Monday, March 11, 2013

Gold Jewelry And How To Take Care Of It

Gold gives a touch of elegance and distinct beauty to jewelry. The beauty of the golden jewelry comes at a big price but gold is not that hard to maintain. Some simple tricks and regular cleaning can help you avoid grime, body lotions, oil and cosmetics residue. Gold is easy to clean and it doesn't require special treatment. You can quickly restore its shine by following the steps below. Gather all the necessary materials and products and let's start cleaning!

You will need:
  • Toothbrush with soft bristles
  • A small bowl with warm water
  • Liquid dish soap
  • Soft cloth
  • A special cloth for polishing jewelry ( can be found in most of the specialized jewelry shops )
How to clean your jewelry:
For cleaning your gold jewelry, it's best to use this cleaning solution provided by Cleaners Mitcham. It's a simple mixture of 1 part ammonia with 5 parts warm water. It can make miracles with cleaning gold and it's perfectly harmless. Fill the bowl with this cleaning solution and place the jewelry in the bowl. Leave it to soak for about a minute and remember not to leave your jewelry in the solution for too long. Rinse the jewelry with lukewarm water and wipe the water with a soft towel.
Cleaning stubborn oily residue from body lotions and cosmetics:
Sometimes warm water and mild detergents can't help enough with cleaning stubborn grime. Jewelry with gems and beautiful ornaments is harder to clean and requires more time and efforts, and specific care. Soak the jewelry in a solution of ammonia and water as explained above and rinse it thoroughly. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles to gently brush off the grime buildup. For the tight areas, you can also use cotton swabs. Soak the top of the cotton swab in mild dish detergent and clean the ornaments with it.
Thing you have to know:
Don't immerse the jewelry in the cleaning solution, if there are gemstones on your jewelry. They are usually glued to the jewelry and soaking the glue in a cleaning solution can only dissolve the glue and destroy the beauty of your jewelry.
Gold is a metal that can be bruised easily. Don't store your gold jewelry in the same place where you place your other jewelry. Get a box or a case especially for storing your gold jewelry. Such jewelry cases are not expensive at all and they can save the beauty of your gold jewelry for a long time.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Clean After Your Pet

Muddy paws on the freshly cleaned carpet, fur flying all around the house and sticking to the upholstery, pet food all around the kitchen floor, long forgotten toys stuck under the sofa, damaged upholstery and torn wallpapers - those are some of the few things that we have to cope with when we have a pet at home. The situation worsens when we live in a big house and there are more things to be damaged and rooms to be cleaned. Having a pet at home can be as painful as it is a joy and those who have a dog, cat or other pet at home definitely understand me. Last time I got home after work, my lovely doggy, which is only few months old, had torn the wallpapers and literally eaten my shoes. Yes, he is such an adorable puppy, but he sure knows how to damage my apartment. So I decided to share with you guys how I cope with cleaning after my pets every day.
A lot of people have dogs these days and have encountered the same problems as mine. When a dog is bored, scared or even over excited it tends to eat all the stuff that is around him, like my god did with my shoes. Cats are amazing at making your house dirty, too. If they are not trained properly, they will pee wherever they like and it smells really bad. Birds seem like a good choice by the fact that they are trapped in that cage almost all of the time, but did you ever wondered how dirty that cage is and how bad it could smell. When the smell is all around you, you eventually stop sensing it, but your friends and neighbors definitely do. Cleaners Melbourne recommend that you use only non-toxic 
What's the trick?
So, really, what's the trick? How do I reduce my daily cleaning? What can I do about my pet destroying the house? The answer is simple! You have to regularly clean your house, in order to be able to maintain it clean for a long time. Brushing your pet will reduce the loosen fur that is sticking to the upholstery. Regularly mopping the floor and refreshing the carpet are not that difficult, but it can help a lot. Like you, your pet needs its own place, too. The simplest thing you can do is to get an old blanket, collect all the toys of your pet and place them where it's easier for you to clean. Tiles or hardwood floor are easier to clean than carpet. When it's warm, get the cage of your bird on the balcony. It's easier to clean the balcony and your bird will be happy to breathe some fresh air.

In conclusion, the most important thing that you have to do to keep your house clean is to maintain it clean and look after your pet's needs. After all, if your dog had a nice walk and a good meal, he won't think that much about taring your furniture apart.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

How to Clean Your CDs

There was a time when the CDs were the most commonly used tool to transfer information fast and easy from one computer to another. The need of space for more information continues to rise and soon the CDs won't be needed any more. But most of us still have huge discographies and shelves filled with CDs and DVDs. There is so much information that is nearly impossible to transfer and restore, just because we didn't know how to take care of our CDs. In this article I'll show you some tips on how to keep your CDs clean and safe.

You will need:

  • a soft cloth
  • a microfiber cloth
  • baby shampoo
  • distilled water
  • alcohol
First thing's first:

First of all you need to clean the dust. Start by cleaning the CD's cases. There is probably a lot of dust and dirt that you haven't thought about cleaning. Leaving the clean CDs in a dirty case won't be the best idea. So grab a clean cloth and wipe off the dust from the case. Use cotton swabs to remove the dirt from the edges of the case. Now you can move on to cleaning the CDs. 

Cleaning the CD:

You have to be very careful not to touch the surface of the CD while you clean it. Fingermarks and grease can make a big mess, so make sure you hold the CD the right way. Insert your thumb in the CD's hole and place your fingers on the CD's edge. Cleaning won't be that hard, if you know the right way to do it. Wipe off the dust from the CD with a microfiber cloth. The fabric is very soft and is best to use a microfiber cloth when you clean sensitive surfaces.

