Friday, September 30, 2011

3 Smart Time Savers for Kitchen Cleaning

Kitchen is the room, where housewives spend few hours a day, cooking meals for their families. However, usually, during the cooking process different stains and spills appear on the kitchen surfaces. And this is the reason why housewives spend another few hours, cleaning the premises. And what is the conclusion? You spend about 1/8 of the day in the kitchen? How ridiculous is this, isn't it?!

There are many housewives calling cleaners London for an advice how to speed the cleaning process of their kitchens. Well, actually this is possible and the only thing you need to know is which cleaning methods can save you time. Here, you will find 3 smart time savers that you can apply to your everyday kitchen cleaning in order to speed the process. 

1. Let the dishwasher to work over the night. This way, you will be able to collect all dirty dishes you used throughout the day, on one hand. On the other, you will save money from your electricity bill, too. You can also teach your children to put their dirty dishes in the dishwasher, after dinner. This way, you will save time gathering dirty dishes from different rooms.

2. You can save much time as you clean the inside of your microwave, at the end of the day.

3. Professional London cleaners advise to clean the kitchen surfaces right away when you are ready with the cooking process. Also, you can leave your dishwasher open, while you are preparing the meals. This way, you will be able to put all the cookware in the dishwasher immediately after using it. 

How to Spot Clean Your Carpet Cheaply

Even the worst stains can be successfully removed from your carpet with a cleaning machine you have rented or purchased. Just turn on the machine, run it over the stain and your carpet will be clean as new again. However, these machines can be quite expensive and you may not want to spend that much money just to remove a tiny spot on your carpet. Fortunately, a variety of household products can help you to deal with unwanted spots, all you need is some patience.

  1. Absorb any stain-causing liquid from the carpet using a clean cloth to blot the stain. Make sure to pick up any large particles with the cloth first, advised by carpet cleaning professionals.
  2. Make a cleaning paste by mixing equal parts of baking soda and white vinegar. Don't worry if the paste feels grainy after it has been mixed.
  3. Spread the paste over the stained area, then use a spray bottle to spray cool water on top of the paste. Scrub the mixture into the carpet using an old toothbrush.
  4. Wet the stained area with more water to rinse, and use a dry cloth to blot up the moisture. Make sure all the paste has been removed. If the stain persists, rub powdered oxygenated bleach into it using the toothbrush. Repeat until the stain is completely removed, then rinse and leave the carpet to dry naturally.
Keep in mind that oxygenated bleach is not suitable for some carpets, such as shag or heavy pile, as it can cause damage. Consult professional carpet cleaning company if you are not sure whether it is good to use oxygenated bleach on your carpet or not.

3 Strange Stain Removal Products

Most people have to deal with stain removal almost every day, especially those who have small children or pets. I am sure that you have heard of many products that can help you handle the spills. But here are several of the strangest stain removing products, that you have never thought of.

Did you know that you can use milk to deal with the spots on your coloured clothes? This is a tip I was told by my domestic cleaners London. All you have to do is to put the damaged shirt or pants in a basin full of milk. Do that in the evening and wash the cloth on the next day, using laundry detergent.

Another strange product that can help you remove stains is the hair spray. You can successfully use it to clean ink stains from your clothes, but you have to act fast. Spray immediately the spot and put the shirt in the laundry. This way you can easily tell good buy to the unpleasant spots.

If you don't have any hair spray at home, you can use toothpaste. I doubt there isn't any in the bathroom, so just apply it on the ink stain and rub. You can use it to clean lipstick as well, but you may need to repeat the procedure several times because after the first one the cloth will probably be slightly coloured. After all, ask your domestic cleaners London to help you, if you feel uncertain about using these products or just take your clothes to the dry cleaner.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Funny Cleaning the House Quotes

When you think about something that bothers you, so do your best to calm yourself with some quotes about the life and the problems that it brings to us. Now, I will try to make you feel better although the great amount of household chores you have to do. Let's look at some funny cleaning quotes.

�Housework is something you do that nobody notices until you don't do it.� (Author Unknown). That author probably had no idea how right he was. The truth is that not a member of your family notices that you clean almost everyday. May be they don't notice even the domestic cleanerwho visits you now and then. But just try not to wipe the dust for several days. Believe me they will notice that. May be after that your husband will appreciate more your efforts.

