholstery. Remove the dust using a hand-held brush and then vacuum. You have to vacuum all the surfaces of the furniture such as the back, arms, sides and the surface under the cushions.

  2. Use your vacuum cleaner for the both sides of your cushions. Make a solution of 1 cup of warm water and � cup of some dish-washing liquid. Stir the solution until the suds become a cream. Test the solution on some hidden area first. If the mixture causes discolouration you have to call a professional. If not just keep reading. 

  3. Apply the solution to the upholstered furniture with a clean cloth then rub. Dirt should start to appear in suds. To remove the cream use a scraper. Rinse the surface with a cloth dampened with water. Repeat this step on the entire furniture.

  4. Last but not least London cleaners advise to let the furniture to dry overnight. For the purpose you can use an electric fan as well.

How to Clean Coffee Stains From Upholstery When Moving Out

You know that upholstery furniture can be very expensive and when it comes to a rented apartment it is even more. So, if you are planning to move out, you first have to care for them properly as needed.

Professionals from End of tenancy cleaning W6 advice you to follow these easy steps that will save you money and time.

If there are any type of upholstery in good condition in the apartment but they are just dusty and dirty especially if you live with pets that sit there, try the following advice on a small area and you will be amazed how wonderful it looks after the treatment. Thus, all the furniture will benefit from the cleaning.

It's one of the most important things to choose the appropriate cleaning method you are going to use. It depends from the type of the upholstered furniture, its condition and the type of the dirt.

Getting the stains out is not so difficult if you can determine the type of the stains- if they come from spilled drink or dropped food, or may be from sitting there with dirty clothes and feet.

After you determine the type of the upholstery, then you can start with treating the stain. Some of the most common stains found on upholstery come from spilled coffee. You can get rid of this stain with a mixture of one tea spoon of a mild, good balanced detergent and a cup of warm water. With the mixture start blotting from the outside in, after that use a mixture of 1/3 cup of white vinegar and 2/3 cup of water. After cleaning, absorb with a white towel the area and allow it to air dry.

If you are not sure in the result or you don't have enough time, you can always indulge in end of tenancy cleaning W6 services to clean the stains from the upholstery before move out, but it's good advice to keep them in nice looking and smelling condition all the time by cleaning them from the dust monthly with a vacuum cleaner.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Best Tips on Rubbish Removals

You have been dreaming for shiny and clutter free home, but it always seems like mission impossible. Well, now you can have it, if you just find five minutes to spare in reading this post. We will share with you some of the best tips on removing the rubbish from your house. And it is important to handle it, if you want to have a peaceful life, because the clutter brings lots of negative emotions.

Tip number 1: Never postpone decluttering, unless you want to call rubbish removals in the end. Don't try to convince yourself that you are going to do it tomorrow when you know this is not true. Instead of that spare five or fifteen minutes a day to remove part of the clutter. And it would be better if you make that as a schedule.

Tip number 2: Be patient. This is constant part of the cleaning and decluttering process. If you expect to see the results in a day, then you will be very disappointed. The immediate results can be seen only if you remove the clutter from one room to another, and believe me this is not the right decision.

Tips number 3: Do not collect those things that you know you are not going to use any more. If you stopped wearing that red shirt a year ago, then you will never put it on again and you'd better get rid of it. And instead of buying useless things, you can use the money to buy storage items such as recycling bins or baskets.

Try keeping close to these tips and you will be happy about the results in a week. You can handle the job by yourself without hiring any rubbish clearance services. After all you have to deal with clutter only and not a moving process.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

How to remove sunscreen stains from fabric upholstery

1. Gently scrape to remove excess lotion.
2. Moisten the spot with water and apply an enzyme pre-soak (follow directions on label).
3. Let the stain soak for 30 minutes.
4. Flush the area with water.
5. If possible, launder immediately. If not, allow the fabric to air dry.

Cleaning Services Business

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How to Get Rid of Oven Cleaner Smell

Ovens need to be cleaned form time to time in order dirt and grime to be removed from their surface. However, the cleaning result is not always pleasant as most cleaners leave an overwhelming odour after cleaning that lingers within the oven for the first couple of oven uses. Using a few natural products will safely remove all traces of oven cleaner smell from your oven. To make the suggested odour remover, you will need no more than 15 minutes and be sure that it can remove even the toughest smells.

  1. Make a mixture of 2 cups of warm water, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and � cup of white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the inner side of your oven with the cleaning solution and let it sit for about 5 minutes.
  2. Apply the solution again to the surface and wipe the oven with a large sponge. Spray and wipe all areas of the oven that has been chemical treated, including racks and boilerplates.
  3. Dampen a sponge with plain water and wipe all surfaces to rinse off your cleaner. Set the oven on low temperature, such as 100 degrees, and turn it on for about 20 minutes. This will help the surface to dry quickly, removing completely the vinegar smell. Wait for the oven to cool down and replace all racks.
Open windows to ventilate the room when using chemical oven cleaners. You can avoid easily oven cleaning smell by using only natural products. Contact oven cleaning Soho team, and they would be glad to offer some great natural cleaning ideas.

