Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Unfamiliar Uses of an Upright Vacuum Cleaner

Most people tend to use their vacuum cleaners on default setting with the idea that this status is ideal or at least acceptable for all circumstances. There is a multitude of other settings that will help you clean thoroughly your living space or office.

Professional London cleaners would always adjust the depth. It means that the best way to find the best depth for the carpet you are cleaning is to switch the beater brush onto the highest depth setting and listen as you make adjustments. Lower it down until you hear it start beating against the carpet. Many people falsely believe that if they set it to the lowest depth they will get a deeper clean. However, what actually happens is the belt gets more wear and tear than needed and wears out prematurely as your carpet gets an unneeded beating, leaving it worn looking sooner.

Another notable feature is the extension tool. If you are trying to get at the baseboard, the angled extender is ideal for this. It has just the right shape to pick up the dust and debris that the hose alone is unable to get.

Don't forget to change the air filters to prevent dust mites from being blown right back into the air through the fan system. The motor belt also requires change for a better performance.

Do not over-stuff your bag, change it as soon as it reached the full line, not when it �looks� full.

London cleaning professionals always recommend cleaning your own machine. It may seem redundant, but with all of the dust mites and mould your vacuum comes into contact with, it is very important to keep it clean. Not only will this make your machine more effective, but it will also keep odours non-existence or to a minimum.

Cleaning an Oven Glass with Baking Soda

Oven cleaning has always been the hardest chore to me as I've tried many cleaning products and methods to get rid of baked-on food set on my oven glass with no result. Have you ever blindly followed the advice of your family and friends? I did it more than once, but finally I decided to look for the opinion of people who really have any oven cleaning experience and know what really works. I wasn't disappointed. I found baking soda.
Baking soda tends to be one of the most efficient oven cleaners according to Oven Cleaners London. I know that it sound strange (I thought the same at first), but you need to try this cleaning wonder and then you'll believe it.

  1. If you have some baking soda in your kitchen, take it out of the cabinet. If you don't have any baking soda, purchase a package of it from the local store. Once you have some baking soda at hand, pour about � cup of baking soda into a dish and slowly add water till you make a thick paste. Ensure that the paste isn't too thick, because you'll spread it over the oven glass.

  2. To clean the oven glass, you need need to apply the baking soda mixture on the dirty areas.

  3. Let the paste sit for 15 minutes. If you haven't cleaned your oven glass for many months and it's got really dirty, you'd better set your times for 20 minutes so that the baking soda will have some extra time to work.

  4. When 15 minutes expire, get a damp cloth to wipe off all baking soda and dirt. You may be amazed how easy it is to clean an oven glass. The final result will change your point of view when it comes to cleaning with natural products.

4 simple steps and your oven glass sparkle as if it's brand new. If you want to try something different, you can contact oven cleaning services London and ask for advice.

Baking soda is a wonderful natural products that you can use even in your laundry read more.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

3 Smart Ways to Use Cotton Balls

The cotton balls are something very useful. You can remove the polish from your nails or you can even use them for games with your children. Well, we are going to share with you different smart ways to use them when you have to deal with the domestic chores.

There is one way to make your room smell better using the soft cotton balls. You can do that while dealing with one of the common house cleaning tasks � the vacuuming. Just soak a ball in your favourite perfume and put it in the bag of the vacuum machine. This way the pleasant odour will be spread around the room.

Believe it or not, the cotton balls may help you deal with mould once and for always. The places, which are hard to reach such as the corners, are no longer mission impossible. Take cotton balls and put them on these places, then pour bleach on them to get very wet. Do not remove them before several hours to pass and you will see the result after that.

The refrigerator is one of the devices in the kitchen that happens to smell bad. Using baking soda will help you to remove the unpleasant odour but it is not going to make the fridge smell nice. Well, the cotton balls can make it, if you soak them in vanilla and leave them in the fridge for the night or even longer. Prepare yourself to explain to your guests and even to your domestic cleaning services how you achieve these results.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Clean Your Computer Like a Pro

How often do you clean your computer? Not much, right? But if you want it to work properly, you have to clean it at least once a month otherwise the dust that builds up will cause damages and your computer will stop working sooner that it should. Here are several ways to clean it as if it was cleaned by a professional.