I have never heard the saying that �our house is clean enough to be healthy, and dirty enough to be happy� (Author Unknown), and in fact, if you think about it, you will realize that this is true. It is not healthy to live in dirty home, but would you be happy to live in perfectly clean house, where you are afraid to touch anything.

�The trouble with living alone is that it's always your turn to do the dishes.� (Author Unknown) so, what the conclusion is? That you'd better finally get married, thus you can share the chores with your husband. Or if you already have family, you can try to spare the tasks between the members.

You can do something to make any household chore easier. Try to think about something pleasant while you are cleaning. Agatha Christie says: �The best time for planning a book is while you're doing the dishes.� This might work for you, only you can think about something different than a book that concerns you. But don't solve the problems in the office. Believe me, if the professional domestic cleaners think about their problems while they're doing their job, they would be very sad people.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Top 3 Dirtiest Kitchen Devices

Who likes dirty kitchen? May be your husband does but not you, am I right? That's why we will share three dirty kitchen devices with you that need to be cleaned regularly. And not only this, but we are going to tell you how to make them sparkle. Just keep on reading.

The microwave is one of the most frequently used devices and that is why it is one of the most dirtiest. Of course, your domestic cleaner probably clean it every month but this is not enough. Don't be afraid because it is very easy to clean it if you know how. Here is a great method to do it: just place a cup full of water in the microwave for several minutes, then wipe out the food, which the steam will loosen.

I am sure you open the fridge every day and this makes it also one of the frequently used devices. It is important for you to throw old and expired food away on time, otherwise it will start smelling. One of the best ways to clean the fridge is is using baking soda because of its abrasive form. It is also great odour removal but for really bad smelling fridges you can use vinegar. Remember to wipe off the shelves starting from the top and working down.

The oven is the third device that needs to be cleaned more regularly especially by those who use it every day. Here is a tip how to save time and money on cleaning it, instead of hiring professional cleaning services. When you use the oven, just spray it with oven cleaner and let it sit until the next day, when you have to use it again. Then before turning it on, you have to wipe it off. It is as easy as a child's play.

Monday, September 26, 2011

How to Get Black Grease Stains Out of a Carpet

The good look of a carpet benefits the entire room, and if a black grease stain appears in the middle of your carpet, it most certainly will ruin not only the appearance of the carpet but that of the room as well. Grease stains are hard to remove by nature and you will need proper measures to get them out of your carpet. Dish-washing liquid soap is able to remove grease stains from most carpets, and here are the instructions on how to use it properly.

  1. Pour 1 quart of water into a spray bottle and add 1 teaspoon of dish-washing liquid soap that doesn't contain bleach or lanolin. Close and shake the bottle to mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Absorb some of the grease by gently pressing paper towels over the stained area.
  3. Use the spray bottle to apply the soapy solution to the affected area and saturate the black grease stain.
  4. Leave the solution to sit on the carpet for two minutes in order to break down the grease.
  5. Rub the stain carefully with a cloth dampened in water as recommended by carpet cleaning Acton.
  6. Rinse the cloth when it gets dirty and continue blotting at the stained area with water.
  7. If the grease stain remains, repeat the process one more time and evaluate the result. If the stain is still there, consider using a commercial carpet stain remover which you can buy from most hardware stores. Follow the instructions on the cleaner's label to remove the grease stain. For nasty grease stains, you can hire professionals, such as carpet cleaning Acton, to ensure complete removal of the stain.

How to Get Rid of Deodorant Stains

Many people use deodorants and almost half of them have that common problem � how to deal with the stains they leave behind. So, here is a short guide with tips you can use to remove deodorant stains from different types of fabrics.

First, we have to divide the fabrics on washable and non-washable, because each of them needs to be treated in a different way. For an example, the washable fabrics such as Nylon and Acrylic can be treated with regular stain removal detergent and then laundered. Unfortunately, you cannot hire domestic cleaner for this task and if this method doesn't work, you can try remove it using white vinegar right after the cleaning detergent. You should rinse with water in the end.