Easy Steps to Clean Your Oven

Each woman that spends much time in her kitchen for cooking and preparing delicious meals for the family sometimes has to clean her oven no matter how carefully she uses it. And don't worry, it doesn't take so much time for cleaning the oven as it took before.

The professionals from Cleaning W5 services advice - If your oven is not a self-cleaning type, then your choice is somehow limited, but there are a few easy steps that you can follow and get a great result at the end � and give us their secret of fast cleaning. Here you are:

  1. Take the oven racks out of the oven in order to wash them;
  2. Soap the oven racks in the kitchen sink, previously filled with hot soapy water;
  3. Set the heat of the oven up to 200 degrees;
  4. When the oven is preheated, turn it off and spray it from the inside;
  5. Use a special oven cleaner and remover;
  6. Leave it this way for at least several minutes;
  7. Use a damp sponge to wipe the cleaner;
  8. Use a cotton cloth to dry the oven;

Another good advice, given from Cleaning W5, is to determine the type of the dirt in the oven. We should identify whether it comes from a charred food, dust, or stains from something spilled, because there are different types of home-made cleaners for different purposes and even sometimes it affects to the smell and the taste of the food you cook in your oven. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to remove eyeliner / eye pencil / eye shadow stains from fabric upholstery

1. Brush or blot away any excess, taking care not to spread the stain.
2. Flush with a dry-cleaning solvent such as Afta Cleaning Fluid.
3. Apply a dry spotter to the stain and cover with a cloth dampened with the dry spotter.
4. Check the stain often, tamping (the method of bringing a brush down with light strokes on stained durable fabrics and materials) before changing the pad.
5. Continue alternate soaking and tamping until no more stain is lifted.
6. Flush with one of the dry-cleaning solvents and allow to dry.
7. If any stain remains, try the same procedure of soaking and tamping, using a wet spotter and a few drops of ammonia.
8. When the stain is gone, be sure to flush the area with water to remove all traces of ammonia. Launder as soon as possible.

Carpet Rug Cleaning

Top Three Natural Cleaning Recipes for Upholstery

The upholstery cleaning is something that everybody avoids. Why? Because it is hard to estimate which cleaning products can damage the fabric and which can't, and because in most cases we are afraid not to help the spot to settle. But using these top natural cleaning recipes that I will share with you, will improve your cleaning process.

The upholstery should be cleaned not only when there is a stain on the fabric but it needs regular cleaning with upholstery shampoo at least twice a year. Is it better to make it by yourself using the following recipe: mix two cups of warm water and liquid dish-washing soap and stir well the solution using electric mixer. You will understand when it is ready and you can use it for the upholstery cleaning, when it receives foam.

Even though you clean the couch regularly, it doesn't protect it from different spills and stains. That's why you need stain remover now and then, and here is another useful recipe you can use. The ingredients you need are white vinegar and rubbing alcohol. When you mix them, soak clean cloth in the solution and blot the stain, until it's gone.

The third top natural cleaning recipe is about making upholstery paste. For the purpose, you need baking soda and corn starch. Mix half cup of each of them with water until it becomes as thick as paste. When you use it for the upholstery cleaning, you should know that the best way is to apply it on the spot and wait until it's dry, then scrape it off.  

Monday, October 24, 2011

How to remove blush stains from fabric upholstery

1. Brush or blot up any excess, taking care not to spread the stain.
2. Flush the spot(s) with stain remover.
3. Apply a dry spotter to the stain and cover with a cloth dampened with the dry spotter.
4. Check the stain often, tamping (the method of bringing a brush down with light strokes on stained durable fabrics and materials) before changing the pad. Continue alternate soaking and tamping until no more stain is lifted.
5. Flush with a dry-cleaning solvent and allow to dry. If any stain remains, try the same procedure of soaking and tamping using a wet spotter and a few drops of ammonia.
6. When the stain is gone, be sure to flush the area with water to remove all traces of ammonia.
7. Launder as soon as possible.

Upholstery Dry Cleaning

How to Clean Wooden Jewellery

Wooden jewellery may not be the most popular kind of jewellery, but undoubtedly it is beautiful and can make a simple clothing look unique and amazing. What is the secret of wooden jewellery? First, it's made from wood which is a natural material and causes no allergies. Second wooden jewellery is very light so you won't have unbearable ear pains at the end of a long day wearing a pair of beautiful wooden earrings. Last but not least, wooden jewellery is cheap.