Using wet wipes is really effective and more specifically baby wet wipes, because they have normal pH. Before you wipe the keyboard, you can turn it upside down and shake it to let the small particles fall. Then use the wipes to get rid of any any dried spills and stains from the keys. Your cleaning services would give you an advice to shut down the computer in advance.

Another great product that will do a great job and will help you clean your computer like a pro is the vinegar. Make a solution, mixing water and vinegar and use a clean cloth to remove the dust collected over your keyboard. It is important to remember not to spray the mixture to the surface because you will definitely ruin something.

It may sound strange to you that many house cleaning services use glass cleaner in order to clean a computer because of the alcohol it contains. You can also use a clean cloth to wipe and then never sprays. Do not use it to clean the screen either otherwise, this may be the last usage of your computer.

Friday, August 26, 2011

How to Live with Pets and Clean the House

The environment friendly house cleaning is essential today. The situation gets complicated, however, if you have pets. There are some specific household chores which are related to pets' behaviour and natural habits. Here are some ideas of keeping your house clean and enjoy your furry friends without worrying about their hassles and games.

Most of the following tips are centred on cats and dogs. The important thing when home owners have pets of this kind is to always potty train them. It reduces the need to frequently be on the alert for accidents and will minimize the need of constant house cleaning.

No matter how well trained a house dog may be there are sure to be accidents when it is not feeling well or may have loose bowel movement. Excrements, urine and even vomit may be present when a dog is not feeling well. The vet should be consulted when this happens. House cleaning when there are excrements or urine needs to be done immediately to make sure that any lingering smell is taken care of. If the doctor has diagnosed some sickness, it is best to immediately scrub away at the accident area. Tiles, stone and other hardy floor materials can withstand bleach but wood and carpeting may not be able to do so. Some soap may do the trick with wood floors while carpeting may need to be professionally cleaned.

Pets that are allowed in the house and on the furniture will most assuredly leave some of their fur on it or on the floor. The best way to deal with fur or hair on the furniture is to pick it up with those rolls of lint pickers that have a sticky side which is rolled unto the furniture to pick up the fur or stray hair. Giving the cat or dog some dietary supplement to make its fur healthier may also help to minimize the amount of fur it is shedding. It is also a good house cleaning idea to brush the pet daily to remove hair or fur that may be on the verge of shedding.

London cleaning services offer the best methods of cleaning the consequences of you pets' behaviour.

Top 3 Quick Cleaning Tasks

Imagine these two situations. The first one is when you don't clean your house for a month and then you have to clean it thoroughly. How long it will take you to do it? And how long will be the cleaning if you do a small quick cleaning task every day and there is less to take care of in the end of the month.

If you think for a while, you will find out that the second option is the better one. You can try and make an effort to deal with some small chores every day to see how you are going to ease your thorough house cleaning. For a start, you can try to wash the dishes after every meal or at least in the evening.

Once a day, when you go out for a walk or when you leave for work, take the trash bags with you. The garbage smells bad and if it stays inside for longer, you may have big problems with the bad odours later.

Dust is really annoying and it causes allergies. In order to avoid that you can dust every day at least the rooms with biggest traffic such as the living room and the bedroom. For an example, you can use the ten minutes break you have while waiting for your turn for the bathroom. If you deal with these quick cleaning tasks every day, you will definitely have to pay the professional cleaning services less.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

House Cleaning Tips on How to Clean Ceramic Floors

Cleaning floors is not the most pleasurable house cleaning task that you have to deal with, but it is one of the most important ones. Floor cleaning depends on what type your floors are and includes different methods and techniques for different surfaces. For instance, if you made a renovation in your home and you have new ceramic floors, do you know how to keep them clean?! If this is the reason why you are reading this article then do not stop doing this, you will find the answer of your questions in the lines below.

House cleaning is a complex process, including various cleaning tasks, deserving different cares and attention. Floors are these fundamental parts of our homes that can change the whole appearance of the place. Therefore, it is really important to maintain them well. On the other hand, floors are such a heaven for all kinds of bacteria, grime, germs and dirt. So, if you do not clean your floors regularly, you not only could ruin the whole appearance of your domestic interior, but also to get some serious disease. Therefore, here are some tips how to clean ceramic floors, in order to create a fresh and healthy home environment. 