The non-washable fabrics such as Fibreglass and Linen have to be cleaned in a different way in order not to ruin them. There are two ways to remove the deodorant stains from them: the first one is using rubbing alcohol, which should be applied on the fabric and left for several hours. Because the alcohol is going to evaporate quickly, you can soak an absorbent pad and leave it on the fabric. In case this is not helpful, mix water and ammonia and flush the damaged area. Then rinse with vinegar and clean water.
Be really careful because this may change the colour of the fabric. That's why you can ask for advice the domestic cleaner who visits your house now and then.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tips on Window Cleaning

It is important to clean your windows regularly to keep the good appearance of your home. A regular and proper window cleaning will make the task less time-consuming and bothersome. With the right materials and methods, you can clean all of the windows in your home with little effort.

Window Cleaners
Instead of using a commercial window cleaner, make your own by utilizing common household items. Homemade cleaners are safer than most commercial products that may contain harmful chemicals, and also they are much more cost-effective. Vinegar, for instance, cleans glass very effectively and prevents mold and bacteria growth. Mix one part of distilled white vinegar and one part of water in a spray bottle, then spray your windows with the mixture and wipe off. For more soiled windows and even for dried paint around the windowsills, use warmed vinegar in the bottle.
Newspaper doesn't leave lint behind, which makes it a very effective tool to wipe your windows. Use a balled up newspaper to wipe the cleaner off the windows. Another helpful tool used by many professional cleaning services providers is the squeegee. However, when using a squeegee to get windows dry, make sure to wipe excess water off the blade of the squeegee after each swipe down.
It is not a good idea to clean your windows when the sun is shining directly on the window as this will cause the cleaning solution to dry quickly, leaving unsightly streaks. Instead, clean your windows during night-time or wait for a cloudy day. When you are not able to handle the window cleaning on your own, consider using professional cleaning services to ensure the cleanliness of your windows.

Best Tips for Shiny Mirrors

Mirrors are important part of every house and they make such an impression to your guests as the windows do. That's why you want them to be clean and shiny all the time. Here are some of the best and most effective tips on how to meet the results in no time.

We guarantee that using these methods is safe for your mirrors as we have tried all of them. In fact this is how the professional domestic cleaners do their job. First, make a mixture of water and soap, but use warm water and not cold. Take a soft rag and wash the mirrors with the solution. In order to remove the residue left from the water, you can use no-scratch cleaner, which is not going to damage the surface you are cleaning.

After you wash the mirror with this solution, you can wipe it with a clean cloth to dry. People who prefer green cleaning can use vinegar instead of soap although the second one is not harmful. If you chose this way, you'd better use newspapers instead of rags because they will prevent any streaks.

Use glass cleaner in the end because it will protect your mirror from spots and dust. But your domestic cleaner will probably tell you that you should be careful using it as the larger amount can leave a lot of streaks.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How to Clean Grout on Tile Walls

Clean the grout on tile walls with common household products.
Tiled walls can add a great deal to the appearance of the home, but cleaning grout between the tiles can easily become a maddening chore. Since grout is a porous material composed of cement and water, dirt and other grime can easily infiltrate and make cleaning difficult. Although it can be time-consuming, cleaning the grout on tile walls can be a bit more straightforward with a few common household items.

Things You'll Need

         Clean cloth
         Baking soda
         Hydrogen peroxide
         White vinegar
         Coarse sponge or nylon brush
         Oxygen bleach


Preparing the Walls

1.       Apply the intended cleaning products to an inconspicuous area for the recommended period of time to test colourfastness. Because the cleansers used to clean the grout will inevitably come in contact with tile, this is a necessary step to prevent damaging tiles. If the colour or texture of the tiles is altered, do not use the product.
2.       Wipe over tiled walls with a clean, dry cloth to remove hair, oils, soap scum and other grime from the surface. This will allow cleaning products to more easily seep in to grout.
3.       Pour a generous amount of baking soda in a plastic mixing bowl. Using a fork or your hands, stir in just enough warm water to form a paste. Mix the ingredients in a bowl that will not be used for food preparation or storage.