Although everyone can afford buying wooden jewellery, a few people can take care of their wooden jewellery properly. If you want to keep your lovely wooden earrings, bracelets, necklaces or rings fantastic clean, here I offer you several tips that will help you prolong the life of your priceless jewellery.

  1. You need a clean, soft cloth and some olive oil. Damp the cloth with olive oil and wipe off your wooden jewellery till all dirt and grime are gone.
  2. Once you've cleaned the jewellery, you need to apply some olive oil on it so that it won't crack from being too dried out. Get a piece of cotton and soak it into the olive oil. Then wipe thoroughly your wooden jewellery. Make sure that olive oil reaches all small spots of the jewellery.
  3. To remove any extra oil, use a dry, clean cloth and rub gently the jewellery till it shines. Olive oil will not only make your wooden jewellery sparkle, but it will also prevent it from getting dirt again.

Cleaners London recommend that you always clean your wooden jewellery using olive oil, because if you just wipe your wooden jewellery off, it's highly possible that it gets too dry and cracks.

Proper care of wooden jewellery can significantly prolong its life and keep it look amazing.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Efficient Cleaning with Vinegar

What do you use vinegar for? Yes, it is constant ingredient in many cooking recipes and meals, but it is also constant ingredient in the green cleaning recipes recommended by the professionals. It can be used to clean different types of surfaces such as hard flooring and upholstery. Here are several of them you can try for your household chores.

Vinegar works great as antibacterial solution, so once a week when you vacuum the floor, you can use mop soaked in vinegar to wipe. You'd better make a solution of three parts water and one part vinegar. It is not only disinfectant but the mixture will return the floor its shiny look. Using it every time when you deal with the floor cleaning, you will see the difference.

You may ask what else vinegar is useful for? The answer is mould. Yes, this is one of the best solutions for mould removal after the bleach and it is much more eco-friendly and harmless. You can even mix it with baking soda for better results. From now on, your bathroom is going to be much more clean and shiny.

And finally, you can use the vinegar to remove stubborn stains from the upholstery. When the children spill something on your new couch and you don't know how to handle it, make a mixture of water, vinegar and liquid soap. Use a sponge to apply the solution and rub. Rinse well with clean water and wipe dry. This is great way to deal with the upholstery cleaning without using any chemicals and bleach.

How to Clean a Toilet

Cleaning is maybe the most boring chore around the house. When cleaning the bathroom it is a nightmare because it is time consuming and not very pleasant. But you must not just clean a little bit you have to clean it all not to do it again soon. 

The worst part of cleaning your bathroom is cleaning the toilet. This is the thing that people usually get most dirty but it is the most awful chore of them all. Especially if you have a family with more that 3 members. It is a messy and unpleasant chore but it has to be done because nobody likes smelly and dirty bathroom. Your bathroom has to be both hygienic and clean. 

Here are some tips on cleaning N1 your toilet .

1. Before you start you need to open the windows and turn on the fan because some of the detergents you use to clean your toilet are very strong and emit hazardous fumes.
2. Another precautionary matter before cleaning N1 is to put rubber gloves cleaning materials are not good for the skin.
3. Start by cleaning the toilet seat. Use a sponge with soap based detergent to clean it , then spray some alcohol based detergent to sterilise it.
4. Flush the toilet once to make the sides wet. Use a liquid toilet cleaner under the sides and let it fall. Leave it a little time.
5. Use a toilet brush to scrub all the dirty areas and make it white again
6. Flush the toilet again and leave the brush in the running water.
7. Make sure you scrub any rings left on the hole. Put detergent and scrub a lot until it Is removed
8. Lift the seat up and complete step 3 on the area beneath the toilet seat.
9. Let it all dry before anyone uses it.

Friday, October 21, 2011

How to Remove Bad Odours from Clothes

Stains such as mildew, oil, dirt and perspiration may leave unpleasant odours in clothes. Some odours are quite stubborn and may remain even when the cloth is washed. If your laundry detergent weren't able to lift the odour along with the stain from your clothes, then you will need to use odour absorbing products to lift the smell from the garment. By using a few inexpensive household item, you can effectively remove bad odours along with stains from your clothes.

  1. Get the bad smelling clothes and place them into your washing machine. However, separate the colours from whites first to prevent dye transfer.
  2. Add � cup of baking soda to 3 tablespoons of heavy-duty liquid laundry detergent and use the mixture to launder the clothes as setting your washer on warm water.
  3. During the rinse cycle, add � cup of white vinegar to the water, as suggested by cleaners Parsons Green. Vinegar is a natural odour remover and will help you to get rid of the bad odour from your clothing. Leave the clothes to dry and  then inspect for remaining odour. If you can still sense any odour, repeat the cleaning process.
To get rid of mildew odour, place the clothing on a sunny spot for four hours.  The sun's rays will kill any mould or mildew on the clothes. Once the mould is eliminated, launder the garments as following the instructions above. If the stained cloth is made of fine and delicate fabric then it would be better to use professional cleaning services to avoid any damage on the cloth.