1. It is very important to sweep your ceramic floors, regularly. This way, you will decrease the amount of dirt, collecting on your floors.

2. Actually, the cleaning of your ceramic tiles will not take you much efforts and time. Professional cleaners in London claim that the only things you need for the job are a bucket, full of a solution, of some mild detergent and warm water, and a mop. However, do not forget to read the manufacturer's labels first, before using any cleaning product. 

Effective Ways to Use Bleach

Although the bleach is very dangerous, it is still one of the most effective cleaning products in the stores. The reason is that bleach can help you get rid of some of the most stubborn and unpleasant problems. Instead of claiming how harmful it can be, we decided to help you find out the effective ways to use it without threatening your health.

There isn't any other better way to get rid of the mould which settles between the tiles in your bathroom. Mix one part water and one part bleach and you will have the perfect solution for mould removal. You can add bleach in the laundry, too but only if you wash white cloth. The professional cleaning services recommend that you should be really careful because the cloth made of silk can be damaged as well as your hands if you are not wearing gloves.

Another usage of the bleach is as disinfectant because it kills any kind of bacteria. So you can use it to disinfect the trash can because it is the main source of germs in your house. The toilet bowl, which is also one of the dirtiest things can also be cleaned with bleach. There is one thing to remember though. Do not mix bleach, toilet cleaner and vinegar. The result can be really harmful for your health, because of the gasses received from the mixture. Only the professionals know how to use this kind of solution in the house cleaning process.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Easiest Way to Deal with Carpet Stains

The carpet is important part of the home's interior and most people prefer to have one at least in their living room. Unfortunately, carpet in the house means more stains and problems to deal with. That's why we decided to try to find the easiest way to deal with stains. Of course, it has to be effective, too.

There is something important, you have to remember when dealing with spills on the carpet. And it is that you should never rub, but blot any type of liquid, which was spilled. Blotting you will take the liquid out of the fires, while rubbing, you will help the liquid to soak into it. Every house cleaning service knows that and I am sure that they tell all their clients to be careful.

When it comes to the hardest part and more precisely to the stain removal, you have two options. The first one is using hydrogen peroxide. Apply on the carpet with a clean cloth and dab, then rinse with cold water and vacuum. The second option is using shaving cream. Its bubbles will get deep into the carpet and will help the dirt come out.

Which one is the easier way to remove a stain, it is up to you to decide. But it is definitely the cheapest one as you don't have to spend money on expensive cleaning products. Otherwise, we recommend that you'd better hire house cleaning London services.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cheap Ways to Clean he Bathroom

How do you proceed when it is time to clean the bathroom? Are you sick of expensive chemical products which only leave stains and don't fulfil your expectations? If you are, you can read the following tips in order to learn better techniques and methods, you can use to clean the bathroom.

The tub is one of the things in your bathroom, which is hard to be cleaned. In order to make it easier, the professional cleaning services recommend that you have to use products that contain phosphoric acid. This way you don't have to scrub at all, because it removes the lime scale almost immediately. You can use it for the shower, too. Add lemon oil to protect them from build ups in future.

In case there is mildew on the shower, mix bleach and water in a spray bottle and apply on the affected areas. Bleach is the best way to get rid of mould and mildew, but it is dangerous and you should keep your children and pets away.

The shower curtains are another thing in your bathroom that get covered with mould. You can deal with it using white vinegar instead of bleach as it is more eco-friendly and harmless. Wash them carefully and if you have to, you can repeat the procedure. Cleaning the bathroom is important part of the house cleaning process, so try to do it at least once a week.

Clean Home, Healthy Home

Have you ever wondered where do all allergies and diseases we catch come from? Even if you don't go out, you still get ill? What is the reason?

Well, most of the diseases and allergies are caused by dirt particles and dust mites. The furniture in our homes, especially the carpets and sofas, acuumulate a lot of dust and dirt. When we walk part of these particles is pushed back in the air. We breathe them in and that is where respiratory problems come from. When these same particles fell on our skin, they irritate it and we end up with allergies.