Cleaning the Walls

1.       Apply the baking soda paste on the lines of the grout and allow it sit for approximately 10 minutes. If baking soda is not readily obtainable, spray concentrated hydrogen peroxide or distilled white vinegar on the grout and let stand for 10 minutes.
2.       Scour the grout lines with a coarse sponge or nylon brush.
3.       Rinse tile grout with clean, warm water to wash away grime and product residue.
4.       Apply the cleaning products as necessary if stains or a dirty appearance persist.

Tips & Warnings

      Combine equal parts powder oxygen bleach and water if baking soda, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide are not available. Stir the mixture until the bleach has completely dissolved and spray it on the wall. Saturate the grout lines and allow it to work for 30 minutes before scrubbing. Do not apply to coloured grout as it will remove the colour.
      Use a grout sealer and follow application instructions on the packaging. Sealing grout annually will prevent grime from settling in and makes cleaning much quicker and easier.
      Because it may be necessary to use a great deal of pressure, consider using a sponge to clean grout around ceramic tiles as they can be scratched easily.

Monday, September 19, 2011

How to Clean a Burnt Food in a Microwave

Things You'll Need

Food sometime gets burned in the microwave and can be difficult to clean. There are various products out there to clean the microwave, but all you really need are a few simple household supplies. Follow these steps to clean your burnt microwave--some are optional, depending on how bad the burning and smell are.

         Small, lidless microwavable bowl
         White vinegar
         Fabric softener
         Lemon juice
         Dish soap
         Kitchen cleaner
         Paper towels


1.       Wipe out the microwave of any loose crumbs with a cloth or sponge.
2.       Fill a small, lidless microwavable bowl with white vinegar. Dilute it with water or just use pure vinegar if the microwave needs a major cleaning.
3.       Place the bowl in the microwave and heat it on high power for 5 minutes.
4.       Allow the heated vinegar to sit in the microwave for 20 minutes, which will allow the steam to reach all parts of the inside of the microwave's surface and loosen the particles adhering to the surface.
5.       Wipe off the residue inside with water and a sponge.
6.       Spray fabric softener onto the wet area and allow it to sit for 5 to 10 minutes. This will clean the last of the residue that is left after the vinegar cleaning.
7.       Wipe off the fabric softener with water and a sponge.
8.       Repeat the vinegar steaming if necessary.
9.       Heat a bowl of water with a few tablespoons of lemon juice inside the microwave, if the vinegar smell lingers for too long or is too strong.
10.   Wash the tray in the sink with dish soap, dry and replace in the microwave.
11.   Spray the outside of the microwave with a kitchen cleaner and wipe with paper towels.

Tips & Warnings

      An alternative or addition to the vinegar method is baking soda and water with a sponge, which will raise the pH levels and create a basic solution that is a great cleaner.
      Be careful when boiling water or other liquids in the microwave; sometimes they can become superheated and explode.

The Easiest Way to Clean Your Car

Every housewife knows how to clean the kitchen, the oven or the bath tub. But what about the car? If I have to be honest, I will tell you that I hate this part, but still I have no choice and I have to clean my car now and then, when I want to save some money on professional cleaning. So, looking for the easiest way to deal with the job, I found the following tips.

First of all, you have to find the best place to park your car and most professional cleaning services recommend to park it in an area where there's no sun shining directly on the car. The reasons are two: because the sunlight can damage the paint and because you won't be able to make it wet as fast as the sun is going to make it dry.

Before you start cleaning, you can rinse the car using clean water to remove the dust. Then use a bucket to pour water and soap in it. Take a soft brush or cloth and soak it in the solution to wipe down the car with it. It would be better to divide the car into areas and clean them one by one. After you wipe with the soapy water, you can use a hose to rinse. The strong flow of the water will remove everything from the car's surface. You will be surprised that you handled this task as a professional domestic cleaner. And don't forget to use harder brush for the wheels.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

How to clean Food-Colouring Stains Off Tables

Brightly-coloured Easter eggs, pink-frosting roses on wedding cakes, and green-and-red Christmas cookies all share a common component: food colouring. These vivid dyes are easy to use in food decorating and crafts, but not easy to remove from countertops, fingers and clothing. Kids may not mind green-dyed fingers, but you have to work quickly to keep the dyes from ruining the kitchen table or a favourite shirt.