Clean Your Windows For 15 Minutes

Most people today clean the windows of their houses only two times a year- at the early spring and at the early autumn. But that doesn't mean they are clean all the time. And if you want to clean the windows at least from the inside more often but fast and quickly, you can do it two times a month and it won't take you much time to put them in order.

Let's focus on some useful techniques, given from the valuable professionals from Cleaning NW8, showing us some easy steps of cleaning the windows.

The supplies you will need to clean your windows are - a sponge, a toothpaste, a soft toothbrush, a cotton towel, an old newspaper. When you already have them, don't waste time, let's start cleaning.

  1. Wash the inner side of the windows with little amount of water, making different types of strokes - vertically and horizontally - in order to determine which is the side of the window with a streak in it.
  2. After you understood where is the window streak, use a sponge to prevent streaks especially when it comes to big windows.
  3. If there are little visible scratches, try to remove them with a toothpaste.
  4. For better results about corners you must use a soft toothbrush. Try to clean all the dirt collected there.
  5. When you finish with the corners, use a cotton towel or an old cotton cloth to polish the windows. Thus they will look shining like diamonds.
  6. Cleaning NW8 advice us at the end to use an old newspaper to polish the windows because this will prevent them from becoming dirty and dusty for a long time.

At all, always have in mind when you use different types of window cleaners that they can harm the wood or the paint of the windows.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Helpful Tips When You Wash Your Dishes

Dish washing is the most common chore of every house hold. Face it you don't have always time to wash your dishes after every meal. Sometimes they pile up in the sink and in the end there is a huge amount of unwashed dishes in the kitchen. This is normal since every second single person works and when he comes back home he wants to rest eat a little bit and go to bed.

Some people buy a washing machine to ease their house work and make their lifes easier, but some people don't have the money to buy one. Washing machine requires maintenance too but it is a lot easier to put a little detergent in it and to let it do the nasty work.

If you don't have a washing machine this means that you are doing the cleaning EC1 the old fashion way by your hands. So here are some tips that might help you during the cleaning process.

1. It is a good idea to put on some rubber gloves not all the dish soaps are good for your hands.

2. Before you start cleaning EC1 make sure you have scraped everything from the dishes into the trash can.

3. Before start washing use a hard brush or an iron sponge to disintegrate soiled oil stains.

4. Remove the dishes from the sink and sort them.

5. Put every item one by one under tap with water.

6. Fill the sink with water and put some dish wash in it. The water should be hot not boiling after all we don't want to burn ourselves.

7. Take the sponge and make sure it is soaked and put some additional dish soap on it.

8. Start with silver ware, then the glasses, then the dishes and last pots and pans because they are harder to clean.

9. Dip every item in the water and scrub with sponge.

10. Empty the sink and and wash every soaped up dish with cold water.

11. Leave the dishes to dry in the dryer.

12. Clean the sponge and rinse the iron sponge on the tap.

13. Remove all the food leftovers from the sink.

14. After that clean all the soap from the sink and you are ready.

How to remove grease stains from fabric upholstery

To remove grease stains from fabric upholstery:

1. Scrape away dried grease with a dull plastic utensil. Blot fresh grease stains with paper towels to remove as much grease as possible.
2. Sprinkle baking soda over the stain to cover it completely.
3. Allow the baking soda to sit on the stain for at least 15 to 20 minutes to help absorb the grease.
4. Remove the baking soda with the brush attachment of the vacuum cleaner.
5. Dampen a clean cloth with dry-cleaning solvent.
6. Sponge the solvent onto the stain with the cloth.
7. Blot the area with a clean dry cloth to remove the residual stain.
8. Inspect the area. If any stain remains that the solvent couldn't eliminate, mix 1 tbsp. of grease-cutting bleach-free dish soap into 2 cups of warm water with 1 tbsp of white vinegar.
9. Sponge the solution onto the stain with a sponge or clean cloth.
10. Blot the area with a clean damp cloth to remove the lingering stain.
11. Cover the area with baking soda to help absorb moisture from inside the sofa.
12. Vacuum the area with the brush attachment of the vacuum cleaner when the area is dry.