It all starts with an innocent sneeze, but may have a fatal ending. That is why we should not underestimate and ignore the house cleaning process.

Moreover, if we have small children, we should provide them with the best and healthiest environment. Kids love to crawl on the floor, so it better be clean. Otherwise, your children may suffer some serious health issues.

My advice and the advice of professional cleaning companies is to clean your home thoroughly as often as possible, but to vacuum and dust every day. It is not that hard and time-consuming to use the vacuum cleaner once a day, so do not avoid it. It will save you lots of nerves in future.

Another thing you can do to avoid health issues and to keep your place clean is to stop walking with your shoes inside. Take them off when you enter and leave them in the hallway. It will be even better if you put a door mat on the front door. It will absorb part of the dirt from your shoes.

House cleaning is annoying but it is also important for healthy living. We have to clean our homes regularly if we want to avouid health problems.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Top 3 Green Cleaning Recipes

Do you want to protect the health of your children? If you want to provide an eco-friendly environment for your family, you can take an advantage of the most useful green cleaning recipes. And in order to make it even easier, we picked up the three most reliable and tested methods. Let's look at them.

Of course, the best way to maintain your home in perfect order and dust free, is to hire professional domestic cleaners to deal with every aspect of the cleaning, including the small details you can miss. But we believe you can handle the hard domestic chores, using these home-made cleaners.

Cleaning the Floor: Mix two parts water and one part vinegar and use the solution to wash the floor. You can add a drop of essential oil and thus to make the room smell pleasant through the day.

All Purpose Cleaner: Make a solution of two cups of water and a teaspoon washing soda (remember not baking but washing soda, it is a small difference). Then add 1 or 2 drops of soap and shake well.

Cleaning the Windows: You need almost the same ingredients, only you have to exchange the washing soda for 3 tablespoons of white vinegar. Pour the mixture in spray bottle and your window cleaner is ready to use.

We don't claim that the commercial products offered in the different stores are less useful. But if you want to protect your family's health and to cut the chemical products, you can try these recipes. This is how many house cleaning services deal with the process using more eco-friendly products.

Friday, August 19, 2011

What Makes Carpet Cleaning So Important?

Recently, I started thinking about the different types of cleaning. I was wondering which one is the most important and should be done more regularly than the others. Considering several facts I tried to find out what makes the carpet cleaning so important. And here it is.

The maintenance of the rugs in your home, according to me, is significant because of several reasons. Well, if you ask a cleaning house London company, they will tell you that the other services are not less important but I want to focus on the carpets. The main reason for you to take care of the flooring is your family's health. A dirty carpet leads to different allergies caused by the dust and debris collected within the fibres. The proper cleaning once or twice a week will reduce the risk of health problems.

Second and not less important is the look of your carpet and your house as a whole. Imagine you cleaned your house from top to bottom except for the carpet. Not only that the dust and dirt collected there will spread around, but the shabby carpet is going to make your house look bad, because it is important part of a home's interior.

So, if you want to have healthy environment for your kids and good-looking house at the same time, you have to take care of it. Do you know what I found out? I realized that every part of the place is significant and there is no such thing as the most important type of cleaning, because house cleaning as a whole is important.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Best Cleaning Tips for the Kitchen

As the kitchen is the place where we store our food, this makes it one of the most important rooms in the house. That's why it has to be perfectly maintained and cleaned. And in order to do that, you need to know the best cleaning tips and tricks. Here they are.

The surface where you put the food should be germ free and spotless. You can achieve this result using a mixture made of water and ammonia. Spray the counter-tops with it to disinfect them and to remove the unwanted stains. This solution is used by many professional domestic cleaners and they can assure you that it really works.

The bad odour that the food leaves is another unpleasant thing in the kitchen. You can deal with it using baking soda and vinegar because they are great odour removals. But if you want to make the room smell nice, you can soak a cotton ball in vanilla and leave it somewhere in the kitchen where it will be out of the reach of your children.