Things You'll Need

         Paper towels
         Old washcloths or hand towels
         White vinegar
         Baking soda
         Ammonia (optional)
         White toothpaste
         Old toothbrush


1.   Wash all spilled food colouring from countertops as soon as it spills to avoid staining. If stains occur, scrub the area with a little vinegar or ammonia on a damp cloth.

2.   For heavier stains, treat the stain with a paste of baking soda and water. Gently scrub with an old toothbrush. The abrasive mix may remove the stain but should not damage countertops. Plain white toothpaste is another mild abrasive; squeeze a small dab onto the stain and scour it with an old toothbrush.

3.   Thoroughly rinse the countertops after treating the stains.

House Cleaners Melbourne

Friday, September 16, 2011

How to Remove Blood Stains from a Carpet

The successful removing of blood from a carpet depends very much on the used methods and cleaning products. It is not recommended using solutions that are warm or hot when removing blood, as the protein in the blood causes these stains to adhere firmly to the fibers when exposed to heat, making it near impossible to remove the stain. The best way to deal with blood stains is to treat them with cleaning solutions that are cold. Cold liquids break down the bonds of the blood with the carpet fibers so they can be successfully removed.

  1. Press a towel against the blood stain, then lift it up and press again using a clean portion of the towel. Repeat the process until no more blood comes out. Carpet cleaning Clapham advises to use a white towel, so you can easily check whether it absorbs the blood, or not.
  2. Fill a bucket with a gallon of cold water, and add � cup of laundry detergent. Mix well and dip a clean towel into the detergent solution. Wring out the excess solution from the towel and gently rub the stain, working from the outer edges of the stain towards the inside.
  3. Blot with a dry towel and scrub some more, then inspect the stain. If the stain remains proceed with the next step, otherwise, allow the area to air dry.
  4. Apply a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to the remaining stain, and blot the blood stain with a towel until it is gone.
  5. Once the blood stain vanishes, turn on fan to blow on the damp area of the carpet to help drying, as suggested by carpet cleaning Clapham.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

How to clean and prevent Soap Scum from forming on your bathtub

1.       Wipe down walls and bathtubs after bathing. This will help prevent soap scum from forming. Soap residue mixing with water dries on the surface of the bathtub and forms soap scum. Keep the door or shower curtain partly open to promote air circulation and keep the bathtub dry.
2.       Cleanse your bathtub regularly. At least once a week thoroughly clean your bathtub with your usual bathroom and tub cleaner, preferably one designed to cut down on mildew and soap scum. Cleaning weekly will prevent soap scum from building up.
3.       Install a water softener. It is believed that soap mixing with hard water will generate more soap scum. A water softening system can help alleviate the formation of soap scum.
4.       Add a small amount of liquid dish soap to your bath. This is safe for your skin and reduces the formation of soap scum. Make sure you use dish soap and not dishwasher liquid detergent.
5.       Switch from using bar soap to a liquid soap. Bar soap contains talc, an ingredient which forms soap scum. Liquid soap does not contain talc.

Tips & Warnings
      Another item you can add to bath water to help prevent soap scum formation is Epsom salt.
      Applying car wax to the shower door and walls every six months helps to reduce the formation of soap scum.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to Clean a Paella Pan

Do you like the Spanish cuisine? One of my favourite Spanish meals is the Paella, which is a Valencian rise dish, one of the symbols of Valencia and the entire country. Nowadays, there are many different recipes, presenting the Paella, all over the world. Also, many people like preparing this delicious meal, by themselves, at home.

If you often cook Paella for dinner, then you probably have a special pan for the purpose. Most of these pans are made of carbon steel and are famous with its durability and heat conductivity. However, like all other types of pans, paella pans get dirty, too. Moreover, I guess, that you know how hard is to remove cooked rice from pans? Therefore, here, professional London cleaners will share with you how to clean your paella pan, quickly and effectively. 

1. You should cover the bottom of your paella pan with water. Then, allow the water to soak for a few hours, to soften the remaining food. Then, you should remove the water from the pan.

2. Take a damp, non-abrasive sponge with dish soap and remove all the remaining food from the paella pan. After that, you have to rinse the pan with hot water and wipe clean with a soft, clean cloth to remove all moisture. 