Upholstery Cleaning Melbourne

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How to remove tomato / barbeque / pasta sauce stains from your couch

Test the colour of the fabric in a hidden area with the spotting solution of choice to see if it�s colourfast.
Create a spotting solution with 1 part dishwashing liquid (such as Dawn), 3 parts distilled white vinegar, and 3 parts water.
1. For a small area apply the solution directly to the pasta stain. For a large area soak the entire cover in the solution.
2. Let the solution penetrate for 15-20 minutes.
3. Blot off with a wet white towel followed by a dry white towel.
4. When the stain starts to dissipate, reapply the solution.
5. Let the solution penetrate for a few more minutes.
6. Rinse with fresh water.
If you are not achieving the results desired, then use a stronger product. Enzyme stain removers can be found in most grocery stores.
1. Apply enzyme stain remover directly to the pasta stain.
2. Let it penetrate for 1-2 hours, re apply if it starts to dry out.
3. Rinse with fresh water.
4. You may need to soak the entire cover in the enzyme for large stains or to prevent colour loss from a specific area. Soak for several hours or overnight.

Residential Cleaning Services

How to Remove Rust Stains from Plastic

Rust stains and spots can make any plastic item unusable no matter in what shape it is. To remove rust, you need to use substances that can break the rust up and soap is not from them. If you have plastic buckets, tubs or other pieces of plastic that have rust on them, simply use white vinegar to remove the rust. However, to be efficient, the white vinegar should be used properly, so here are some guidelines that will help you to get all rust stains out of your plastic items.

  1. Get the following items on hand: rubber gloves, a bucket, 2 clean cloths, white vinegar and a sponge.
  2. Place the plastic item on a flat surface in a well-ventilated area to avoid the strong odour of vinegar.
  3. Put rubber gloves to protect your hands from the vinegar, then pour 2 cups of white vinegar into a bucket.
  4. Dip a clean cloth into the vinegar so it is thoroughly saturated. You can use a sponge instead of cloth if this is more convenient for you.
  5. Squeeze the excess vinegar out of the cloth and put the soaked cloth onto the rust stain for about 30 minutes.
  6. Scrub the rust stain firmly until it is removed. Re-dip the cloth into the vinegar if needed to remove any remaining rust.
  7. Wipe the plastic using a clean sponge moistened with plain water.
  8. Use a clean dry cloth to wipe dry the plastic.
If the rust stain is large or old, use several cloths soaked in vinegar to cover it, as advised by cleaners Acton. Wait for at least an hour, then remove the cloths and wipe the rust off the plastic. For extremely stubborn rust stains, you can call professionals, such as cleaners Acton, to share with you other useful techniques for removing rust stains.

Monday, October 17, 2011

How to Clean a Carpet with White Vinegar

There are many natural and safe products that can be used to clean a carpet instead of commercial carpet cleaners, and white vinegar is among them. The white vinegar is a useful cleaning solution in homes with children or pets because it doesn't contain harsh chemicals unlike most commercial carpet cleaners. Also, white vinegar won't trigger any allergies or asthma problems since it is fragrance-free. To clean your carpets efficiently with vinegar, follow the steps below.

  1. Remove as much furniture from the room as you can, then vacuum the entire carpet thoroughly, especially the edges as they tend to collect most of the dirt and debris.
  2. Make a cleaning solution by mixing one part of very hot water with one part of white vinegar. Pour the solution into the tank of your carpet cleaning machine, and add 10 drops of your favourite essential oil for a fresh scent. Keep in mind that 10 drops are enough for half gallon of white vinegar solution, however, if the solution is in greater amount then you should increase the number of added drops of essential oil.
  3. Turn on the cleaning machine and start washing your carpet from its farthest edge towards the entrance of the room so you will not have to walk on a wet carpet. Carpet cleaning Soho suggests cleaning section by section in straight, even strokes for the best results.
  4. If the carpets is still dirty, repeat the washing procedure but this time in the opposite direction.
  5. Wait for the carpet to dry completely before replacing the furniture, otherwise mould problems can occur under the furniture. Open windows or use fans to reduce the drying time of the carpet, as advised by carpet cleaning Soho.

How to Clean Fruit Stains from Upholstery

Cleaning the upholstery on regular basis is something normal and it is not difficult at all, if there are no damages or spills to take care of. But in case your children dropped a piece of fruit or just spilled some fruit juice, then you have to make more efforts, because stains made by any type of fruits are really stubborn and resistant.

Let's look at the steps that we need to take for the successful stain removal process. It is really important to act fast and efficiently, using a cloth to blot the spill as it happens. After blotting, remove the debris left from the fruit if there are any. Important part of the upholstery cleaning is to remember that you don't have to rub.

Make sure all of the spilled liquid was absorbed and make a solution to use for the cleaning. Use warm water and a cleaning detergent with balanced pH. When cleaning spills from the upholstery, it is recommended that you should not use bleach or anything that contains it. Thus you can permanently damage the fabric or even help the spot settle forever.