A lemon and half cup of salt are the products you can use to make the sink white again. Sprinkle its surface with them and then scrub. If you have free time to wait and let it sit this way for several minutes, the result will be even better. That's what the experienced domestic cleaning services say.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Clean Smarter, Not Harder

Although cleaning is a hard process, everyone should do it. It is essential for normal and healthy living.

Most people think that house cleaning is pretty annoying and time-consuming and they are not far away from the truth. Of course, it doesn't have to be like that. Everyone can make a cleaning routine, so to ease his job and make it more pleasant. The idea to clean smarter, not harder can be very easily accomplished by following a simple plan.

When speaking of house cleaning, I do not mean that the whole house has to be cleaned in one day. A simple week cleaning schedule will make the task a lot easier. Here is what I mean:

  • As you always have to start from the upper part of every room, remove the cobwebs and dust the furniture on Monday. If you want you can also polish the wooden furniture with some essential oils.

  • Vacuum the carpets and clean the upholstery furniture on Tuesday.

  • Sweap and wipe the tile floors in your place on Wednesday.

  • Clean the windows on Thursday.

  • Clean the bathroom on Friday.

  • If you want to have a break from domestic chores during the whole weekend do the laundry on some of the week days. It can be easily combined with other chores.

  • Never leave dirty dishes in the sink, as they start smelling bad and attract insects.

  • Clean the stove and the oven every time you finish cooking. They are a lot easier to be cleaned while they are still warm.

This is just an example of a house cleaning schedule. Everyone can make his own plan. Just do not forget to clean smarter, not harder.

Friday, August 12, 2011

How to Remove Coffee Stains

Coffee stains are one of the most annihilating stains that could occur on carpets or other soft furniture fabrics. A coffee stain can be very tough to remove and on top of that it looks awful on any surface. Fortunately, if you act quickly with proper action to the stain, you can successfully get rid of the coffee stain.

  1. Use paper towels or a soft clean towel to blot the stain lightly. Do not rub the stain, but dab at it to avoid spreading it further over the carpet. Make sure to soak up as much coffee from the carpet as possible.

  2. Treat the stain after blotting with a commercial stain remover or a solution that you've made.

  3. To make your own cleaning solution, St John's Wood cleaners suggest you to mix together two tablespoons of white vinegar and a quart of warm water. Pour the solution onto the stain, and wait for the coffee to begin lifting by itself.

  4. Blot at the stained area gently with a dry white towel or a stack of paper towels, and reapply the cleaning solution. Remember to not rub, as this could push the stain deeper into the carpet fibers. Do the whole process until the stain is removed.

Always treat a coffee stain as soon as you can since any delay will only make coffee stain removal harder than actual it is. Make sure to consult a professional cleaning company, such as carpet cleaning St John's Wood, if your carpet have been stained and you don't know how to proceed.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Make Your Own Carpet Cleaner

There are two good reasons to use your own carpet cleaner instead of commercial one. The first is that you will save money as the ingredients you need to make your own carpet cleaning solution are far less expensive than the commercial cleaners. And second, you will preserve the non-toxic environment of your home since the ingredients included in the solution are natural and free of chemicals.

It is really not hard to make your own carpet cleaner, just follow these instructions recommended by carpet cleaning Clapham team to get you carpet clean!
  1. Pour a half gallon of water into a bucket, then add a half cup of distilled white vinegar and a quarter cup of baking soda to the water. Use a wooden spoon to mix the ingredients together. A paste-like solution should be formed if you done everything properly.

  2. Dip a scrub brush into the solution, and begin applying the mixture to the entire carpet by starting at the far end of the room and making your way to the doorway. Rub harder on any stains, but not so much to damage your carpet.

  3. Let the solution dry on the carpet, then vacuum it up. Your carpet should now be clean and fresh smelling with no remaining residue from your cleaner.