3. To finish the cleaning procedure, cleaners in London advise to cover the inside of the pan with a clean paper towel, dampened with some vegetable oil. Start rubbing the towel over the clean pan in order to avoid rust to appear on the surface.

Monday, September 12, 2011

How to Clean a Marble Bath

Marble baths are so beautiful and majestic that they make you feel like a princess when using them. I've always dreamed of having such a wonderful bath in my bathroom and my dream came true just a few months ago. Of course, I took as much time as necessary to research the best ways to clean and maintain a marble bath. I came across a number of cleaning recipes and methods, but those above are the best ones.

  1. The best way to keep your bathroom sparkling is daily maintenance. It'll take you just a few minutes to wipe down your bath with a towel after each use and prevent soap scum from building up and uglifying your marble bath. On a weekly basis, you need to clean your marble bath with a liquid soap or Ph. neutral detergent. Make sure that you rinse thoroughly and then buff dry, because water tends to leave stains on marble.
  2. House cleaning services recommend that you use a mixture of � cup of ammonia and 1 gallon of water to clean a marble bath. Use a soft sponge to apply the cleaning solution and scrub soap scum. Don't forget to put a pair of rubber gloves on your hands before getting down to cleaning with ammonia. However, once you've cleaned your marble bath, rinse thoroughly using the shower handset and then buff dry.
  3. There is another efficient method to clean a marble bath. Fill your marble bath with warm water and add 3 tablespoons of Ph neutral detergent and � cup of bleach. Use a soft brush to scrub all dirt and grime. Rinse well and buff dry. Home cleaning London advise to rinse the bath more than once to ensure that no dirt and bleach are left.

I hope that you pay close attention to the cleaning tips above and take care of your marble bath the best way. Marble baths deserve special care.

How to Remove Spilled Cola from a Carpet

Carpets bring additional beauty to a home as long as they are clean and smell well. However, there are many things like oil, blood and pet mess that can permanently stain a carpet if they are not cleaned up on time. Cola is another thing that can cause unpleasant stain on your carpet if not removed as soon as possible.
The things you will need to remove spilled cola from your carpet are: baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, water, plastic bowl and cloths. Here are the instructions recommended by carpet cleaning Holborn:
  1. Blot up the cola immediately from the carpet using a clean cloth or paper towels. Be careful not to spread the stain while blotting. Do not rub, as this can cause the cola seep further into the carpet fibers.
  2. Mix 2 parts of water and 1 part of baking soda in a plastic bowl. Stir well using a spoon. You can combine the ingredients in a plastic container as well, just seal the container and shake it to mix the ingredients.
  3. Dip a clean cloth in the cleaning solution and rub the carpet very gently until the cola stain vanishes.
  4. Use a dry towel to blot and dry the treated area.
  5. If the cola stain is still visible, try to remove it with hydrogen peroxide. Use the hydrogen peroxide the same way as you would with the baking soda solution.
Carpet cleaning Holborn recommends always to blot liquid stains instead of rubbing them to prevent the liquid from penetrating deeper into the carpet. For a heavily stained carpet, consider using professional help to restore the beauty of your carpet.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Occupation: Full Time Mommy

All of my friends always judge me for being too much of a full time mommy but  it is really hard to deal with kids on your own and  they hardly ever understand that. Why on my own, you may ask? Well, my husband passed out 3 years ago in a car accident and not that I enjoy being a widow or embrace life in solitude but I�m still not ready to commit to anyone else but my lovely 2 girls. So sometimes I realize that all I�m really living for now is them.

Unfortunately  adopting the profession of a full time mommy can be very tricky as it does not always allow you to have a personal life. In fact it never allows you to have any personal life. I love them , I really do but I often feel extremely exhausted as I�m doing night shifts as a nurse in St Anthony�s hospital in Wimbledon, then coming back home early in the morning and preparing breakfast. Then I have to drive them to school, then clean the mess in the house and do the laundry and by the time I�m done with that it is almost about time to take them back from school. So sleeping is not always something I�m getting enough of.