When you are done with the solution, you can blot the damaged area with vinegar. It is going to remove any colouring of the fabric which might be left. The vinegar also works as a rinsing agent but you still have to blot the stain with a clean cloth and warm water to remove any detergents from the couch or the armchair.

What is essential not to forget while dealing with the upholstery cleaning is that you have to find out what caused the stain first. Once when you know what type of spill you have to handle, you will easily find the solution that can help you remove it.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Oven Cleaning Tips

Oven cleaning is often regarded as one of the most unpleasant and time consuming household chores that every housewife subconsciously postpones for the following day, or in other words refuses to do.
Actually oven cleaning can be done easy, quick and without any stress if you only follow a few tips:

To remove all the greasy food leftover and spills you will need some special professional chemicals, so make sure you ask a specialist to help you when you go to the household articles shop.

You will also need to buy a dish- brush and a metal scraper.

Make sure you have enough paper towels and micro-fiber cloths as those will be your best friends during the cleaning.

Open the window or turn on the ventilation system before you start the cleaning ( this is very important especialy for those of you who really have to do a heavy-duty job and had bought some industrial oven- cleaning chemicals.) You need to make sure that you are working in a safe environment.

Heat up the oven just a little bit for a few minutes so you can clean the fat easily afterwards. Make sure you unplug it before you start working, as playing with electricity can be quite hazardous, especially if you are bare footed.

Use a hard nylon brush to scrub the fat out of the internal side of the oven. Go twice over the same areas just to make sure that all of it is gone.

Be generous when applying oven cleaner to the glass, it is really one of the most problematic areas and may need special attention.

When done with the cleaning wipe down the oven inside and out with a dry cloth and leave it open so it can dry and ventilate easily.

If all this sounds way too hard for you to do or if you are way too busy to deal with oven cleaning you can always call some cleaning services Melbourne companies and ask them if they offer this service separately from the entire home cleaning services they provide. Another option is to call some private cleaners in Melbourne who can also give you an affordable price and do a good job.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How to Clean the Fish Tank

As an exemplary housewife, you clean the whole house probably every week. But I bet there is something you skip cleaning thoroughly and this is the fish tank. So, if you love your sea pets and you want them to be healthy and happy, you have to clean the tank regularly and change the water. Here is how to do it.

The safety is the first step of the cleaning process, so you'd better unplug all electric devices before you start doing anything else. Of course, you have to remember that cleaning thoroughly the fish tank is a monthly task but not a weekly one and you don't need to call domestic cleaners London to do it.

Remove the ornaments from the tank as well as the air-pump and the filter. The last one should be washed in the same water and not with clean one. If you want to exchange the whole amount of water and not only part of it, then you have to take the fish out. After you have done that, you can wash the tank with tap water but do not use any chemicals.

Now when your aquarium is clean, pour water in it and put all the ornaments back but if they are clean. Wash the heater and the air-pump and leave the tank to work for an hour before returning the fish inside. As you can see, this is not hard to handle task and you don't need help from the professional domestic cleaners London. All you need is patience.

How to Remove Salt Stains from Your Shoes

Salt stains on your shoes are one reasons more to hate winter. Salt stains are the white marks that appear on your shoes when you've been out in winter time. What causes the so called salt stains? The chemicals that are used to melt the snow cause these ugly white stains. Fortunately, it's quite easy to restore the original look of your shoes following these steps:

1. Make sure that you have white vinegar, towel and clean cotton cloth on hand.

2. Make a cleaning solution of 1/3 cup of white vinegar and 2/3 cup of water.

3. To make your shoes fantastic clean again, get the clean cotton cloth and dip it into the cleaning mixture. Apply on the stain area and rub gently the leather. Ensure that you don't use too much liquid so that you don't saturate the leather.

4. Get a clean cloth moistened with water and rinse the stained area. Then wipe with a clean towel.

5. Let your shoes dry. Cleaners London remind that heat can cause cracks, so ensure that you don't place them near your heater.

6. If the salt stains are more stubborn than you've expected, you may need to repeat the cleaning procedure once again.

White vinegar is a great cleaning products so make sure that you always have a bottle of it at home. Undoubtedly, you'll need it to keep your shoes fantastic clean during the cold and 'dirty' winter months.

Warning: The longer you wait, the harder it will be to clean the salt stains. So don't waste time and get down to cleaning.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How to Clean Your Home for Less

The cleaning process is a mandatory task for every housewife and, in order to protect your family's health, you probably try to do it on regular basis, which correspondingly costs more money. But here is the good news that you can save money while cleaning using the same helpful products. Let's see how you can do that.

