Monday, March 28, 2011

How to Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

If you think for a while, you will realize how many dangerous solutions we use in our everyday life. Especially the cleaning supplies, we use are not eco-friendly at all. So, we recommend you to make some changes in order to live in a healthier home.

The first thing you have to do is to throw away every single bottle with cleaning detergents which says: �Warning� or �Caution�. Not only that they are dangerous for you but they also can ruin your rug, if you use them for carpet cleaning. So, you can just get rid of them.

The next essential thing is to learn how to make your own cleaning supplies with natural products. The three most useful ingredients are baking soda, vinegar and lemon because they clean everything without exceptions. The lemon juice is great odour removal as well as the baking soda, and the vinegar deals with greasy spots without a problem.

Changing the cleaning products is not the only way to make your home more eco-friendly. It is also really helpful to grow plants. This way you will turn your house into a wonderful green place. Plants can refresh your air and provide a lot of oxygen. This is something that air fresheners from the store cannot do.

The last thing that many carpet cleaning London services would recommend you is to buy a broom. Use the vacuum cleaner twice a week and sweep during the rest of the time.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Professional Window Cleaning Tips

When the time to move out of your old apartment comes, you will probably think about everything else except cleaning. But before you move out, you should take care about every part of the house including the windows.

That's why the end of tenancy cleaning London services give us some useful window cleaning tips to help us when we move out. First of all, you should use the right tools, otherwise there won't be any difference between now and then. Use professional squeegees, soaps and applicators and pay attention if they are clean enough because dirty applicator can leave dirt behind.

Remember that it is wrong to wash the windows in direct sunlight and you have to hold the squeegee at the right angle so the water to run down the glass. After every stroke, it is good to wipe the blade otherwise it will leave wet marks on the window. Another important fact you should know is that it is recommended to use a lot of water when you wash the window with the scrubber. When you are done with the squeegee, it would be good if you wipe the window edge to remove any water marks or spots.

Unfortunately, when you move there are many more things to be cleaned and not only the windows. So, if you find it hard to do it by yourself you can always call the professional move out cleaning London services.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Thorough Cleaning for Your New Home

  It is spring time. The season which marks the beginning of something new. May be that's why we love this season, because we expect something new and exciting. The spring is a great time to move from one place to another.

  It doesn't matter if you change the country or the town. In both cases you need to think about move in cleaning in advance because you probably do not want to live in a dirty new home where some other people used to live. I can assure you that you will not feel relaxed before cleaning thoroughly the house from top to bottom.

  There isn't any better way to take care about your place except hiring professional services. They will make your house look like a new one without any trace of the previous tenants or owners. It is good to know that there is no dirt on the carpet and under the furniture. It is really important to make sure that your new home is dust-free, especially if you have an allergy or asthma.
  The professional pre tenancy cleaning London companies recommend you to check every small spot in the house and have a peace of mind when unpacking your stuff. Call the nearest cleaning service and make your new home perfect.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Clean the Carpet at the End of Your Tenancy

  When the time to move out comes, we think mainly how to get the security deposit back. That's why every tenant hires end of tenancy cleaning service but we rarely remember to ask them if they offer carpet cleaning as well. And the carpet is important part of the house which makes a big impression.

  If the move out cleaning company you hired does not provide this type of service, then you will probably have to call carpet cleaning company to deal with it. Before you do that, it is good to know what are the different methods for cleaning a rug.

  The most popular has always been the steam cleaning because of the usage of steam and no chemicals. Most people consider it the best type of carpet cleaning and the healthiest but it also has its disadvantages. A carpet cleaned this way needs at least a day to get dry.

  Another option is the foam method where a foaming shampoo is applied into the carpet to absorb the dirt. After it gets dry, the foam and the soil are vacuumed. Very useful type of cleaning is the dry cleaning although it is not chemical free. The advantage it has is that there is no water used and no residue left which prevents the growth of mould.

  As you can see there are many different ways to clean a carpet. Remember that hiring carpet cleaning service is as important as hiring move out cleaning London
company at the end of your tenancy.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cleaning Recipes for Your Moving Out Cleaning

  If you have finally decided to leave your old apartment and move into a new one, then you will definitely have to think about cleaning. Do not forget that this is something you need to think about earlier because if you leave it for the last moment you can have some problems.

  We are used to do the cleaning by ourselves but moving out from an apartment is stressful enough so the idea of hiring end of tenancy cleaning doesn't look bad at all. Anyway, if you insist to handle this tough task by yourself, here are some useful cleaning recipes.

  Tile cleaner � Mix 3 tablespoons liquid soap with half cup baking soda. Scrub tiles using a sponge and rinse.

  Oven cleaner � Mix baking soda and hot water. It will become a paste which you can sponge onto the stain.

  Floor cleaner � Pour half cup vinegar into 1 gallon hot water and add 1 tablespoon liquid soap. Clean the floor with the solution.

  Refrigerator freshener � This is the easiest recipe ever. All you need to do is leave an open box of baking soda in the fridge. Put it there in the evening and there won't be any bad odours in the morning.

  Drain cleaner � In case the drain needs cleaning just pour � cup baking soda into it and half cup vinegar after that. Close the drain for a while to spot fizzing and pour 2 quarts of boiling water.

  These eco-friendly recipes will help you handle the move out cleaning at the end of your tenancy.