You can use ammonia instead of white vinegar when making the solution, but be aware that the ammonia has strong odor that you may not bear. Carpet cleaning Clapham recommends testing the solution on a hidden area before applying it to the entire carpet to make sure it won't cause discolouration.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Brick Walls Cleaning

How hard cleaning of a brick wall could actually be. Well if you don't have any idea how to proceed, it's pain. Of course, it depends on what you need to remove from the brick, many cleaners in Melbourne could help you with such issues as well, but before that you have to be sure that there is nothing more that you can do about it.
For instance, did you know that before you apply any cleaner on a brick you have to saturate it first. Why do you need that? Well, if you apply the cleaner directly onto the brick it will be absorbed by it. Then, you will get mortar smear or white scum. When mixing different chemical solutions be careful, if you make one strong chemical solution, it may etch the joints or even worse � expose the sand in the mortar, which leads to bigger problems. It could also discolour parts of the brick. This is what is called acid burn. Another thing, you should bare in mind, is that you have to protect the windows, the frames and the door when cleaning the brick. Most of the cleaners that clean bricks have corrosive effect on metal surfaces.

You don't have to be specialist in mixing and using different cleaners on bricks or be a mason, for example. With the help of a little bit know how you can get any stains off your brick wall really easy. Cleaning have many variations, the brick wall is only one of them. For some you may consider using professional help. Different type of services are there on the market awaiting for your call. Spring cleaning, vacate cleaning Melbourne is a place where a lot is offered and a lot can be found.

Let's Clean London after the Riot

You probably have already heard of the latest events in the United Kingdom's capital. What happens there is really disturbing and we all hope that it will be over soon. Now, days after the beginning of these riots, London is in such condition that it is going to need a lot of cleaning. Let's see what the London people do.

The good news is that there are a lot of people eager to help. This morning on the streets of the capital, you could see hundreds of volunteers ready to start cleaning their city. All of them had brooms and bin-bags in order to pick up the trash that were left after the riots.

Great contribution to the event gave Facebook and Twitter, which are the main social networks that participate in the organization of the cleaning. Instead of hiring professional cleaning services, people grab their brooms and went out on the street to sweep the broken glass. The man that created the groups in the social networks is 21 years old and he said he couldn't watch his home town in this condition, that's why he decided to take actions and to organize everyone who wants to help.

What these people do in London is something we should take as a model. They show us how every society should behave when such events occur. I am sure that they can turn the dirty streets into fantastic clean ones.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How to Get Nasty Stains Out of Your Carpet

An accidentally spilled coffee, or a mud trace left behind from kids running in and out will leave a nasty stain on your carpet, and a dirty carpet most surely will make a bad impression to anyone who see it.
However, before going for professional help, such as carpet cleaning Clapham offers, try the steps below to clean your carpet by using common household items and save yourself money.
  1. Before using any harsh cleaning products on an old or new stubborn stain, try a simple solution of equal parts white vinegar and water.

  2. Once you have prepared the solution, dip a sponge into it and begin rubbing the stain gently until the solution soaks into the carpet. Do not over soak the carpet to avoid future mould problems.

  3. While rubbing you will see how the stain slowly vanish and cling to the sponge.

  4. If the diluted vinegar doesn't work, mix 5 teaspoons of Borax, � cup of white vinegar and 5 teaspoons of salt into a bowl.

  5. Stir the ingredients until a pasty consistency is formed, then spread the paste over the stain on your carpet using your fingers and leave it for overnight.

  6. Use a dull butter knife to break down the dried paste at the morning, then vacuum the carpet.

The stains most surely will be gone and your carpet clean again. However, if you are looking for a thorough carpet cleaning, you'd better hire carpet cleaning Clapham team to ensure that the entire carpet is properly cleaned.

Monday, August 8, 2011

How to Choose the Right Oven Cleaning Company

Oven cleaning is not only one of the most dreaded chores within household, but it is also one of the most postponed one. Unfortunately, a few people realise how important it is to maintain an oven clean. However, hiring a professional oven cleaning company periodically is a wise decision for those who don't have time to clean their oven regularly.

Using oven cleaning services will save you a lot of time and efforts. The professional oven cleaners will check and clean unreachable parts and areas inside your oven and eliminate the risk of fire. It's recommended that you use oven cleaning services once or twice a year, depending on how often you use your oven.

Of course, choosing the right oven cleaning London company is a responsible task that shouldn't be underestimated. So how to choose the right oven cleaning company?
  1. Ask your family, friends and co-workers whether they can recommend you a trust-worthy oven cleaning company that they have hired before.