Using non-toxic and natural products is not only cheaper but it is also healthier. Even some of the domestic cleaners London use supplies such as baking soda, which is the most popular household product. It can be very useful when you need oven cleaner and here is the recipe: in a bowl with water, add a tablespoon of liquid soap and a cup of baking soda. Use the mixture to clean the bottom of the oven as this solution is going to remove any grime successfully.

Another great solution that can help you during the cleaning process and that can save you some money is vinegar. It is cheap and affordable, and it is mainly used for window cleaners. Mix in a spray bottle two cups of water and 3 tablespoons of vinegar. For better results you may add liquid soap, too. Use the solution to clean your windows, because it is not only cheaper but it is more eco-friendly than all other commercial cleaners.

Products that can be included in the list are tea tree oil and washing soda. Even if you don't have any at home, you can easily find them in the stores. Your professional domestic cleaners London might tell you even more recipes of this kind that you can apply during your next cleaning day.

Monday, October 10, 2011

How to Speed Clean Your House

Cleaning the house is stressful event and few housewives like it. In most cases, we want to deal with it as soon as possible and to forget about it but it is impossible. In fact there are several techniques that can help you clean the house in short period and we are going to share them with you.

First, in order to make the cleaning process faster, you need to start with the place that receives most traffic such as the living room. This is the first place you show to your guests and it must be perfectly clean. Pay special attention to the carpet and if you can't handle by yourself, call domestic cleaners London but do not forget that the most efficient way to clean your house is starting from top to bottom.

When you get back home after work, you most probably want to relax in front of the TV. That's great, so you can take advantage of the commercials which last for at least five minutes and you can deal with the clutter that surrounds you. This period is also appropriate for you to remove the dust that collects on the TV set because you are not going to interrupt anybody's show.

And finally the best way to speed clean your house is playing cleaning games. This way you can easily involve the children and not only them but the whole family. Everything that looks like fun will make the others to participate and next time you might even help your domestic cleaners London to do their job.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

How to remove grease stains from a leather couch

1. Blot any excess grease off the leather with a clean cloth.
2. Put talcum powder or corn flour on the grease stain.
3. Leave the leather to dry for 4 hours. Wipe the powder off, which will lift the grease stain.
4. Apply a conditioner to the finished leather. Restoration leather conditioner is a product you can use after cleaning the grease stain on leather. Use mink oil to preserve unfinished leather.

Domestic Cleaning Melbourne

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Best 3 Techniques for Upholstery Cleaning

If you have couch at home, then you know that it needs regular cleaning and protection from stains and dirt. The upholstery gets easily stained and its fabric is great for dust mites, which are the main source of allergies. That's why you have to take care of it carefully and on time.

It is possible of you start using the best techniques for upholstery cleaning, which the professionals recommend, and the housewives too. Important rule to follow is to vacuum once a week with a soft brush. There isn't any other better way to get rid of dust except this one. Every other tool is only going to spread the dust or even help it settle more deeply.

There is one cleaning tip that few people know and it says that you should never use hot water to remove non-greasy stains, especially blood. The heat helps these stains to settle down and get deeper in the fabric, while the warm water will remove it immediately.

Don not ever use laundry detergent for upholstery cleaning purposes, but only whipped one made of water and liquid soap. You are going to have great fabric cleaner for your couch. Use sponge to scrub and then rinse. When you rinse with clean water, you can also use the brush to get out anything that was left.  

How to Clean with Eggshells

It is Monday evening and you come home after the long day exhausted and dreaming of soft bed. But still there is one problem � you have to eat. The easiest way is to put three or four eggs in the frying pan. But stop here. Do not throw the eggshells away because you can use them again for the following things:

To unclog the drains in your home, you can ground them and pour them in the pipe. This is a natural way to remove the rubbish that collects inside. After all, the rubbish removals cannot help you for this kind of problems.

Another useful way to take advantage of the eggshells is to clean the house with them. When you ground them, you can use their abrasive form to clean things such as pans and pots. For more stubborn stains you can mix the shells with water and liquid soap.

You can use the leftovers of your eggs for another cleaning procedure � to clean your skin and make it softer. For skin irritations, you can use the eggshells after you put them in apple vinegar and let it sit for several days. In order to make your skin softer, ground them until the shells become powder, then add egg white and apply on your face.

If you try to reuse most of the things you consider junk, the rubbish clearance services will visit your house more rarely than they usually do.  

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How Decluttering Improves Your Home

In order to improve the quality of your home environment, you have to do your best to deal with the clutter as soon as possible. You may ask why. I will tell you in the following post. Because I think that when we realise the benefits of the decluttering, we will practise it more often.

It is not hard to get rid of useless items at all and it is not even necessary to hire rubbish removals. But you are the one to choose the right way you prefer to deal with the clutter. No matter what, the effect will be the same: there won't be any piles of things you don't need and you don't use. And correspondingly, it will be easier to find all the items you may search for at certain moment.