And no matter how hard I clean during the day it is always a disaster in the next morning again. I remember last month, for example, when we had to change our rental house as the owners were getting back from overseas I tried cleaning for a whole week � no result at all, it seemed like I never touched the kitchen and the bathroom.  And the carpets, oh my God the carpets, nothing was able to remove those stains  from crayons, food, mud etc.  So no matter how prejudices I am against cleaning companies I had to book a Move out cleaning with some local cleaners  and arrange for a carpet cleaning Wimbledon company to do the steam cleaning for me as well.  I was pleasantly surprised by the good job that they have done for me but unfortunately  I cannot afford their services every day but believe me I really need them.

But no matter how messy and loud they are and how clumsy and lazy they can be sometimes I adore my girls. And  at the end of the day when I put them in bed and they kiss me good night I know that I am a happy woman.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

How to Eliminate Odors from Carpet

Carpets have a great contribution to the comfort of a home, but they can also ruin that comfort by harbouring unpleasant odors. Odors attach to carpet fibers and can be sensible for long time if not treated. A new carpet can have unpleasant chemical smell, while an older one is susceptible to smells caused by stains and spills. Even that some odors tend to fade over time, removing them will make your home more pleasant.

  1. Cover the entire carpet with a layer of baking soda, and use a straw broom to push the baking soda into the fibers by brushing the carpet. Let the baking soda to sit on the carpet overnight to absorb the odors, and vacuum it up on the morning.
  2. For very smelly carpets, use a carpet shampooer. Follow the directions of the manufacturer to ensure that you have done a proper carpet cleaning. The machine will extract any stains trapped into the carpet fibers, which may cause the unpleasant odors.
  3. Make a solution of equal parts of water and white vinegar to neutralize the smell. Use a spray bottle to apply the solution to the carpet. Wait for the carpet to dry and re-apply the vinegar solution if necessary.
  4. Pour white vinegar into a plastic bowl, and place the bowl in the room where the carpet is installed. The vinegar will absorb the odors, although it may take some time (2-3 days).
  5. Ventilate your home by opening the windows and doors. Place a fan in the room to remove the odor effectively. If the odor remains, consider using professional carpet cleaning services to get rid of it.

How to Reduce Dust in Your House

Dust generated in your home is very dangerous for your family's health. It is the main cause of asthma and if you want to protect yourself and your kids, you'd better do your best to reduce the dust mites living around you. The first step you have to take is to find the best dusting strategy.

There is something very useful to know. When you remove the dust from the shelves, it would be better to use wet clothes and not feather dusters, because they only spread the small particles in the air. The microfibres are better solution to the problem because they actually attract the dust. When you have to clean surfaces that are hard to wipe, you can use the vacuum machine.

Make the rotation of the bedding a regular house cleaning chore. This is the only way to reduce the dust attacking its source. You spend a lot of time in your bed (well, most of you) and that's why there are a lot of skin flakes and small fibre particles. The best way to deal with them is to change the sheets once or even twice a week.

The main source of the dust in every house is the carpet. Its regular cleaning is also important in this case, so don't hesitate to use the vacuum machine again. The small rugs can be beaten outdoors at least once every week. London house cleaning services are also able to help in case you need some.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

3 Ways to Save Money on Cleaning

It is not a secret that we live in hard time and most people do their best to save money on everything they can. So, there is another idea. We will share with you several ways to save money on cleaning and we guarantee that you will be surprised how helpful this could be.

The easiest way to cut your expenses is using cheaper products. You can do that, if you just stop using concentrated products and use the standard ones. They are cheaper and work great no matter what part of the house you have to clean. Of course, there are stains that can make you hire house cleaning services after all.

You can save money on cleaning using home-made products, which you can do by yourself. One of the cleaning solutions that can be easily made is the glass cleaner. All you need is water and vinegar, but if you have to clean really dirty windows, you can add dish-washing liquid in order to make the detergent stronger.

Another way to cut expenses is using home-made wet wipes. Not that they are very expensive, but if you make mental calculations how many packages of wet wipes you use per month, you will see that you spend a lot of money for them after all. So, you can use your own clothes sprayed with some mild detergent. And still do not save on professional services and if you can afford it, hire any of the London house cleaning companies twice a year to make sure that you protect your family's health.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

How to Make a Natural Window Cleaner

Natural window cleaners have been used by generations as an inexpensive, non-toxic and effective way to clean windows. These cleaners are safe to use around pets, children and people with allergies or asthma. Use your homemade natural window cleaner to make your windows shiny without polluting the environment.