  2. If you have chosen a company, but you're not completely sure that it's the best one for you, you'd better ask for references from other clients and contact them.

  3. Ensure that the oven cleaning London company provides insurance to cover your oven and property against any damages.

  4. Ask the company to send you a chechlist they use when cleaning ovens. This will help you to ensure that the company offers high-quality services.

  5. Although it's not necessary for oven cleaning company to provide an inspection certificate after cleaning your oven, it can make it easier for you to choose a company.

These 5 tips will help you find the right oven cleaning company that will take care of your oven the best way.

Best Tips on Cleaning Wood Furniture

I have never seen a house without a piece of wood furniture, which means that there is a table made of wood in almost every home and it is one of the things that need regular cleaning. We know how hard it is to clean such type of furniture, that's why we will give you several useful tips on how to clean it.

A major problem for the house owners is to remove water marks. Of course, you can hire domestic cleaners for the job, but isn't it easier to deal with them by yourself? The best way to deal with these stains is when they are fresh because all you need in this case is a soft cloth. If you happen to notice the spot later, then you can use oil-based furniture polish. Do not run to the store to buy one in case you don't have any. There is another cheaper way to remove the water mark and it is with mayonnaise. Apply it directly on the mark and leave it for couple of hours, then wipe out. Toothpaste and baking soda could be as useful as the mayonnaise so it is up to you to choose.

The scratches left on your wood furniture are also really unpleasant, but they can be removed or actually we can hide them. Take your children's crayons and choose the right colour. Melt it and apply on the scratched area. Your domestic cleaning services can give you even more tips on how to remove these ugly lines from your wood furniture.

Friday, August 5, 2011

How to Remove Pasta Sauce from the Floor

Having family to dinner, parents and kids all round the table, can sometimes drive you out of your mind. Kids running around, mother-in-law offering help that only leads to creating more work for you, preparation of the family dinner just gets harder and harder. You know the situation, don�t you? So you know how frustrating it is.

Yet I managed to prepare all the dishes and even the kids were quiet, which was unusual. When my husband asked me for a second plate of penne rigate, which I had made myself, I went to the kitchen. But on the way back I slipped on my son�s toy police car and fell over. I was OK, but there was a big stain on the carpet! So naturally I had to deal with clearing up the mess on the carpet.

If you still have all your faculties in this situation, take a deep breath and start carpet cleaning the stain as soon as it appears. Remove the pasta and scoop the sauce up from the flor. Now sprinkle the stain with some cornflakes and a 1/1 quantity of baking soda and salt. First apply the white mixture, then the crushed cornflakes. Let is sit for while until most of the sauce is absorbed. Don�t be frightened about the tomatoes causing a stain � the real problem is that the sauce contains vegetable oil. Gather up the crushed cornflakes and sweep up  the excess salt and soda mixture.

Now make a cleaning solution of white wine vinegar with a few spoons of mild washing-up liquid and a few cups of water. Apply to the stain and scrub, rinse with warm water, then blot with kitchen paper. Continue with the cleaning until the spot is completely removed. 

If you have spilled pasta sauce on your furniture, do the upholstery cleaning with the method mentioned for the carpet.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

How to Remove Sticky Goo from Carpet

Some food and drinks spills can leave a sticky goo on your carpet. Stains such as syrup, honey and jelly bind the carpet fibers together and get difficult to remove. Fortunately, there a few common household items that will help you to get the sticky goo out of your carpet.

The things you will need are a spoon, a small container, liquid dish soap, ammonia and cloths.
  1. Scoop up the excess sticky goo from the carpet using a spoon or a dull butter knife.
  2. Pour 2 cups of warm water and 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap that is free of bleach into a small container. Use a spoon to stir the mixture thoroughly.
  3. Dip a cloth into the solution, and squeeze out the excess liquid. Dab at the sticky goo with the slightly wet cloth.
  4. Keep blotting until the goo vanishes. If you weren't able to remove the sticky goo with the soapy solution, proceed with the remaining steps.
  5. Mix together � cup of warm water and 1 tablespoon of ammonia in a clean container. Dampen a clean cloth with the ammonia solution, and blot the carpet. Carpet cleaning Clapham team advises to work from the outer edge of the sticky goo towards the centre.
  6. After the sticky goo is completely removed, blot the treated area with a clean cloth moistened with cool water to rinse the carpet.
  7. Wait for the area to dry completely before allowing anyone to walk on it.
Do not mix ammonia with bleach as this will create hazardous fumes. If the stains doesn't come out with regular methods, consider using carpet cleaning Clapham services to get rid of the sticky goo.