Cleaning greasy and sticky spots:

This can be a bit tricky. Professional cleaning services Melbourne gave us a great advice for removing grease from a CD. You probably never thought baby shampoo can solve the problems with the sticky fingermarks, but it's really an amazing helper. Mix two or three drops of baby shampoo with a bit of lukewarm distilled water and a wipe off the sticky spots with a clean cloth. Your can use alcohol to remove stubborn greasy spots on your CDs, but never use petroleum-based solvent like acetone. It will destroy you CD and all the information on it.

How to fix the scratches:

To check if the scratches on your CD are repairable, hold you CD up to a light. If no light comes trough the scratches, you can try fixing them. Use furniture polish. Apply only few drops and wipe the polish off after a couple of minutes. Hopefully it will fix the scratches and make the CD readable.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hotel Rooms Carpet Cleaning Tips

Carpets are widely used in hotels and motels. However because of the many people that visit the rooms and the different hygienic habits, hotel owners need to take extra care for the carpets in the guest rooms. As an owner you cannot afford any stains on the carpets as the guests will expect clean rooms and if they believe the rooms are not clean enough you may lose your customers. 
Carpet cleaning in hotels and motels is more difficult and tricky than the carpet cleaning at home. If you need to clean the carpets at your house, in most of the cases you will know the source that created the stains. It is totally different in hotels, as many of the guests will enter the rooms with their shoes and you may need to clean the stains after a longer period of time. We have prepared for you some tips to help you keep the carpets clean and fresh and attract more customers.

How to Clean Hotel Room Carpets

To ensure the carpets stay in good condition, you need to clean them every day during the stay of the guests in the room. However this could be a problem because some guests could decline daily cleaning of the rooms. This is not a problem for short visits, but if the guest stays longer, you may ask them to clean the room at least every few days. Vacuum the carpets thoroughly every day when the rooms are occupied and the guests allow daily cleaning. If the room was not used for a longer period, we would also recommend vacuuming the carpets to remove the dust before the visitors arrive.

You may find it useful to invest some money and buy steam cleaners to help you maintain well the carpets in the hotels rooms. If you notice some stains on the carpet, use the steam cleaner and appropriate cleaning solutions to immediately remove the stains and clean the carpet.

As the hotel carpet pick up a lot of odours, you may buy cleaning solutions that also deodorise the carpets. Use special commercial products that neutralise the unpleasant odours and products that will leave a nice fragrance.

As the daily vacuuming and removing of stains will not be enough to keep the carpets clean and fresh, you will also need professional carpet cleaning services to help you maintain the carpets in great condition.

Friday, February 8, 2013

How to Clean and Maintain Leather

Having a something made from leather is great, in my opinion every woman must have a set of leather clothes jacket, boots, bag, gloves, pants and some accessories. The same applies for men, of there is something expensive you have let it be leather, because unlike other clothes and furniture it will last. Oh I almost forgot, buy a leather sofa, you wont regret it. But let me get this straight, I'm talking about real high quality leather, which you wouldn't want to buy because of the price.

Why Real Leather?

This is the real thing, and it's worth every pence, because if you know how to treat leather it will most certainly outlast you. I once lead a friend of mine to a leather shop, she wanted to buy a wallet for her husband. We looked around and she wanted to go, because the prices were too high, but I talked her out of it and she finally decided to buy something. I still remember the look on her face when the salesman told her the guarantee was a hundred years.
It is true and this is the reason why people who understand, purchase leather stuff. But it is not just to buy the first leather sofa you come across, there are so many different types of leather you won't believe. And the treatment is no the same, for example you can' clean suede with a saddle soap or you can't wet split leather, because you'll damage it. There are many examples and before you decide to buy anything made from leather do some research.

If you want the high quality prepare to invest a significant amount, and make sure to ask what kind of cleaners and conditioners you should use. If you're not convinced ask a friend who understands a thing or two about leather. If you want to be absolutely sure contact a cleaning company which deals with leather. Just in case I'll give you some basic guidance on what to look for and what to avoid. There are also some homemade recipes which work splendidly, I'll tell you about them too.

How to Choose a Leather Cleaner?

I don't recommend you look for a cleaning solution in the supermarket, go to a specialized leather shop, there you will find qualified staff and receive valuable information. Do not purchase universal cleaner, look for the type of furniture or clothes you have. Look carefully at the label and avoid volatile organic compounds. Before you start any cleaning procedure at home it is a good idea to open the windows to let the fresh air in and wipe dust with a damp cloth, to ease the cleaning process.

Other important thins is to test the cleaner on an inconspicuous area first. If you're dealing with a sofa, remember to clean the backside of the pillows too. And don't forget the conditioning, leather is a breathing material that can be dried by the sun, so every year you should apply a conditioner. If you see stain try rubbing some toothpaste it works for me. If you don't want to risk your investment contact professional cleaning company offering leather maintenance.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How to clean pinch pleated drapes

1. Vacuum the drapes with the brush attachment of your vacuum. Start at the top and work your way across and down. You can remove the drapes to clean them, if necessary. You should use a step ladder if you can't reach the top. Vacuum between each pleat to remove any dust.

2. Fill a cup or container with 1 tbsp. of mild dish detergent and add 1 cup of hot water.

3. Dip a damp sponge into the suds only, and wipe any dirty spots on the drapes using gentle pressure. Use more suds if necessary.

4. Rinse the sponge thoroughly to remove any detergent residue, and wring it out.

5. Wipe the soapy areas of the drapes with the sponge to remove any residue.

6. Blot the wet areas of the drapes with a cloth to remove any excess moisture, and allow the drapes to air dry.

Spring cleaning