The second benefit of decluttering is that you will have much more free space where you can store these items that in fact you need. Not only that, but when you are surrounded by useful things it will be easier for you to clean your home because everything is where it belongs.

Did you know that clutter creates negative feelings and makes your concentration harder? Once you get rid of the items that make your home look overloaded, you feel much better and released.

And one more thing. Clutter makes you feel guilty. Why? Because you probably still keep your dress from the graduation and every time when you try to fit in, you are disappointed. So, do not try this any more but just put it on the pile with the items your rubbish clearance services are going to pick up and throw away.  

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How to clean drapes

1. Vacuum the drapes with a soft brush vacuum cleaner attachment. Sweep the drapes up and down. Be sure to get into the pleats, if applicable.

2. Remove the drapes from the rod. Remove any hooks or pins that may be securing the drapes into place.

3. Fill your bathtub with cool water. Add a capful of gentle laundry detergent such as Woolite.

4. Place the drapes into the bathtub. Gently swish the drapes around in the bathtub to wash them. Avoid rubbing the fabric too hard or rubbing the fabric against itself or you risk damaging it.

5. Squeeze out the excess water from the drapes. Wring out the drapes only lightly; squeezing too hard on the fabric may result in damage or the drapes becoming misshapen.

6. Hang the drapes to dry. It is best to hang them over the bathtub to dry as a lot of water will likely fall off. If the tag on the drapes indicates that they can be dried, place them in the dryer on the "low-heat" or "fluff" setting. If you have a clothesline, hang the drapes outside to dry, making sure they are not drying in direct sunlight.

7. Iron the drapes, if necessary. Washing drapes may cause them to become wrinkled and light ironing may be necessary, particularly if the drapes are pleated.

Drape Cleaners Melbourne

Monday, October 3, 2011

How to Clean with Alka-Seltzer

Which are the strangest cleaning supplies you've heard of? My surprise was big when I found out that I can clean several things in my house using beer or vodka, but it was even bigger when I was told Alka-Seltzer is another great cleaning solution. Do you want to know how to clean with it?

Alka-Seltzer can be used to clean the toilet bowl almost as good as the domestic cleaners London services would. Some of its ingredients will make it sparkling after a rinse. Dissolve 4 tablets in small amount of water and pour in the bowl so that to cover the whole area. Leave the solution there for at least 60 minutes and then use a brush to scrub.

Another thing to use the effervescent antacid for is your jewellery. Put one tablet in a glass of water and the jewellery in the end. This way you will return its shiny look, but do not use this method for pearls.

Alka-Seltzer can be also used to remove stains from glasses or vases where you have stored water for long time. All you have to do is to soak the stain, filling the glass with water and dissolving two tablets of the antacid. If there is a stain on your tiles in the kitchen, you can use the same solution for floor cleaning as well.

How to clean curtains

1. Take down your curtains and inspect the back side of the fabric for signs of sun-rotting by stretching and feeling. If the curtains are sun-rotted, there�s no point cleaning them, they need to be replaced.

2. Wash unlined curtains according to the instructions provided on the label.

3. Have lined curtains professionally dry-cleaned to prevent possibly ruining them.

4. Wash large curtains in your bathtub to prevent possible damage to your washing machine.

5. Boil rusty curtain rings in vinegar to rediscover their shine. Rub soap on old curtain rods to make them run smoothly again.

6. Toss your curtains into a dryer for a quick job. Add fabric softener to an air-dry setting and you've got fresh-smelling curtains in half an hour.

Curtain Cleaners Melbourne

Easy Floor Cleaning Guide

You have dreamed of clean hard surface flooring for a long time? Now is the time to achieve the result you want to. Just check our short cleaning guide which is going to make your tasks easier to handle, and you can clean the floor in only three steps.

Step 1 is to remove any dust and debris left on the floor from your shoes. The best way to do this is using a vacuum cleaner or if you don't have one, you can do it using a broom. The bad thing about this tool is that you may skip some of the dust and the particles scattered around the room, while the vacuum machine won't and that makes it important part of the easy cleaning guide. It is not a coincidence that the professional floor cleaning services prefer the second one.

Step 2 is to find the best cleaning product for your home. You probably have already tried several but if it is not useful enough for the type of floor you have, you'd better keep looking. Together with the cleaner you need also a mop. We recommend you to pick up one with microfibre pad to avoid streaks.

Step 3 in the floor cleaning guide is important. You have to dry the floor otherwise someone may walk around and all the dust from their shoes is going to turn into mud. If you hire floor cleaning services they won't let you inside until the floor is dry so use a clean microfibre cloth and wipe.