Remove the Cigarette Odour

There is nothing more unpleasant that the odour of cigarettes when one enters a room. If you want to have fresh smelling house and satisfied guests, you can do your best to remove this unpleasant smell, which settles in the upholstery.

The first thing you have to do is to decide how serious the situation is. It depends on the fact how often you have smokers in your home. If a smoker lives there and smokes everyday, then the odour is stronger and it will be harder for you to remove it. Your domestic cleaner will tell you that it is not enough to put only air fresheners, because the upholstery has absorbed great amount of smoke, which will continue spreading in the air.

So, you have to start with the sofa and the curtains first. The best and most effective way is to wash them, using vinegar and lemon juice but if you can't, then use commercial odour removals. If you want to prevent the smell from spreading again, you have to wash the ashtrays regularly. It helps a lot to put some baking soda on the bottom of each ashtray.

When everything in the room was cleaned thoroughly, put some air fresheners or use aroma candles, which can be lightened every time when someone smokes in the room. Get a cleaner to help you, in case you find the situation too hard to deal with.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Summer Stains Cleaning Guide

With the hotter temperatures during summer people search ways either to cool themselves down, or avoid the unpleasant sweat smell, or consume more light and liquid foods. This, of course, means that the list of the sources different stains gets expanded. Stains caused by ice-creams, antiperspirant cosmetics and different kinds of drinks are a normal thing during the summer, and, luckily, most of them are easier to remove than other stains

Ice-cream stains are the most common stains for the hotter months of the year. In order to get rid of such stain you should act the minute it occurs. Of course, this is not always possible, especially if the stain occurs outside of your home. But, still, the least you can do is to treat the stain with cold water, and clean it later when you are already home. Camden cleaners claim that pre-treating the stain with a stain remover, then letting it soak in water, and eventually machine wash it, should be enough to get rid of ice-cream the stain.

The antiperspirant stains are very unpleasant sight, but they are quite common. Wearing a shirt for no more than 30 minutes can be enough for the white marks to appear on the garment's sleeves. You can remove these stains by prewashing them with stain remover. After that just launder the fabric with the hottest water that can be used for this textile. Camden cleaners recommend to use enzyme detergents or oxygen bleach for best result.

These are just of the two most common stains that can grace your clothes during the summer season, but stick around and visit the blog regularly to learn ways on how to remove other �summer stains�.

Monday, August 1, 2011

How to Make Your Own Vacuum Filter

It does not matter how good your vacuum cleaner is if its vacuum filter does not work properly. If this essential part is damaged or it is not good enough, all the dust and allergens it collects will be spread again into the room.

Actually, vacuum filters have a very important job, because they gather and trap all bacteria, germs and dirt that can cause different diseases and allergic reactions. Another function of vacuum filters is to keep the inside of the vacuum cleaner clean. Therefore, if you want to make your own vacuum filter, you can follow the advice of London cleaning professionals, which you will find in the lines below.
You will need: a sponge, a pair of scissors and a cheesecloth

1. First thing to do is to cut the sponge and make it fit on the place of the second filter, which you will find where the air exhaust is. You have to give a little pull to the small tab to open the louvred door. Then, you have to take out the filter. You need to take the measures of the area in order to make your own filter. So, you can put the sponge on the place of the filter. Then, take the scissors and cut this part of the sponge, which is out of the hole to completely fit on the filter compartment. Close the louvred door. Using this handmade filter, you will be able to use your vacuum cleaner for a while, until you buy a new filter.

2. Another convenient way to make your vacuum cleaner to trap microbes, without letting them back to your home environment is by using cheesecloth. London cleaners advise to wrap the cheesecloth around the filter. Then, just attach the cloth with some rubber bands to stay. Use your vacuum cleaner as usual, until you buy a new filter.