Instead of using professional cleaning services to clean your windows, here are some free tips how to do it yourself with a homemade eco-friendly window cleaner.
  1. Pour 1 cup of white vinegar into a 1-gallon jug, and fill up with water. The jug could be from anything as long as it is clean. A 1-gallon milk jug works well. Use a funnel to avoid spilling vinegar out of the jug.

  2. Cap the jug and shake it to mix the vinegar and water thoroughly.

  3. Get a clean empty spray bottle and fill it with the mixture. Use a funnel to pour the natural window solution from the jug into the spray bottle.

  4. Close the spray bottle with its sprayer top. Use the natural window cleaner as you would do with any commercial window cleaner.

  5. Return any remaining solution from the spray bottle into the jug, and store it for later use. Make sure to cap the jug properly.

You can use old sheets of newspaper instead of paper towels to wipe your windows. This is a good way to recycle old paper, and avoid any lint left behind on the windows after you finish wiping.
Using professional cleaning services is a good idea if you don't have time to clean your windows on your own. There are many good cleaning companies that provide window cleaning on affordable prices, so you should not have troubles on finding one that suits your budget and needs.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Natural vs Chemical Water Stain Removers

Many natural and chemical agents can act as a water stain remover and could be effective against iron, calcium and other deposits left on solid surfaces. You should select carefully these removers, however, because the fabric involved might cause damage to more delicate surfaces. This possibility goes with the acidic cleaners, but also applies to some natural agents like vinegar.

Water stains on fabrics are usually caused by the displacing of finishing agents used in garments. Water displaces the agents and causes them to create rings on the surface of the material. To remove water stains from fabrics such as Acrylic Fabric, Acetate, Fiberglass, Linen, Cotton, Carpet (wool or synthetic), Olefin, Rayon, Nylon, Polyester, Spandex, Wool, Silk or Triacetate, moisten the whole area with water and let it dry. You can also remove water stains by putting the area up to the steam of a kettle at boiling. The garment can be pressed while it is still moist as long as the material is safe for ironing.

Water stains on silver can be eliminated with hot and soapy water. Use a soft and clean cloth to rinse and dry right away after cleaning.

With wood, proceed with rubbing non-gel toothpaste directly on the stain. Remove the toothpaste with a clean cloth afterwards. You can also cover the stain with a clean cloth and press an iron over the cloth to get rid of the water stain from the wood.

To remove water stains on stone surfaces such as granite, masonry, limestone and concrete, mix washing detergent and water. Scrub the water stain using a brush or cloth. Rinse well and allow it to dry afterwards.

To get rid of water stains from household surfaces such as Aluminium, Copper, Porcelain or Vinyl and make them fantastic clean, add a small amount of white vinegar to warm water. Immerse a sponge or cloth in the mixture and use it to wipe the stain. Rinse it properly and allow it to dry.

End of tenancy cleaning companies provide services down to the smallest details.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

How to Easily Remove Wallpaper

To put a wallpaper on the wall is not such a big deal, but to remove it can be really hard. So, if you have an old wallpaper in your house, which you want to get rid of, then this post is just for you, because we will reveal several tips on how to easily remove it.

If you are lucky and your wallpaper is one of those that can be stripped, then you probably won't have to get a cleaner to help you. In this case, you need a sharp knife to separate the wallpaper from the wall, then just pull it down very carefully. These coverings usually don't leave any adhesive on the wall and your job can be done in only several minutes.

There is another kind of wallpapers which are washable. They can be easily removed with water and you only have to score it using a scraper. But sometimes, there is a surprise when you see an older one underneath. It is usually harder to remove, so you can think of using professional steam wallpaper stripper.

Here is another way to easily deal with the wall covering and it is by using softener for fabrics. Mix one cap of the softener in one litre of water and apply the solution to the wallpaper. After half an hour, you can start pulling down the paper. And still, if you think you can't handle the situation, you can get a cleaner right away to help you.